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Everything posted by Landlord

  1. I've just entertained the thought (re: Baby Huey finding herself gorgeous in a sausage case of a wedding dress) that maybe she has some sort of warped view of herself like reverse anorexia. You know, like, an anorexic could be 90 pounds to five foot seven and still find herself fat. Maybe when Nicole looks at herself in the mirror, she sees something curvy and sexy and desirable a la Ashley Graham? Instead of the blob of human waste she is. Those facial expressions she has (who are barely endearing on a 2 yo) make me want to puch her in her face. But then she would probably eat my entire arm.
  2. I might be the only one to pick up on that, I'm usually the one that never notices anything, but it was River's reaction at the table (at the winery?) when it was all nice for one second and a half, then Mother Chantel opened her mouth. I swear I saw RIver near-sigh and put his arm down in a "here we go again" manner.
  3. Thank you, I really thought I was alone! Just can't shake it off, especially with the smiles he's got at weird times.
  4. I didn't follow much during those segments on the first season, so thanks for letting me know.
  5. Uh? Maybe it's just me, but the old lady seemed allright enough? I remember the bit about Molly's dad being all "you can't marry the help" or something, but that's about it.
  6. When I was a kid, my mother would refer to my father's medication as vitamins. When he would have an episode, she would tell us "he didn't take his vitamins". She didn't want anyone knowing he was taking pills for his conditions. Maybe Kensley takes pills (like Ritalin or whatever they feed kids these days) and Molly don't want everyone on national TV to know that.
  7. I've said the same thing on another thread, tough not as eloquently. If I could ''plus'' this a million... And as someone else also said, also agreed that Nicole and Azan marrying might be the best thing FOR MAY. AT least this poor child would have structure and a real parental figure.
  8. What's even scarier to me this morning, looking back on this scenario is that Nicole had been putting on display for well over a year just how little she seems to care for her daughter. I wonder if her parents (Baby Huey's) ever thought of this possibility (In other ways than "God will protect us"). Because it's not after the fact that will be the time to be pro-active in protecting this child.
  9. Someday, a child molester will be flashing a few smiles her way, and May will be served on a silver platter. because ''My World 2.0/3.0/4.0 can do no wrong, and he said he looooved me!''
  10. Last year, my sister called me that our dad was on his last leg. Had not been home in ten years (like 10/12 hours away from hometown). I did not spent every minute with my father. I did take moments to reconnect with old friends, I took a bit of care of my sister (his primary caretaker), I saw him 2 or 3 times in the hospital, and we managed to get him a weekend permission to come home (pending conditions and a litteral pharmacy of meds, gosh, it was a nightmare). He was sleeping a lot, and encouraged me to actually go and see my friends (probably spent 5 to 10 hours with said friends over the span of the week I was there). I don't feel bad for that. All he wanted was to see his 3 daughters together at least once, he got that, plus got to meet his great-grand-daughter for the first time in over two years, he was good. I know not all families are the same, but that is my experience, and everyone was happy in the end. Hm, no, I did not hop on the back of an ex-boyfriend's bike, though. Nor did I dress like a 2 bit hooker, but it was in the middle of April in Canada and it was burrrr!
  11. I personally shouted "B*tch GET REAL!"
  12. I saw this morning that tonight's full episode was available on Youtube. You should look it up.
  13. Nope. He so Delicious is Sexy Alexi. Manley McBarFight is Andrrrrrrrrrrrrrei.
  14. I still prefer Birdie over Branch, but what irks me is she named either her baby after her company or her company after her baby. It always bothered me. I fall into the category of people who'se name is highly questionable (furthermore that I was names (with the wrong spelling) after a woman whom my mother didn't even like a little bit...), and I admit I messed up. I gave my daughter a middle name that sounds (in English, I am French-speaking) exactly how my last name is pronounced in English. When I scold her, it's almost as if I'd say McKenzie MacKenzie or Tyler Taylor...
  15. ''But just how did they settle on Birdy Joe? “Joe, her middle name, is after my grandfather — his name was Joseph, and he meant the world to me,” Brie explained to the publication. “Birdy is because my husband and his whole family are ‘B’s. And he married me, a ‘B’ too, so his one request was that our kids have ‘B’ names. I didn’t realize how hard it was to find girl ‘B’ names, but we both came across Birdy and knew that was it!” Looks like the rest of their kids — if they choose to have more — will be B’s as well!'' Source
  16. That thread title is pure gold. Like David's watch.
  17. He always reminds me of Terrence Howard in Empire...
  18. Ahhh, men... That have such a dude way of doing things...
  19. I second that emotion. I just LOVE Dr. Now.
  20. Looks to me like a manipulative plot. He's never wanted kids for 15 years. Now suddenly they split, and he's all about that life? Child, please. Let the girl go and get married and have a ton of kids. Run, Nikki. In ten years, when you have 3 kids and he's miserable, he will blame you for forcing him into this.
  21. Mr Landlord proposed in a Hyundai Accent during a cold February milk run, and we never got around to actually get married. He's keeping that hot in his pocket for the day the kids move out.
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