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Everything posted by BradandJanet

  1. So, Jill invites the Amish neighbors to her pathetic Christmas parties so she can "save" them with the right Christianity, which apparently involves small amounts of cheap, processed food and tons of makeup and hairspray. Jill is a big light in the neighborhood, for sure. Oh, small churches, give David and Jill more money because all those smiley tracts are expensive to print and require David to get out of the recliner, turn off the map, and do something. Jill needs money to go to Punta Cana too.
  2. Since even Jill figured out that the ministry year-end newsletter wasn't the right place to talk about how much of her year was spent pushing Plexus, she had to resort to the cute sayings of Janessa to fill the page. Of course, her DEAR sister Amy (who is a quadriplegic) got a mention, but Tim's engagement and Kaylee's little Gideon did not.
  3. Plexus Slim requires a 40-hour fast? I thought just drinking it melted away unwanted weight, like the nose has melted off Jill's face. Did Jill really last forty hours without sneaking into her private drawer in the fridge? Only her kids are expected to go without eating. Phillip looks great. Do the Catholics in Hungary know they are lost souls? Does Phillip listen to the Hungarian national anthem or just watch it?
  4. I'm glad Olivia's traumatic, twisted body straightened out. That probably happened pretty quickly after she was born. Does BME really believe she lost over 60% of her blood at one time? Anyway, I SEVERELY hope the transfused blood she received came from single mothers with blue hair, LGBTQ+ people, P0C, vaccinated men, and atheists. I almost feel sorry for the blood that made its way to the brain of such an idiot.
  5. If Jill hadn't been called to spread the Word on social media, none of us would know what a selfish, cruel mother and general human being she is. Thank you Lord Daniel, I guess.
  6. Are these John&Romans, which are SMILEY John&Romans, a NEW design for Dave? I thought he didn't want to do NEW stuff. It was a lot of work to get these John&Romans ready. His unpaid child laborers must have put in SO much effort to make it happen.
  7. Mama Jill will be SEVERELY hurt if Jonathan becomes unable to go to work. He's an important cog in her grifting wheel, poor guy.
  8. Is the fireplace the big stove they moved into the dining room? In the summer, will they move the stove out and put the hutch that's blocking the kitchen door and window back in the dining room? I'm just curious how they're making this house work. I hope Kaylee isn't spending the money they save burning wood on buying Plexus potions to keep Mama happy.
  9. Every "deeply discounted" welcome pack is over a hundred dollars (up into the $200's) and is a prelude to a monthly subscription. How do Jill and her Plexus recruits afford this stuff?
  10. I'm curious about Jill's obsession with Plexus. I doubt it's about the money she's receiving, which can't be great. I also doubt she believes any of the products do what they claim. I think she feels powerful running her own "business." The perks, while usually small and spaced out, are things and experiences she wouldn't otherwise have in her dismal existence. (I begrudgingly give Plexus, Inc. credit for knowing its audience.) I wonder what their lives would be like if Hunk had energy and ambition, and Jill had the personality of a garden hose. The children would still ignored and underfed, but at least there would be steady income and probably no stink van tours and church grifts. Even Pecan Thief manages to support his family. I hope Nurie quits shilling Plexus. It will end up costing her money.
  11. I'm sure she is, and Jill is passive-aggressive in situations where her power isn't absolute. Ellen is in her precious Plexus downline, and Tim is publicly engaged and showing up looking happy and well-fed on social media. Jill has to try not to come off as too obvious. The hamster wheel is pumping out suggestions: She'll use poor (andKaylee) as her messenger to post backhanded criticisms. Ellen will ignore or deflect them. Kaylee's/Jill's messages will get longer and more riddled with commas until they are indecipherable. She'll blow a lot of money going to Punta Cana and be unable to contribute anything to Tim's wedding except a new dress for herself. She'll show up to the wedding with a brace or a big bandage and an elaborate story about a horse knocking her over her while she was carrying smiley tracts and freshly baked bread to her Amish neighbors. She'll make sure her family are extra hungry the day of the wedding and encourage them to attack the catered buffet with gusto.
  12. For some reason, I now have the video and the song "Danger! High Voltage" by the Electric Six stuck in my head. With Jill and David as the lead characters. How can I get my brain back?
  13. It's not just Ellen's jeans that are upsetting Lord Daniel. She has neglected to bleach her dark hair until it becomes a pile of straw, add mismatched extensions, and trowel on an inch of makeup.
  14. Kaylee faces several big obstacles. She lives close to Mahmo, so she's on call for whatever Jill wants and needs. Jonathan can't or won't protect Kaylee from Mahmo's demands. She grew up in the shadow of the precious Nurie, so she's always trying harder. I don't think Kaylee is mean or selfish like her mother. She's just in a position to be taken advantage of, and Jill appears to be willing to do just that.
  15. None of us believe that Kaylee and her siblings received much of an education, but perhaps Jill, the great homeschool teacher, did even worse than we give her credit for. What was Jill writing in those homeschool reports she used to turn into the state? Exaggerations and outright lies? I've seen a lot of poor writing in my time teaching, but Kaylee's is a sad case. The poor girl has no independent thoughts to express, and what little she does have to say, she's can't put into writing.
  16. Oh, that's possible. I was reading Reddit but can't find the watch post again. Maybe this is the male version of the grimace that takes over Kaylee's and Nurie's faces when BME starts taking photos.
  17. Apparently, Tim got Heidi a watch. She also received some cute dog accessories I think were from Tim.
  18. Ellen has Jill's number, for sure. I love it. I hope the Coveretts keep guiding Tim so he doesn't feel he has to father a dozen kids that he can't afford to feed.
  19. Did Phillip's bible school send the right student back to the barndo for Christmas? I would never have recognized Phil without the rest of the Rods there. How does Jill not see the change and worry what people think of her and David's parenting?
  20. I always wonder what the weather is when I see Rodrigues group photos. Their version of every season is represented at once.
  21. What does Jill know about either health or happiness? This just shows how bogus Plexus Inc. is.
  22. I can't imagine Jill and her brood are invited to many parties. That's like inviting ants to a picnic.
  23. Ha, ha. So Jill thinks that her Amish neighbors love her pathetic parties and that the light that radiates from her bleached mop and thick makeup will inspire the them to convert to the "correct" Christianity? The woman is delusional. If she thinks Amish women will sign up to sell overpriced Plexus powders so they can win trips to beach resorts, she's absolutely lost her mind.
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