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Everything posted by Landlord

  1. Re: Chantal's internet prenup. Now I don't own a printer. It must be almost a decade since I printed something off the internet. But. When you print, does the web address not appears in the top left corner anymore? (Exemple, if I was to print this page, it would say "http://forums.previously.tv/topic/49927-s04e11-are-you-ready-for-this/?page=4" in the corner) Would that not appear in the corner of Chantal's prenup? Would her parents not SEE IT?
  2. I think Patrick has a drinking problem.
  3. http://www.thewrap.com/90-day-fiance-happily-ever-after-before-the-90-days-tlc/ Show's renewed. And more.
  4. Screw Tiana... I understand that Becky lied to her, but she isn't even going to defend her own song? When she clearly had no desire at all to record "me" and wanted "starlight" so bad? Also, Becky looked rocking, this week. Loved the hair, loved everything. I hope she cuts her losses. That boo of hers was right.
  5. But getting off the Ipad means not being able to track Mohammed on the soshul media.
  6. If you check out Mark's daughter Elise on her FB or IG, she likes getting funky with her hair, she's the cutest thing.
  7. I saw it last night, I wanted to rewatch the episode there they are fishing to make sure I wasn't just seeing things (it was well past midnight here) but wow. WTF was up with that?
  8. I think they went to Thailand, and the reunion show coincided with the 6 months they had to return for the green card? Plus, they could pick up their TLC paycheck, probably.
  9. It appears to be. I hope it's a rental. Sort of. I'll say Matt and Alla. Hopefully, Julie's seen enough of how much of a dick her boyfriend is and she'll go the the wedding alone to show Alla support and Patrick will pack his shit and split.
  10. No she wouldn't. She;d still ping him for every skanky outfit she would try on to seek validation at to her physique.
  11. No one can make me believe that even without a car, there is fuck all to do in Los Angeles. She's not chained to the stove (not that she'd know what do do there if she was), no one's stopping her from exploring the neighborhood on her own.
  12. She did not say she did not love him. She just said she hasn't told him if she does or not. I cannot wait to see Narkiya splat that ice cream cone in his stupid face again. I hooted and it woke up Mr Landlord, he was all grumpy.
  13. She never said she did not love him all in all. She just said she hadn't told him aloud. I was thinking along those lines last night. Is it even legal to make Pedro sign a paper that he's not in measure to understand? Also, I wanted to slap the crap out of Nicole each time her mother would say something to her, she'd have a long sigh and go "mh-hmmmmmmm"...... That girl would not last a day in my household, and I'm so freaking lax on everything....
  14. No, it was just a very distasteful joke. Not his wife.
  15. When Dani whines, when Mo says the word "respect" and when Loren says "perfect" Best drinking game ever. BRB, heading to the liquor stooooore!
  16. Oh you can bet your shirt I'll be watching. With popcorn and wine. Tough I may choke a few times.
  17. Maybe he just dislikes the pronunciation whore-hay?
  18. No, they were not in attendance at the Florida wedding. Only Loren's side of the family. I think you're impression's the right one. She wants tpo prove to the world that she's perfect for Alex. Meanwhile, Alex just wants her to STFU for a minute and let hi enjoy little time he was having with his family in over a year. You know, like, changing lightbulbs. Because his brother's totally incapable of doing that. Or, you know, fishing. Because his brother was right there with them, fishing, and his dad said something to the effect of "I got no one to fish with anymore". WTF man? Your other kid's right there! Can he do nothing? Cause it's a long ass flight just to change lightbulbs. Loren, as nasty as her character is, strikes me as prettier in this season, even with the horrible eyelashes. But it only lasts until she opens her mouth.
  19. She probably was on facebook, quietly stalking under a false name Internet Movie Data Base.
  20. I wondered the same when she walked out of her building and got into her red car. I think Faith may be eighteen, and the second daughter (the one that did her hair) should be close to that age. I think the third (the slower one) might be closer to fifteen years old. I may be repeating myself here, but I really hope Faith is not on the show because she;s too busy plotting a mutiny by getting a job and securing a DaniMo-drama free two or three bedroom elsewhere to take her sisters in and show them better.
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