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Everything posted by bagger

  1. Thank you! The fact that she still has not met her obligations to her publisher and that is preventing her from doing her job for Bravo bothers me to no end.
  2. Can anyone tell me what the deal is with Carol not being able to write her blog? I've read a few references to someone not allowing her to write the blog but I have no idea what that's about.
  3. I don't trust Wiki, I hear Carol stays up late at night changing people's profiles.
  4. I grew up in Miami and went to college in New York City then stayed in the city for another 8 years. Whenever I went home to Miami, I could hear myself yelling in my head wanting people to get to the point. I now live in Texas and it still makes me nuts to have menus explained to me and it does happen.
  5. Well, there is that but it's not for lack of effort on Kristen's side.
  6. Kristen has been itching for a fight with Bethenny, maybe she wants the camera time but for someone with so little one on one time with Bethenny she sure does have a lot to say. Negative that is.
  7. The "Hey Mama" would annoy me too unless it was a very close friend. Also, shortening people's names is a patronizing thing to do, especially if that person hasn't introduced themselves by that shortened name. The only people that I know that would ever shorten my name and not expect some kind of attitude are my childhood friends and my family. So if Heather works Bethenny's nerves by greeting her the way she does or by shortening her name then I get that.
  8. I don't think Bethenny actually gave a crap that Heather was late and she brought it up to illustrate that its not that big a deal. They then cut to the dinner table where B states something to the effect that she was late, Heather was late (paraphrasing) but who cares. Lets take the chopstick out of our asses... I don't think anyone cared all that much about B's lateness, she apologized and it was Heather's voice that said "good enough" or whatever it is she said in the limo.
  9. Oh yeah! Angela Bassett is absolute perfection. Even in this crowd I'd say that Countess has a better body. I need to get off this subject because I'm becoming maniacal about it. I've had my husband now look at her 20 times in different scenes to validate my feelings :)
  10. Did Carol say that if she had known she'd have such a "great" body at 50 she would have been a stripper? Does she really think she has such a great body at 50? Maybe it's just me but to me she's just skinny. I know shallow but y'all have said everything else so well. I'll have to wait for a second viewing to come up with something less shallow. Sonja showed such a lack of self-awareness especially during her last scene with Bethenny that I'm astounded that she's managing to raise a child and manages to get herself dressed in the morning. She thought Bethenny was PROJECTING? Come on! Surely something of what Bethenny was saying must have rang some bells.
  11. I'll admit it, I like Bethenny, always have but I'm back to loving her after that talk with Sonja, she didn't belittle her and she didn't mock her. Bethenny simply laid it out for Sonja, how her chatter makes her sound to the outside world. The only thing this scene lacked for me was a quick glance at the other ladies while this conversation was going on. I'm wondering what the looks on their faces may have been.
  12. She really needs to learn the difference between there, their and they're. They sound the same Brandi but they don't mean the same.
  13. Someone correct me but haven't there been pictures of LisaV and Kyle hanging out off season? I'm with you, I think it's Brandi's cover for "the other women want nothing to do with me off season." or on as most of us surmise.
  14. She consulted an attorney, she didn't file and never said she was filing on camera. Either way the final decisions are up to her and how she chooses to announce it or not is no one's business.
  15. If I remember correctly Phaedra never said she wasn't going to divorce Apollo just said that she would make her decisions when they were right for her and her family. If I ever went to prison, don't know for what but IF EVER I wouldn't want my children seeing me in there. Phone calls and letters and emails would have to suffice. You can be there for someone without physically seeing them.
  16. Kenya just likes to bring up old shit no matter whether she gets an apology or not soooooo her getting an apology or not wont make a difference. Porsha may as well not give one.
  17. Porsha may be dumb as a bag of dog hair but she called it just right...Kenya was trying to shame her and her family in to getting an apology.
  18. In all fairness, there has been little to no interaction between Kristin and Bethenny. I didn't see why Heather even noted that Kristin wasn't there. Well and then there is the whole I can't stand Kristin so I'm always ok with NOT seeing her.
  19. Nah! If Bravo will have her back we will see her again. My new theory in light of the arrest is that she will make up with Kyle to garner support of her new found sobriety because she will claim this was her rock bottom and Kyle will take her back no doubt because Kim will work the angle that this "slip" was due to the reunion airing and the embarrassment that the ladies caused her and her kids. No doubt that crazy ass will work an angle to ensure her position for next year.
  20. Do they have gossip magazines at the check out counter in the liquor store?
  21. Mine started laughing tonight as I was watching and I asked him which part he found so funny and he responded, "Lisa Vanderpump (yeah full name) just asked if Kim read about HH in the Enquirer." really with everything going on he heard that pretty quiet comment? I just know he was riveted, pretending to read his freaking book.
  22. I think LisaR works because she can adapt. She's the classy Beverly Hills Broad when she's with LisaV, Kyle and Eileen but she will get in the gutter with Brandi and Kim just as quickly. I can dig that because women like Kim and Brandi cant be treated or spoken to in any other way than the way they treat others.
  23. My husband pretends he's not watching but then he will reference something or react to something that's going on with the housewives. So I know he's watching. Two weeks ago I came home from work on a weekend and found Bravo on and one of the housewife shows running a marathon. He claims it was the channel that was on when he turned on the tv but me thinks not.
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