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Everything posted by Landlord

  1. I did, and someone kindly posted it (on Pao/Russ thread or social media I believe, can't remember for sure)
  2. Guess this would go here. Apparntly, Daya had her baby!
  3. I has a 4 minute preview recording (Something about Jesse). Grrrrr....
  4. Wrong: Russ is the third wheel in her marriage to Miami.
  5. In the maritimes, here, and it would not let me watch yesterday. Nor this morning. Kind of sucks, I really would like to watch them.
  6. For the first one, I did notice. Praise the lord for Photoshop. I also notice while she was talking to Russ in that white turtleneck and no makeup that she isn't pretty in the face. I had a fleeing thought for ANTM girls riddled with acne (Hell if I could remember any of their names or cycles), but at least they had the age/body and ''real'' ambition for it to do more than just sleazy shots on top of step-stools. As for the second, I am roughly Loren's age, so I will assume our parents are the same age as well. My father would not have known his way around a computer to save his life, I was once surprised to see him using MS Paint to distract my then 4-5 years old little sister. So I will give Loren Dad the benefit of the doubt about the computer/internet thing. Maybe her parents are as technology impaired as my father was.
  7. Set him up with Loren's sister. Problem solved.
  8. I have one result that tells me (which I knew BC I am French) that her name is from singing/song. the other hit I looked up said this: French name derived from the Old Provençal cantal (stone, boulder). So we're not that far off the hippie names.
  9. As someone who did (have another kid) I would now elect for the console. JK, jk, almost.
  10. Yes, but the part that annoys me is when he said (I paraphrase) ''And you did not tell me''. Now I know editing, and fabricated drama, but I watched it as she told him first time she got a chance after her meeting. Not like she waited a year to tell him. Yes, her timing was ill-chosen, but she did tell him.
  11. Russ' friend are assholes (in Pao's book) because they sided with Russ in the half naked photos scandal. There's nothing more to it.
  12. I FINALLY SAW IT GUYS! haha! Anfisa cracked me up when she was in the car asking for the red bag. River. 'Nuff said.
  13. I remember a discussion with Alla at the reunion where Alla said something like "Put the time, and maybe you'll end up loving him" (I paraphrase, I like Alla, she made sense with that "I don't love him but maybe we'll grow in love" shtick), that's the closest thing to love I can think of when it comes to Anfisa.
  14. Been with hubs 11 years. At first my family and friends would call him an asshole all the time. (He really is, but that's pointless). I would say "Yeah, he's an asshole, but he's MY asshole". All she did when her "friend" insulted her husband calling him a peasant is laugh. She totally agrees with her "friend". At this point in her life, Russ is a commodity. Once her conditions are removed, she's gone.
  15. When did she ever say she loved him? I really don't recall that (yet, I haven't watched the recent recap, I had better use of 3 hours of my life). What I remember was that bit in the restaurant where she pretty much straight up said you bought me for my body and I came for your cash. This. Nuff' said. I think it<s the makeup. To me (I have a crappy TV) it looks like she found the cheapest makeup she could afford.
  16. For Anfisa, she never pretended. She always played a straight game, and she was the one deceived (how the tables have turned). Chantel: I thought it wasn't as bad as it was during her forst season, that weird solid jaw thing she does. Pedro: Yes! Me to. I was rooting for him from then on. I hope it gets better for him. He asked for none of that. Alexei and Loren: holy hell. How did they end up together? She's annoying as hell.
  17. Jesus H Christ on a bicycle... Could Chantel's family be even more of a bunch of raging douchebags? River is such a freaking dick. I never liked Pedro until now. His B of a wife threw (Spelling?) him under the bus, and he's the asshole? Can't stand them. Just how much is Chantel delusional? I thought her makeup was weird, but IDK know much about that stuff. She looked better last year. Danielle's face is always looking like it's about to melt. And Mo did lose a lot of weight. He was much plumper than that before. Loren is so freaking dumb... To the exception of Mo, I feel bad for all those poor foreigns thatare stuck here with such shitty apouses (Maybe except Russ, he's sweet. Not the brightest, but definitely sweet). George's freaking shit eating grin makes me want to be violent. And I am an extremely patient person when it comes to f*ckery. Urh, why do I watch this? Oh, yeah. F*ckery. Haha.
  18. Re: Mo calling Danielle when he ran out of gas, my thought was, why not call his BFF Walmart Tom? Wal Mart Tom would have went out of his way to help Mo.
  19. I second that. We live in a trailer, landowner can kick our ass out ANY time he pleases, for any reason he pleases. Even if our trailer is paid for.
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