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Everything posted by bagger

  1. Kim is repugnant! She can’t stand, “people talking about people she loves?” but she’s ok with Brandi trash talking her sister? And if Brandi was the “Mama Bear” that she claims to be then she must be the kind of Mama Bear that eats her young. Brandi does more to out Kim’s drug use than anyone else. Her conversation with LisaR, that’s all she did was OUT Kim. Earlier in the season I was fast forwarding through all her scenes but they've mixed her in with the more likeable housewives in the last couple of episodes and I've forced myself to watch to see what LisaR was talking about for example and I"m full of self loathing for those moments I wont ever get back.
  2. Considering the group he rolls with, him not uttering more than 10 words is a blessing.
  3. In what universe does Kristen have the balls to be offended/upset or whatever about FI "ambushing" James about her when she's not there to defend herself? Her level of crazy has to be scripted right? No way this woman is truly that delusional and not being held somewhere for some type of psychiatric evaluation? I'm starting to think that Andy invited Stassi back for this season just to totally shade her on Lisa's behalf. I'm not complaining but it finally just dawned on me. I can't help it I like Shay.
  4. As disgusting as I find Brandi, she's unwatchable to me, I find Kim that much more gross. I hate the fact that she even exists. I was a devoted fan as a kid of everything she was in and was so excited when it was announced that she had been cast on this show but to stir all that shit up? To get Kyle and Brandi into a fight because in my eyes she fueled the fire for sure and then act like Kyle has offended her is just disgusting (I am in shock and can not think of a better descriptor).
  5. I think the future Stassi free episodes is what Kristina has in mind. Where will she ever get her camera time if not by hanging on to one of these creatures and Katie is the least offensive so why not.
  6. Kristen claims she's trying to clear her name by exposing FI Tom? Uhm so now she's claiming she didnt bang Jax? Did I miss an episode? Doesn't "clearing" your name imply that you were falsely accused? I love watching this crazy bit but i'm so confused.
  7. Seeing as how many restaurants come and go every day. I'm sure Lisa and Ken are laughing all the way to the bank. These idiots and their antics keep her restaurant busy and hell, I"m sure many a restaurant wishes they had the exposure.
  8. She is one twisted sister! She wants to "prove" he is scum but she would give her right arm to be with him again. I was messy at that age and so were all my friends but for the love of God I don't remember any of us being anywhere near this insane. I thank my lucky stars every day that Kristen's brand of crazy is not something I understand. Katie absolutely won me over with her STFU. Up until then she was uninteresting to me. Now, all of a sudden I'm paying attention to what she says and does.
  9. How is implicating FI Tom in a cheating scandal going to clear Kristen's name exactly? Didn't she cheat on Tom with Jax? Didn't she lie over and over to Stassi about it? How is FI cheating vindicate Kristen? I guess I'm confused about her logic
  10. Perhaps in her drunken stupor Brandi just thought Kyle was keeping up with her, drink for drink.
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