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  1. Ok first things first, I loved this show coming back in whatever form I could get it. And for the most part, I loved the movie. But, I did have some issues. 1} we totally did not get a scene with Lito explaining the whole sensate thing. I think Hernando would have a hard time wrapping his head around it. I felt a bit cheated by that. 2) had a hard time buying that Rajan would be up for a threesome, especially with another guy. Damn woman gets to have her cake and eat it too. And is it wrong that I was okay with her dying. And in the future, I can see Wolfgang and Rajan going off on their own, they seem to get along great. 3) and speaking of threesomes, wtf was that with Lito, Hernando and Dani. They are gay, that’s been firmly established so now they are having a woman in bed with them? No just no. Felix was available if they needed to throw her into the mix sexually. And speaking of sex, as we were getting later on into the movie, I thought, “hmmm we haven’t had a sex scene” and then guess what magically happened? 4) and while the wedding was great, I would have thought that there should have been another couple having one there too. I’m just happy that Netflix gave us anything after they cancelled the series. Most times, once it’s gone it’s gone. Oh and in the scene where Lito is playing French and notifying the police, they showed a restaurant in Paris that I have eaten at, Les Trois Petite Cochons ( the 3 little pigs). It’s worth checking out if ever in Paris I believe it is gay owned. And I’m going to Naples later this year. Gonna have to track down that restaurant where they had pizza. oh and watch the credits, that had me crying watching the cast and Lana crying as they finished shooting. Ahishma, regarding Lito’s fIlm career, he got fired from the movie. Basically I’m happy! They brought back everyone and tied it up with a big bow. I don’t think anymore of the series is required as the bad guys are gone. Don’t get me wrong, would love more show but where would they go with the story now? So bye Lito, Will, RileY, Sun, Capheus, Wolfgang, Nomi and Kala and all your assorted friends and lovers, I’ve loved getting to know you all.
  2. WTF!!!!! Anyone explain this one to me? Ben had it all but wrapped up and she quits? I’m at a loss
  3. I’m telling ya, it’s Ben for the win. I’m thing that Ru is letting the other girls win the lip sync cuz it isn’t right to give them all to Ben. I’m sorry but she was much better in the lip sync than Kennedy, who just stood there. Anyway.... this was a great episode, but I’m wondering why they couldn’t have just done one on one dates.
  4. Why do I keep watching this dreck? I could care less about Scarlett, she can just ride off into the sunset with ptsd man. The boys would have been just fine without a girl singer. There’s enough of those country groups right now, but a trio of guys, none come to mind. At this point, I’m thinking Avery and Will need to hook up and leave Gunnar on the wayside with his stupid hair and hat.
  5. Goodbye Raphael Barba, you sexy beast. Wish we could have learned more about you and less of the exploits of Olivia and Noah. Honestly, if there was a real person who had all the things happen to them that Olivia has experienced, wouldn’t they have gotten the hell out of nyc by now? Can we just call the show what it is now, Law and Order: the Olivia Benson variety show? And I thought the mother unplugged the vent and he just watched her do it? I guess I need to pay better attention, or not.
  6. Make no mistake, his life was pretty much destroyed. And I hear that pedophiles and child molesters do not do well in jail, plus with his degree of celebrity, I have a feeling prison would have been beyond awful. Don’t get me wrong, I dispise what he’s done, and he deserved everything he had coming to him, but what did he have to live for? I feel bad for the people that knew and loved him, first to lose him due to his crimes then to lose him altogether. I’m sure it’s hard for anyone that knew him to really say anything, I’m sure most of his friends and costars had no idea what he was doing in private, there was the nice guy they knew, who turned out to be a monster. Can you still love the sinner and hate the sin? I just feel bad because I know there’s got to be feelings of sadness for the person they thought they knew. And I’m still ambivalent about whether I can watch Glee anymore. I know I can’t listen to anything he sings now.
  7. I have always liked Bendala and thought she should have gone further in her season. I don’t know why everyone thinks this is Trixie’s to loose, I’ve never found her at all appealing. Yes Bianca does heavy garish makeup but Trixe’s makeup is beyond. I guess I prefer a more natural queen. I think Ben really does have the whole package and I’m hoping she’ll go far. Looks really good after winning both challenges.
  8. Oh my. That was something. I can’t read well without my glasses, what did the note say that Jack taped to the wall. I don’t know how I’ll watch the next episode.
  9. I recommend this show to anyone who asks for something good to watch. Problem comes when they ask me what it’s all about and I have to try and explain it to them. Probably comes out sounding way more convoluted than it actually is. How do you guys describe this show?
  10. So is that it for James /David this season? Yeah I know he did a few episodes of Outlander but he wasn’t featured a tremendous amount.
  11. Damn, I’m so late to this news. I had just sort of given up after hearing th news of the cancellation. Found out today and it’s now a true thanksgiving. After being so disappointed by all the shows I loved being cancelled (pushing daisies, agent carter) I never imagined this one would get a bit more life. Bring on 2018!
  12. Well they did name the poor child Skip, what were they expecting for him to be? I am glad that I’m not the only one that remembered that Elliot had a gay mother too. And I am trying to figure out why they keep putting DM into outfits that aren’t flattering to her shape. And I was totally baffled by the Grace/Karen storyline. All I got out of that was that they named their vaginas.
  13. Bummed out about this. Sounded like they were trying to get something going after season 2 came out, maybe they couldn't get the actors and whatnot firmed up. I'll miss these characters.
  14. Did you see Max in the German movie Free Fall? It's really good and they are getting the money together for a part 2.
  15. I don't think what Dani/Lido/Hernando have is a polygamous relationship. Lito and Hernando are very much together, Dani is their live in hag. They aren't including her in sex. And no the people who know about the sensates are Ammanita and Bug and Diego.
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