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Everything posted by HowdeeDo

  1. Stephlarson99, they don't have official Instagram, Justin personal so DCC doesn't show up if used usually.
  2. The alumni segment was gold and this is coming from someone who doesn't like three out of the bunch. Cassie took a lot of crap during her tenure (most of it came from me I'll be honest) and even still hears crap, but if anyone could give advice to the girls who don't feel confident in who they are or compare themselves to other rockstar candidates, it's her. Girl's tough as nails. Ashton was the bombshell of the squad for most of her years. She knew how to work the camera! Mia of course was one of the best points they've ever had and came from not really being a standout her rookie year. Sarah, lord knows I've shared my cents on her but her criticism was really helpful I thought and she came off genuine and not too harsh with Brianna. Tina, she may be from another DCC era but you've gotta have someone (other than Judy/Kelli/Shelly) to really emphasize the impact that you have as a DCC. Of course she was bubbly and a little eccentric, they didn't do half the moves they're doing now but it was nice to see. Just my few thought. I hope they really do keep this alumni segment (with various alumni, even ones we aren't familiar with). I loved all of their input and sometimes they can point out things we or K&J don't see.
  3. Trying to phrase this without sounding insulting - but is Judy being referred to as the "choreographer" a little out of place at this point? Because from what we've seen over the past few years it basically just the vets teaching the routines, guest choreographers, and then placement on the field. I understand some of the things she does, and her critiques are always helpful, but choreographer doesn't seem like the right title at this point.
  4. "I want to start a modeling agency for her" added to my favorite quotes just under "She's nasty...but in a good way"
  5. It's hard to see Steph get bent out of shape when we're talking about 8 pounds here, but I also get that you gotta stay where you are and they do too. Ehh. Erin is kind of boring and in need of a hair chop. She'd look so cute with a Christina length cut.
  6. "Our" office, so do Judy and Kelly share an office now? Either way, looks so much better than the glorified closet and stool they had before.
  7. Brianna needs more time in a pom/power style dance. I was fully prepared to be underwhelmed by Christina but she's looking great so far, holding on to that because I know her kicks are disappointing. I love the editing mistake of a clip of the veterans clapping and cheering after the veterans danced.
  8. Good advice and comments from all of the alumni. PLEASE KEEP THIS SEGMENT. CMT I WILL HUNT YOU DOWN. This really is a talented group. Thinking back to other seasons they're had full on meltdowns on the first week of camp.
  9. Brianna has no confidence. Poor girl. ALUMNI SHOTS, yes CMT and team. I think I highlighted that several times in that little survey they put out on suggestions. Someone other than Melissa. I do appreciate her input, but more voice can help!
  10. Old, JennK used it in promo for her prep classes she's doing.
  11. Training camp is here! This is one of my favorite episodes they go through, and even more exciting with the Star and new dance studio. I've been waiting to see it (more than pictures). Savannah is so pretty. I hope we see more of her, and I know some people might be offput by her hair color but man I love it. It's unique (KELLY DON'T YOU DARE TOUCH IT WE WILL FIGHT.) Big fancy conference room, I see you JJ. I will say it till I'm blue in the face - I love Lauren. I will say it till I'm blue in the face - I hate her hair curled. Miranda irks me, and it irks me that she irks me because I don't want her to. Something doesn't feel genuine. I don't care about the plastic surgeries and all that, come off as real or I can't be on your side. This is probably one of the most beautiful TCC groups they've had. Honestly everyone is so damn pretty. I love that they're actually acknowledging the other NFL teams girls are coming from, usually they just pass over it or show a photo or two.
  12. I don't think so, since she has a private twitter already she's likely using. I don't think the DCC twitter's are always connect to another account once they're deleted, that may be the girl's own choice?
  13. Granted she did post her new twitter only on Insta stories which only stay up 24 hours. They could just not know yet.
  14. For me it was too dark of a tan and her hair seemed more orange-red which didn't go well.
  15. Guess so, of course we know but the page probably doesn't want to spoil it for anyone.
  16. She has a private locked one, but sometimes they don't link it back to an old one or personal Twitter.
  17. Holly's returning to Twitter, official Twitter probably coming down soon then
  18. I've felt like she's been "DCC heavy" for awhile now, even back when Tasha/Stephanie/Selina were on weight warnings I didn't get it. Some girls don't get called out for it (or maybe we just don't here about it). That'd be some determination.
  19. A former DCC (80s/90s) commented on FB about her back/shoulder injury and said she's recovering to join the team again ?I don't know how much truth there is to that or if she's just assuming things? It still wouldn't explain her absence in everything, squad photo and meet the team.
  20. Around the 8th week of Training camp if we're going by her last DCC related posts on July 26. Erica's gone, Holly's gone, and things are (still) on fire.
  21. To me the only coveted spot I'd think would be center but that could be given to who they think is the most visual/best body, which Lacey totally has. Maybe sometimes rookies/second years get further up because of popularity too, or if you're just Cassie.
  22. She and Stephanie look to be where Mandy and Robin are in last year's photo. I'd love to see her up front too, but next year her and Maggie will no doubt be up for center. Their bodies are insane.
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