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Everything posted by HowdeeDo

  1. I'm wondering IF they portray it, how they'll depict it. Most theories are that she's run out of "strikes" with dating a player and partying a lot or something, but they're not going to mention the first incident.
  2. I'm thinking they'll cut 2 more, but if Holly is really out they're still at 38 which they've had a couple of times before.
  3. That's why everyone's a little fuzzy over it. The insider was very adamant that it was true and confirmed by several other people.
  4. By the time the rumors came around they were already "over" anyway.
  5. I don't think K+J should sacrifice the squads reputation by letting girls get away with behavior that is made clear against their contract just because they're popular and better dancers. As much as I'm a fan of Holly's performance, I'm not a fan of her supposed behavior, Jenna's either. Punishments are a harsh reality but necessary if they want to keep their image which is the main reason they have a show in the first place.
  6. Only 9 chose to retire, that's nothing compared to other years.
  7. Holly and Jenna being out can't be due to some measly performance mistake especially with their rumors flying around. That may be a policy they're being lax on now because there have been mistakes in routines before and they didn't exclude the girl the next game.
  8. She's liked a few posts on Instagram in the past few days but that's it.
  9. Teeeease, I thought those links were to new info! Lol, it wouldn't surprise me if they learned of her club outing from here since it's not like she'd make that known herself if she knew she'd get heat for. Eyes are everywhere ?
  10. Long past knowing but they've got things on a tight lock this season, so she may be waiting till the week of that game to announce but I'm thinking that the 14 left wraps up the squad. There hasn't been a cut in awhile and it'd be brutal to cut anyone by now, but then again she's cut girls the day of squad announcement so they could be buffering as well?
  11. She was there but I think she was meaning in the wedding party.
  12. Ah! Well I guess it would all depend on when the audition for each team are and at what stage they're cut. I think it's only the Mavs that don't let girls comeback if they audition for the DCC (and maybe any other team?). Briana could always audition elsewhere, it's just a risk they may be willing to take.
  13. Because it's nearly impossible to do both? And other than DCC I'd imagine other teams still have no "off season" as well with functions, calendars, appearances, etc.
  14. Is this from experience or just assumption? Because as much as she may be sketch for breaking the rules, the other girls haven't failed in their support for her on social media.
  15. How much importance does the test weigh on putting someone through? If there's a rockstar dancer who bombs her test, what would her chances likely be?
  16. I don't think they're too quick on updating things though. When the three vets in finals were cut it was several days before their twitters went down. If Holly's stays up then I guess it will be a mystery. Shelly did say to watch so I'm guess it's highly possible they'll cover it.
  17. I totally feel you, this would be a cool segment to put online. If not a CMT bts, for the DCC website itself. The planning itself of the auditions must be ridiculous.
  18. Still hasn't been confirmed but imo I think it's silly not to think so at this point since she hasn't posted a thing after all the rumors, but Jenna has.
  19. That's a big difference! Don't think it's affected the team too much, maybe the lackluster/pointless dancers are slimmer as well.
  20. That was like a tiny step, I'm thinking the field is different from AT&T because Yuko was a little wobbly in the kickline. Maybe it's grass and not turf that they're used to?
  21. I think budget comes into play with how many they take from what I've heard. I think one year (way back) they had 39, but it would be cool to have 40. I think their formula has always worked for them to aim for 36 though. If they started doing 40, they'd have to take more into training camp, and some years the talents just not there.
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