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S04.E15: Nobody Else Is Dying
Keepitmoving replied to Bort's topic in How To Get Away With Murder [V]
Please, Simon threaten Mickeys existence by threatening to send her to jail. It's kill or be killed. People stuck on his damn orientation, and I don't care in this case because he threatened her with her freedom end of story, she fought back. Who told that fool to follow them upstairs? Who told him to point another person's gun at them, which he stole out of her bag. Whatever, it's his damn fault that he's been sentenced to now live life in the closet. Bye Simon, just bye. -
S04.E15: Nobody Else Is Dying
Keepitmoving replied to Bort's topic in How To Get Away With Murder [V]
Asher is a cheater, he was messing around with some girl we never saw when he was with Bonnie . She confronted him about it. She wanted to know why he started to stand her up and that's when they discussed some girl he was messing with. -
S04.E15: Nobody Else Is Dying
Keepitmoving replied to Bort's topic in How To Get Away With Murder [V]
And that's the issue here. Not that the black girl Is morally compromised as someone else posted, Asher murdered an innocent woman in cold blood, they all cheat, they all cover up murders, you name it. The issue is that Mickey not be judged any harsher than the rest who have done about the same or worse. Stop looking for her to do the right thing Or be some voice of reason. I'm ok with that evil gleam she gets in her eyes, it's scary and you hardly ever see a black female character playing that angle. They're the friend, sexless, and annoyingly morally superior and that's BS. Poor Simon my ass. She's right he would have held it over there heads. I actually think she's worse than Anna because she's had to be, given how she grew up. Anna at least had a loving mother and a sister she seems close enough to. Her home looked nice despite her pervy uncle who messed with her. Meanwhile, given Mickey's start one would say she never had a chance. Asher is right she needs to give in to who she is, own it and NEVER apologize for it. -
I didn't forget it, I mentioned her trashing Oprah at the beginning of my post and failing to play the Hollywood game of going to promote the movie Precious. Gabourey Sidibe had less than Monique in terms of her own money and resources, and nothing to wear as Gabbie has mentioned in her autobiography which is awesome by the way, and she took her ass wherever TPTB asked her to go and guess what? She stays employed, Lee looks out for her. You gotta play the game. Monique, is crazy, because at that point she wasn't shit in Hollywood in terms of being mainstream and she was first a comedian, that's where she was buttering her bread. So if you want to enter into a new field you have to pay your dues. And true, not everyone pays their dues, but a lot of folks have to so... She went off on Oprah about something that I do believe Oprah pulled on Mo. I do believe Oprah and her show pulled some shit on Mo, that they thought would of course be good for ratings, but might help Mo and her family out. But it was as much for ratings and you don't play with someone's sexual abuse. So the story goes, Monique suffered sexual abuse at the hands of her brother. The Oprah show decided to bring on Mo's parents who she doesn't talk to because I figure they took the brother's side and didn't believe Mo. Oprah of all damn people should know what it's like for your parents, your mother not to believe your claims of being sexual abused by a family member, since that is exactly what her mother did to her. I remember she had her mother on the damn show to talk about what went down in her family and asking her mother in front of millions did she regret not believing her. So for her and that show to pull that with Mo was awful. That being said, Mo said that she had confronted Oprah about this at a party that Oprah invited her to with a bunch of other black actresses in the industry and she, Mo, said that Oprah had apologized, but that she claimed she didn't know her staff was bringing on the parents. Wait no, she didn't know that Mo didn't know that her parents were going to be on the show. Yeah Oprah, bullshit, I love Oprah, but no one is a saint to me, even Mother Teresa, LOL. I'm sorry, we are all human and all exhibited unattractive behaviors from time to time or very often. Oprah pulled this shit on Mo for ratings and gave a half ass apology with that I didn't know nonsense. And that as far as I'm concerned, is at the root of Mo's anger toward Oprah and she has let it spill over into her behaving unprofessionally when it came to promoting that movie Precious. And even more importantly, her husband gets all my side eye, she needs to get rid of his ass.
Yeah, Wanda does have crossover appeal, coincidentally she use to write for Chris Rock's weekly show on HBO back in the day. I've seen her audiences and the one's I've seen look majority white. But the question is how big are the arena's shes performing in? How much money is she pulling in for her shows. If she's not pulling in the big bucks for her current work, then Netflix can justify paying her less. But given her work behind the scenes in the industry, lower than 500k seem way out of line, that's too low.
Before Mo'Nique went off on Oprah, before she decided not to play the Hollywood game of movie promoting for Precious, she was well known at least in the black community as one of the four queens of comedy. That's how I know her, she's a queen of comedy. So in the world of black comedy and black female comedians, she was it. The difference between Dave Chappelle, Chris Rock and even Kevin Hart is that those men have sort of crossover into the white folk territory when it comes to their audiences, particularly Chappelle and Rock and they have very diverse audiences and have most definitely had more success in tv and film when it comes to their projects. So yeah, they deserve more money. But Mo'Nique had definitely made it as far as black female comedians go. I wouldn't say she deserves the same money as the guys I've listed or Schumer and NOT because I think Schumer is a better comedian, no she isn't, at least not for my taste. Schumer has her moments, but please, she's not all that. But Schumer has had more, um, consistent success in her tv and film projects and she is more currently visible, so yeah, she should get more.
I'm here for this, good actors in it and I'm happy for Jerrika Hinton after Shondaland royally fucked her over. Oh the diversity, now I just have to check out that the representation is on point, because that's the real key. Because you can stick as many faces of color as you want on my screen, but if their characters are over in some corner somewhere with two damn lines and no center story ever, or if the story they have is the usual stereotypical one then you're not representing and you're not fooling this viewer.
Me neither, what I want is more Michaela Pratt to NOT be written as the white female character's friend and to NOT be written as the stereotypical strong black woman who cleans shit up but no one NEVER EVER seems to be there for her, for anything. Because she's strong remember? She obviously doesn't need any to support and care for her. What I want is for PN to stop trying to pit Michaela against Anna and then hyping that shit up on twitter as some kind of housewives catfight, this is what you do with the only two black female characters on your show? It gets serious side eye from me. Still waiting for Peter Nowalk to get his stereotyping ignorant ass to wake up, and ignore the teachings of ignorant Shonda. What I want is for annoying ass Peter Nowalk to start spreading the wealth on this show when it comes to the secondary characters in the main cast, which is all of them who are not Anna and stop centering everything on secondary Laurel while leaving everyone else the fuck out with the scraps that are left. But no, now he's gonna tie up the fucking hour with that annoying ass character Olivia Pope. A character who is based on a real person who I highly doubt is as annoying as Shonda's trifling ass has made her seem on the little screen *eye roll.* I don't watch Scandal, don't give a shit. And no, as a black woman I don't care to see the powerhouse black female actress Viola Davis and the very good black female actress Kerry Washington on screen together if it has ANYTHING to do with Scandal, and in the hands of Shonda and Co., no thank you. HTGAWM is slowly creeping onto my shit list like Grey's did back when I use to watch, because Shonda's little protégé PN, is following her annoying ass way of writing and running a show.
All Episodes Talk: TRMS 2018 Season
Keepitmoving replied to formerlyfreedom's topic in The Rachel Maddow Show
Yeah, but at the end of the day this didn't rank anywhere on the number scale as a concern for me. It was the idenitity/background of the actual appointees, that's what mattered as far as I'm concerned. I don't care about her making a distinction between last minute decision and last minute announcement, not with this dipshit administration. If the implication is that she's trying to exaggerate or not be specific enough in an effort to hype things up as worse than they are then....LOL, I'm betting on she knows she doesn't have to do that, not for her loyal audience. There are enough facts, that come out every day, hell, every hour of every damn day, that proves it's much worse than the day before. It's utterly exhausting, totally draining. -
The Wendy Williams Show - General Discussion
Keepitmoving replied to David T. Cole's topic in The Wendy Williams Show
Wendy is a nasty, nasty human being, she's mean, disgusting. Always filling up and crying, usually during an apology for putting one if not both of those huge feet in her mouth, evil bitch. She's full of whole lot of shit. I love it when her jealousy and hate for other women she discusses in her hot topics segment shines through, she can't even hide it. I'm like yeah, just marinate in all that jealousy, you evil twit. She's pathetic, making bank, but pathetic nonetheless. As for her bank, if anything I've heard about that husband is true, he's probably holding her hostage in that marriage, for fear of losing half that bank to him in a divorce. He sounds gross. There's hot topics and then there's hot topics and she goes too far many a time. The stuff in the media about her husband and the "sister wife" living up the block from them is the humiliation that Wendy deserves. IMO, that's not even humiliating enough for the likes of her. -
Yep, all of this works for me.
Right, this is my thought exactly. I mean there's a period between we are dating different people and um, I'm really starting to be into only you so I'd like be exclusive and therefore, take this the next step which is a monogamous relationship. However, as we try to begin an exclusive, monogamous relationship we're not going to move in together right away. Then you start talking about moving in together if things continue to progress well. Or you can start talking about skipping right marriage if you're not about that, meaning, you need that ring and piece of paper before you officially share an address. But once you have a convo. about look I'm starting to be serious about you, and I'm not trying to date anyone else, then... you have to at least try to practice being monogamous even if you're not exactly yet officially sharing the same address.
Congrats to Aja on being one of the new faces of Loreal. And the make-up person or person(s) handling Aja's face on this show take note....just take note damnit, LOL. Call Loreal, something, cause you don't know what the hell you're doing half the time. How in the hell can you screw up the make up on a face like this? I know I saw a black woman doing Aja's make-up, WTF is she doing? Is she fucking it up on purpose, cause she's jealous? Oh, and call whoever the hell is doing just about every black actress's weave in the industry, and you can start with Gabrielle Union, hair is always awesome. Hell, check in with the women on the Real Housewives of Atlanta. They act a damn fool, embarrassing as all get out, but that hair on their heads real or not, is hooked up. WTF? I know it's not your hair, but it's supposed look so damn good when you're on TV, that I question if it really did grow out of the roots on your scalp. I'm tired of ABC, no, make that Shondaland, not getting this shit right, you folks are pulling in too much money for these cosmetic errors.
Poor Asher my ass, he could have sat it out if he wanted to. Well I do feel for him and will as long as he doesn't blame the woman he's supposed to love for any of it. Besides, all they were asking him for, was to not rat them out. Michaela told his ass that she was trying to protect him, but he had to know and had to be a part of it, that's on him. No one was forcing him to play an active part in their plan. Connor didn't either, the same was requested of him, to just keep his mouth shut. As a matter a fact, they hesitated when he said he wanted to be Oliver's plus one. So none of those lunatics with Laurel being to the number one nut job, twisted Asher nor Connor's arm to put themselves in jeopardy, both men made that choice all on their own knowing that the plan was stupid. So they can both look in the mirror and blame only themselves, each one of them can for that matter. I hate Laurel, but they can't even blame her. They did not have to go along with her plan. Get over it PN, Laurel does not come off as someone who has this art of manipulation or some aura that people can't say no to her, bye with all that *eye roll*. At any rate, my one and only concern is that he not be written to blame Michaela, I'm already sensitive to PN's writing for the black girl on this canvas who's not Viola who he has a special thing for. He better not even try it, but I'm sure he will, because hey, no one can blame the damsel in distress who thought up this scheme because she almost nearly bled to death delivering that baby, *eye roll,* and her baby may be missing, so let's all blame Michaela, wait for it, I'm pretty sure it's coming. And I hope this shit stops and soon, Michaela is awesome just the way she is, I wish she got that. She can take all the knowledge of law and some of life's lessons from these women of color, but please girl, you rocked before the Anna's and Teagan's came into your life. Stop trying to be like them, covering up murders may come in handy but having that skill is not something you necessarily aspire to have or nor is it something to be proud of. Now using the law to vigorously defend your client in an ethical way and win cases even though they may be guilty, now that is something you want to aspire to if you're going to be kick ass lawyer, which is the part of Anna that I can see admiring. But the illegal shit, no, no Peter, no. I don't want that for Michaela, I don't want to see her running some law class at the end of this series like Anna, just stop it. I just don't get it, I look at Anna and I look at Michaela and I'm just not more impressed with one over the other, sorry, I'm not. Michaela is a character that can stand on her own, and I'm not sure PN realizes this at all. This is all part of diversity, why is the Dr. thinking Mickey looks like Anna from the back? Stop it, all black women of a certain hue with a weave or straightened hair don't all look alike. Michaela is several feet shorter than Anna and they actually aren't the same complexion. Why is it that Michaela has to want to turn into a mini Anna? Yeah, I get that she does because she's always been in search of a maternal, black female mother figure, but the story of growth should be her eventually realizing that, that is not what she wants. Instead of Nowalk trying to make the two black women on the canvas be alike, that's not diversity. I want them to be different, I see them as being very different quite frankly.
Well, my perspective is like RA, because she had already told him about the guy at the party when she first broke the news to him that he's not or might not be Blue's father. So I'm with RA, I wanted her to this time, get the point woman. I don't want to hear about the guy again either, you already said you were high at a party and hooked up with him, let's cut to chase and tell me right now, why you lied? Why is it that I along with RA can see at least two times in their history where she was sober enough to come clean instead of waiting to a point where RA, their son, his family all felt a sense of healing and moving forward in a healthy manner, for it all to be lie and her to THEN spring this shit on all of them? Nope, once again, no way is Darla getting the poor Darla sentiment from me, and I've been solely on her side and pissed at RA from the start of this damn show, but no, no, I don't play around with this kind of lie. I get what went down and how she got pregnant, she was sick, she still is, but her illness does not absolve her of the choices she's made that have hurt and basically destroyed people's lives. Yes, a lie about paternity is on that level for me and I'm not even walking in the shoes of a man/father, but it is that huge IMO. Doesn't mean RA is some kind of hero, or not still as spoiled and entitled as he's always been, but nope, this is on Darla. Technically, RA is his father in a court of law. At least if Darla was a gold digger, and she's not, and she wanted to hit him up for a child support until that kid was 18, she'd win, because he's been the father on record and in action for all of Blue's life, so she just can't take Blue and go live with her parents. And speaking of gold diggers/meal ticket female scammers, Darla isn't one of them which is why I don't dislike or hate her, but I will call her on her shit. This never had nothing to do with making a fool out of RA, that was never where her heart was which is where many women's hearts are when they pull this shit. But Darla does love him, but she's just so weak as is he, which is another reason why they don't work.