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Everything posted by HowdeeDo

  1. Or Erica took Jenna's spot and Kashara took hers...
  2. It's a lot to expect for the team to be made up of only girls from Texas who are pretty and can dance well. It says a lot when people from all over want to audition for a team, even if some portion of it is for the celebrity. I doubt Jones and Co care, it just makes them look good.
  3. DCC Loren was a Fv winner but Kelli said she'd made Tc on her own as well.
  4. I don't think that matters as much as performance ability. They've only mentioned hair colors being important during squad photo that I remember
  5. Honestly the "but Holly is an amazing dancer" excuse isn't worth a flip when it comes to doing something illegal on top of fraternizing with players. They've cut girls for less, and K+J have to keep a tight ship. The rumors probably reached higher ups and they were forced to nip this up quick. There will be dozens of "Hollys", and god willing I hope people let all of this go soon. The comments on social media are getting out of hand.
  6. Imo Kashara is still overweight but they definitely let things "pass" for likability it feels like.
  7. I used to wonder this too when they would run to the locker room right after announcement. I just assumed there were staff members rushing to put things up like parents do on Christmas morning putting presents under the tree. ?
  8. Wondering if tonight is the night. One week till game day and it just seems like it's time to announce the team (if they haven't already and just have it on lockdown).
  9. 13, we're spoiled this season!
  10. Did 32 audition? Only 27 vets were on the squad then. I can't remember
  11. Anthony Ramos is like the Paula Abdul of the judges. "I don't like you but you're outfits cute" Neil McCoy offers nothing as a judge. All he says is "she's hot". It's kind of insulting. Lacey has my vote, not just for her story but she seems really genuine. I like her style. Kalyssa looks like a blonde Kelsey (and they talks kind of similarly). She could be the next DCC Bombshell in the like of Abigail, Tobie, Brittany, and Kashara. Alexandria (Patriots) is impressive, good ambassador material, and interesting that she felt inspired after meeting Holly H. Dayton, we haven't seen much yet but in some clips she looked kind of heavy. Katelyn, are her legs even attached to her pelvis? Purple outfits is too bright and along with her dark hair I was distracted. Brennan, hot and cold with her facials, but better this tear. Whitney let me down, insert Tyra banks 'I was rooting for you' gif. Briana B HATE her outfit (hush Ramos) but loved her showmanship. Brianna (18) girl, shame on you for those kicks. Lauren, please god change her hair. Otherwise I love her. Sorry this was so long. I actually wrote things down this episode. Kelli's talk with Jenna is just ironic.
  12. Finally a video of pre-game and they did change up the choreo a bit, the audio sounds like there's some reverb.
  13. Plot twist, they kicked Holly out and begged JennK to come back.
  14. Hey, props for even knowing what FMLA is! I'm in HR so I have to give my spiel about FMLA to employees and sometimes they go cross-eyed from the info.
  15. 1-3 : FMLA laws apply to full-time/salaried employees. Being a DCC is classified as a part time job last I heard. 4: Wouldn't explain why she went SM silent, that would be something to celebrate, especially her. Couldn't imagine why they'd want to keep that on the down low. 5: Still speculation from a person who was there at the club who said she, TCC Christina, and Jenna were there.
  16. I wonder if it's still their most watched show?
  17. I think it automatically had her added because of the original tweet, but I think she could have taken it out on her own. Agree, I'm thinking they'll show her cut but only mention partying and underage drinking, not the players being there.
  18. That doesn't thicken the plot though, that's the same comments we all made a week ago :P
  19. Don't know what to make of "Surprises" but I guess we'll find out the truth in a few weeks.
  20. I don't really think that means anything though. They're not going to crucify a girl for being out of stance for a moment waiting during a kids camp. During a game, definitely but this seemed more casual appearance anyway.
  21. I think they have extra, when they had 39 there were lockers on the other side of the wall I believe, but that may have changed since more than 36 has become common. Maybe they built more in?
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