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Everything posted by diana

  1. Morgan won the comp (YAY), so she now has a (long)shot at winning. But, at least she's in there with the final 3. I didn't watch all of the comp but it appeared to be very physical with a ton of running, and of course questions to answer. Justin was gasping and wheezing throughout. I'll vote for Morgan and hope some LNJ fans have soured on Jason with all his shit-talking against Justin the last few days. I've read that 2nd place gets 25K, so at least there's that for Morgan if she doesn't win (Kryssie had better not get close to 2nd).
  2. I want to be out, but as usual I feel the need to see it through to the bitter end. I caught Shelby's exit and it was slightly entertaining that she told them about graduating law school. It wasn't as dramatic as I'd hoped. But Justin/Jason seemed impressed. Of course, it did not surprise Kryssie one bit. Morgan told them about the sister twist. They can all converse civilized if they want to. We will see how long they can all fake this.
  3. The only place I recall him saying it on camera is in the confessional LanceM posted above. But, that was an extra video, not on the show.
  4. I would hope they can get home for Thanksgiving. That would be awful to be stuck in some hotel. Have the houseguests talked about what BB is planning for Thanksgiving? That will also suck and be seriously awkward for everyone left (mostly for Shelby/Morgan) to be stuck celebrating with those people.
  5. This must've been a seriously boring weekend with no updates in over 24 hours on here... I attempted to watch some but cannot handle even a few minutes of Jason and Kryssie. The belching alone is enough for me to turn it off. I know via reddit they had some pretty vile things to say about Shelby and Jason especially is getting to Evel Dick levels. It's pretty gross. With that said, I cannot wait for Monday's Veto and would love nothing more than a Shelby/Morgan win. Anything else and the season is pretty much done for me.
  6. Via reddit, here is a video showing how Shelby's mirror appears faulty:
  7. Actually the episode starts at 8pm Eastern time with the first eviction at 9pm. Oddly enough, this creates problems for East coast Survivor viewers, but the shows are not that great to me anyway so I'll be watching Survivor. The rest I don't really know but am speculating that as an East coast viewer, the next eviction will be on too late for me. They really need to do a better job of informing people of the schedule.
  8. Aww I really enjoyed that reveal. I'm happy they can at least be a little happy even though they're all screwed. If anyone wants to watch, here is the time stamp (from reddit). 1:45PM BBT and 1:53PM BBT Cam 1/2
  9. Ahh, now I get it. Thanks. So there's only a 2 day window. I put mine to vote out Neeley. I don't get to watch much feeds, but watching that video of her utter outrage at the BSers' celebration and then doing the same thing was enough. Scott is not great either but I believe this will help the BSers and I want to see them win.
  10. I've seen reference to casting 40 votes a few times. I thought the daily limit was 20. Am I missing something or do you just have 2 accounts?
  11. That is what's not working for me at all this season -- everything is on way too late. Also, trying to flashback or watch "full episodes" on my iPad rarely works. The app sucks for me. Even on the computer it doesn't always work properly. Other than that, I am enjoying some of the feeds and some of the people. It helps that they don't let them nap. But I also feel kind of bad for them -- such long days. At least they try to entertain themselves. It will be nice when the showmance is broken up. I wonder how the "ratings" are going for this OTT season. Not nearly as much interest on here, but other sites seem to be really into it. I'm trying, but it's really annoying that the schedule is not at all east coast friendly.
  12. I'm getting to watch very little feeds and know next to nothing, but I'm really liking the Shelby/Morgan talk. Shelby especially, she doesn't want a "Brigade" boys thing, no 2 guys at the end. They want it to be girls at the end. I hope this goes somewhere for once. Neither of them can stand Danielle. I haven't seen Danielle yet on the feeds, but she sounds annoying. So I'm assuming no one knows yet about the sisters. I haven't even been able to see all of night one's entrances, specifically when Alex "met" Morgan. Flashback is not working for me.
  13. Interesting choices they have for most and least favorite houseguests. I don't hate a lot of their answers. Are these people potentially all fans? Or at least somewhat familiar with the show. I guess we'll find out later if Jason or Jozea was added.
  14. That was kind of weird. Was he doing it on purpose? Anyway, he mentioned meet 'n greets. Do they really have these and do people actually go? Because I literally forget about these people a month later. They talked about this before having some kind of sports themed meet n greets at games throughout the year and whatnot. I guess it's probably just your typical HG grandiose expectations that never come true.
  15. It appears the entire cbs.com site is down. I can't even go to the main page. The app is not working either. Damn it. The rare occasion when the feeds might actually be semi-interesting and it's down.
  16. Doesn't the fact that they are showing it after the show confirm it's endurance though? I too want to see the returning player suffer and put it all out there to get back. Watching BBAD was at least slightly entertaining seeing Victor's desperate attempts to stay. I almost turned it off though when first thing I get is Corey saying they'll need to "gang bang" through these next comps or some such. Nice guy. I really hope Vic's plan works.
  17. Definitely not. She doesn't have a dimpled chin, for one.
  18. So if someone like Paul wins the Care Package and also the HOH but Corey is in second for voting, you think Corey would get the co-HOH? That would be really unfair (not that BB cares). The whole thing was obviously not thought through by BB, but I'd think if you win the Care Pkg and HOH, you should get both (even if it is null and void). Then your "prize" is at least you are then blocking anyone else from messing up your HOH.
  19. From what I saw (admittedly not very much), she says it has happened before and she'll be fine soon. I have had something similar -- extremely painful and immobile, but then fine after a day or 2. I was cringing though watching her awkwardly propping her neck on a pillow during BBAD. As for knowing it's not Q&A, what will it most likely be, and why no Q&A?
  20. I would love to see them rip their envelopes open since all but Paulie's and Corey's are null and void at this point anyway. BUT, I'm guessing if anyone has that bright idea, Production will probably nix it pretty quick. I'm not so sure about that. I believe Nicole mentioned sometime yesterday to Corey that the next HOH will probably be something easy like questions. Reason being is that they will all be in their costumes (I assume they will be?). They wouldn't make them do a physical comp dressed up, would they?
  21. How do some people have feeds?! Still Jeff for me. I even logged out and in.
  22. I'm surprised DaVonne still doesn't truly know what's going to happen. I guess it's only a matter of time. Watching a couple hours ago, I see Michelle and Bridgette were chatting for awhile in the kitchen, even with Michelle apologizing for her jealousy. Progress! Assuming this is all sincere on her part. Though still not likely they will work together, unfortunately.
  23. Michelle: "I'm nice to you sometimes!" That line still cracks me up.
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