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Everything posted by HowdeeDo

  1. She was planning to audition up to the week of/around finals, but they brought her in for a weight warning and she decided not to re audition per insiders. On social media she stated she wanted to go back to her dance studio (but apparently never did?)
  2. Oh wow, I thought that little mini field behind the glass was a part of their space. That's a little too close for comfort, especially when Cowboys fit looks to be massive anyway.
  3. I can't see a boyfriend being an issue or her letting it be when a good portion of the girls are in serious relationships or married.
  4. I don't think there was ever a limit on it, but I can't remember any 2nd years having a leader spot before. I'm interested to see new groups to see if they moved Simone and there wasn't a third year in the group.
  5. Don't forget she got rookie of the year that year. Don't think she got show group last year.
  6. Mixed up Amy and Kashara. Damn that's a young squad then. I always get third and fourth years jumbled.
  7. I think it comes down to being a moderately good dancer but an exceptional leader and ambassador. I'd take a squad full of Jinelles versus a squad full of Holly's.
  8. 23 vets, 13 rookies 6 year - 1 5 year - 1 4 year - 1 3 year - 7 2 year - 13 Just a perspective of how few upper vets this year. I don't think it matters as much as it did 10 years ago, but man those were the days when everyone was a fifth year.
  9. I don't think she even attended. Melissa and Victoria were bridesmaids.
  10. Ahh, for some reason I thought she was fourth. Hm, I would have picked her over Heather O but I'm thinking they weren't in the same group after reshuffling.
  11. Simone is the only third year not a leader, and there's not many vets in third year to begin with.
  12. First home game is this Saturday, and if I remember last year they got theirs a few weeks after. Maybe closer to the first regular season game? Being GL is completely unrelated to how good of a dancer you are though. Example being Jinelle, Erica, Lacey. I think they knew even last year that she was too immature for a possible GL spot just yet. GL's are who the girls learn from literally all season, and Holly was just a little to "look at me" and party girl for that position.
  13. I think it was around the week of finals if not just before. I remember there being confusion when she wasn't there.
  14. Please oh please tell me Erica didn't do something stupid and it's just injury related. ?
  15. Again, this was an old photo before cuts and team announcement. Recent rookie group confirmations on a page or so back. No clue as to what new groups look like.
  16. Heather O was rookie of the year and she was probably picked after they redid groups so others weren't a possible option. Those graphics were temporary for the show Shelly said. I wish they stayed though. I asked if it'd be possible to redo them every few months with past DCCs (70s and 80s too) because it'd be a cool feature.
  17. Old photo before more cuts. In case anyone's like me and need visuals. VV
  18. Most are assuming khalyn because of the picture, but group 4 will be restructured since most of the cuts came from there.
  19. If Erica left by her own decision due to injury I 100% support her and hope she gets better. If she was cut for any other reason (that's not Jenna and Holly scandalous) I am so done and will never watch this show again. ? Kashara is adorable, and I do feel like she got it because they're literally running out of senior vets, but I'll say it again. Girl is thick, thicker than those who were on weight warnings (and didn't look like they needed to be). I be they all made it because of Ericas departure now, and I swear they all better be flawless because the "give her a chance" narrative is annoying and we can just expect cuts next year. Yay team announcement, but I'm pouting for the rest of the season because Erica.
  20. This is just some people's assumptions, its not confirmed. They've had injured GLs before so I don't think it makes sense either. I'm sure they'll address it.
  21. Cassie was injured when she was GL no? I don't see her being removed because of injury, especially since it's something that didn't seem too major. She was still able to function and what not. They probably shifted things around. Makes more sense if Jenna lost her spot, but we'll see.
  22. Any word on cuts since last week? We've only confirmed 5 so far.. I doubt they'd remove a girl as GL because of an injury. It's more likely she's taking Jenna's spot as part of punishment?
  23. No clue, maybe they just removed her as a GL.
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