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Everything posted by BradandJanet

  1. She paid for the Punta Cana retreat 10x over too. Now, can she afford to get Hunk and herself to the DR and back, or did her money go for Plexus inventory? We know it didn't go to feeding, dressing, and educating her children.
  2. Ah, now it's a "cuddle flannel" with a reinforced edge. Poor Janessa. Jill is determined to keep her a baby. If the child lived in a home with a regular routine that included reasonable bedtimes, proper schooling, active and imaginative play, and stable parents, she might not need Cuddle Flannel. Who knows since she'll never have a chance. I wonder if she'll end up living at the barndo permanently, taking care of elderly Papa Davy and Mama Jillybean. That sounds like the plot of a horror movie.
  3. I have to snort at the thought of Jill, holding a bottle of Plexus Active, driving to a gym three times a week for a sweaty workout in her tight, ankle-length, polyester skirt, white cowgirl boots, pink Maine sweat blouse, and the bejeweled "LOVE" baseball bonnet. Now, she'll have to find a gym that will let her stand on a treadmill and pose for a photo, just to show us it's TRUE.
  4. I don't believe Jill's Plexus gym post. Jill wouldn't be a member of any normal gym. Gyms cost money. And think of the immodest clothing she would see. Could she even go without Hunk? That would be another membership. I think she and the girls let themselves into a hotel gym and pool and used it once. Somehow, Jill decided that counts as a gym visit three times a week. However, if Plexus Active inspired her to do some of the housework instead of making her kids do it all, she'd get a workout. How naive does Jill think her Plexus audience is? That's a rhetorical question, I guess. Is Kaylee going to post about her gym workouts too?
  5. Jill pays for a gym!!! She can't afford to feed her children. If she can afford a gym, she can afford to go to Punta Cana with Hunk. Right, Jill?
  6. Which daughters are in the pool photo with Jill, and where did they go for their filter-clogging romp? Is this a hotel? The place looks empty except for the Rodriguii. ETA: Who's taking the pictures? Why are they jumping up and down on a slippery surface? (Never mind about the last question.)
  7. The dentist could probably feel the new teeth just at the bottom of the gum, assuming they've made it that far. My upper teeth got out of alignment when I had a baby tooth pulled and no spacer was used. The other teeth just drifted into the open space. When the permanent tooth finally came in, there was no room for it and it had to be pulled. I had braces as a teenager, but my front teeth are off a bit. Granted, this happened a very long time ago. I hope Sofia fares better with her unfilled spaces.
  8. Dragging Sadie and Sofia to the dentist and not having their teeth checked and cleaned is a sad thought, but something Jill is capable of doing. Sammer's fake Invisalign had a do-it-yourself fitting. He made an impression from a kit and sent it in. I guess the credit wasn't enough because Jill hasn't used the product on any other Rodlet. She must have found a griftable dentist for Tessie's braces. I think it depends on your rank and performance. Jill is still a metal, not a simulated gemstone. At the least, she and Hunk would have to cover their expenses to get to the DR and back. I'm still going to place a meager bet on Jill and Hunk's making it to Punta Cana by flying from Florida. Nurie will be glad to host the rest of the family so her hard-working parents get the nice trip they deserve. Nathan may have different thoughts, but who's going to ask him?
  9. I'm glad Jill thought to take away Janessa's dirty sucking rag while at the dentist's office. Fortunately, the poor child still had her thumb to comfort her since Jill probably can't manage to say much more to her than a shrill "look at the camera!" Jill is wearing what may be her most god-awful baseball bonnet ever, and that is a high bar to clear. She is the queen of tacky.
  10. You'd think Jill would give Lazy Davy a better edit. Maybe she's trying to tell us something.
  11. Don't worry about it. My 35-year-old son had admitted to using face-tuner on Zoom. I'm not sure why. He looks good to me. If it included dinner at the Rodrigueses', it was overpriced whatever it cost.
  12. If I'm not mistaken, poor Miss Ashley was used this way last year too. Imagine being dragged out again to serve as the retreat's token woman of marriageable age who is still on the shelf, with contentment. I hope Ashley (and her mother) at least get a free room and meals.
  13. Tim and Heidi look happy together. I hope he wears these Christmas pajamas in front of Mama since she's certainly seen the "immodest" photos. Her filtered head must be ready to explode. Is poor Renee going to have to team up with Miss Ashley Tucker to run the breakout session at the retreat for the young women who are waiting (with contentment) for the right man to fall into their lives? How much enthusiasm can any of them put into this topic since God does not seem to be cooperating?
  14. Jill appears to get braces for her kids who reach near-marriageable age. Employed sons-in-law and dutiful daughters-in-law are necessary for Jill's present and future well-being. As for medical or dental care for her young children, as long as they can do their chores, there's no need.
  15. With all the Plexus gut cleaning Jill does, her bathroom must stink. It's probably a good idea that she's erased her nose.
  16. Jill does her radio show and her Minute with Jill video rants from the fecal chair. She must have a camera and a mike in there too. Yuck. Is Janessa still in the windowless nursery? I'm a little surprised Jill hasn't moved her out and into the girls' room now that Nurie and Kaylee are elsewhere. That room would a quiet place to keep the Plexus stuff and have her little recording studio. Unfortunately, the nursery seems to be a shrine to her pregnancies, so last-baby Janessa may be in there for a while. I hope she's not still in the crib.
  17. Could a contestant wear cargo pants with lots of deep pockets? Apparently, they are allowed to put things in their pockets and take them out that way.
  18. Jill and Hubby have their own private bedroom and walk-in closet, but she had to make her comfy reading corner (and broadcast studio) practically on top of the toilet? The roll of toilet paper next to the chair is an interesting touch. David has his recliner in front of the map. He gets privacy by making the kids stay out of the family room. There's no way David is spending time sitting in that silly bathroom chair surrounded by paper flowers and plastic containers of makeup and hairspray. I have a version of that chair in my little home office. I bought it because it was cheap and the right size for the space. It's as hard as a rock, so I don't sit in it to read.
  19. Last night, there were two men and a married couple. The men played a better game in all aspects but failed to get the final $50,000. Can the second team watch the first go through the cage? There was a hat with scarves to pull out that netted an expensive piece of jewelry. Unfortunately, the scarf chain was so long it took 30 seconds to pull out completely. The first team got the jewelry from the hat, but didn't have time to collect much else. The second team should have skipped the scarf option, but didn't. The man on that team spent his entire time pulling out scarves, never got to the last one, and didn't get out of the cage in time.
  20. How ironic. Jonathan pays to take a course to improve his money management skills while Kaylee has been pulled into a money-sucking machine by her own mother. Kaylee won't stand up to Jill, but will Jonathan just sit by and watch Plexus drain their savings? If Plexus really does raise the risk for premature birth and Kaylee keeps chugging it during her pregnancies, how much stress and medical debt can this young couple withstand over time? It's beginning to look like a very bad situation. Amazon sells Plexus products for anyone who thinks they need them. There won't be any points, but there won't be a greedy MIL trying to grab your credit card either.
  21. This looks like the Gut Health Advanced Combo-Bio Cleanse welcome box. The deeply discounted price is $251 or $259, depending on the size(?). There may be some Plexus Slim in there too. It's probably a month's worth of product if used as instructed. Jonathan could have bought a very fine ax for that price and have money left over to take Kaylee to the Nice Olive Garden. Dave Ramsey should shriek in horror at this waste of money, but I'm sure he looks the other way. He probably didn't say anything about LuLaRoe either.
  22. But think of all the little flashlights and fly swatters he can collect by shopping there.
  23. Jon's writing makes sense, but a period or three would help. That's one long run-on.
  24. They usually stay at hotels that include breakfast. I bet she ate some of that too.
  25. Well, if Ramsey doesn't know a basic like the ONLY correct Bible to quote, how can Kaylee and Jonathan possibly trust his financial advice? As for the Bible verses, can't KayJon just translate them in their heads? How much does is this course about saving money costing them? Does the course have section about dealing with deadbeat adult relatives? That would make the whole thing worth the cost.
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