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Everything posted by HowdeeDo

  1. Cowboys are a hot mess tonight. Feel bad for the girls, hopefully they get it together. Can't wait to see!
  2. I think her persona and Jenna's attitude definitely changed when they started to hang out with each other, maybe catalyst for each other's inner wildchild? Holly used to be in company with Maddie and Kelly's daughter and Jenna under Sydney's wing.
  3. That's kind of were we left off. Someone tagged Shelly in the beginning of speculations and she said "you'll have to wait and see" or something like that. I guess we will since everyone's kept quiet about it.
  4. Speculation started when someone on Instagram posted that Holly quit the team two days before they left for Ohio. Kashara is at point and there was no sign of Jenna either. Then last night Jenna posted on her Insta story that she was at the star with the tccs teaching or something so she's still accounted for. Holly's social media has been quiet ever since Oxnard. This probably has to do with the constant rumors they've both been in with players/partying (and in Holly's case being caught underage at a club).
  5. Holly quit, Jenna is on probation and everything's on fire.
  6. ^the cutouts on the shorts in the middle make my eye twitch.
  7. They've been using that pic of Maggie and Robin for awhile though. It used to have Erica in it too.
  8. They're not going to show holly Jenna drama so soon. Editing and production are already done likely for the first 5 episodes or so, they're not going to start off on that note. IF it's shown at all (which I doubt) they'll stick to the timeline in which it happened.
  9. I'm thinking they cut her rather than she "quit". I just don't see someone quitting over getting disciplined. This situation sucks twofold because Holly was a bomb dancer and had a huge fan base. We'll be seeing "where's holly" comments and possibly even "not the same without Holly" comments for months. But I'm glad in a way that this happened. The DCC don't have time for speculations and rumors of party girls to the extent that Holly and Jenna went too, and it's unfortunate Holly kind of let her popularity get to her head. I really hate hearing about rumors and I'd imagine K+J want to put girls on the field they're 100% confident in. More JennK and Jinelles.
  10. Counted 14 TCC in her story, should we assume that Taryn(Tara) was cut?
  11. When Allie/Raylee/Heather were cut it was several days before their Twitters were down. Time will tell.
  12. Dear K+J, This does NOT mean you should take extra sub-par TCCs that'll inevitably disappoint next year and be cut. Save us the misery. Less than 36 is ok too. Signed, Sobbing in pillow because Holly. :/
  13. I think it's too early to jump to that conclusion. Nothing's been said about Jenna being dismissed. I think they're both just on probation until reliable source says otherwise.
  14. Comment deleted again. It could also just be that they don't want a potentially false rumor like that to spread, but either way it was said...
  15. Strictly a rumor from one person in Instagram, I don't run with anything until truly confirmed.
  16. ^Late to the party. ? There was a comment that said and "insider" told them Holly quit 3 days before they left. The comment is now gone. ? Can our "insiders" do some digging already? I'll bump it up to THREE tacos and cuddles with my dog, because he's adorable.
  17. I'm 100% all for new choreo because I've been bored to tears with Thunderstruck, but from the few seconds on her story it didn't look as dynamic as the old version, especially since Neecie and MK are putting out killer sideline routines now. Hopefully a solid update will come soon. At some point they're going to have to revamp pregame because half of their moves can be seen on several other NFL squads. Of course DCC do it better (often imitated never equaled literally), but it's hard to appeal to the "best" label when you've had the same moves for 8 years and anyone who's paid attention enough can come in and roughly do Thunderstruck already.
  18. With more episodes this season they're probably stretching it out and doing a segment on the star and what not.
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