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Everything posted by HerkyJerky

  1. ITA! And also don't forget that us Baby Boomers still cling to the belief that we can attract a woman 20 years younger than us!😉😛
  2. This is priceless!!! She was very very good. Robert Scorpio as the emcee? OMG that brings me back!
  3. From the article: "When Carolyn and Gerry first started dating [in September 2017], my husband and I took them to an Iowa [Hawkeyes] football game,” Susan said. “I thought, ‘This guy’s legit. This guy’s a really good guy for her.’” He can't be too bad if he likes the Hawkeyes!🤣...jk
  4. Looking forward to Thursday. I miss Brian Stelter on “reliable sources“
  5. Fellow Big Ten alum here (Iowa, Class of ‘80). You guys kicked our butts this year! Good luck!
  6. Thanks, Blissfool! I’m going to have to turn up my hearing aids or put back on the subtitles because I didn’t get that at all!😊👨🏻‍🦳
  7. What does everybody think that Ana said about Whoopi that was bleeped out at the end of the show?? Does Whoopi have that fragile an ego that she can’t hear what Ana said?
  8. Yeah, he won't be able to hear the sweet nothings that the ladies whisper into his ear. He'll probably do what my 91-yr-old mother does: no matter what I say, she just nods her head and smiles!
  9. Since this is the GOLDEN Bachelor, should we also expect to see random lube tubes and certain medications on the nightstands, also?🙈
  10. After Xochi’s dance, they panned the audience and showed her friends hooting and hollering for her. There was a tall, skinny black girl at the end and she looked SO familiar! Does anybody know who that was? I know I’ve seen her recently. It’s driving me crazy! Lol.
  11. https://people.com/how-love-is-blind-izzy-zapata-deemed-new-girlfriend-a-keeper-paper-plates-exclusive-8362409
  12. Kristen, I wonder if our heat tolerance decreases as we age? I moved to Tampa 35 years at 33 and had NO problem with the heat. NOW it's a different story. I'd move back to Iowa in a heartbeat as I don't mind the snow or the cold but I can't stand the dreariness and not seeing the sun for weeks on end.
  13. I love this sentence! So simple and to the point. Does anybody remember "Mean Girls"?
  14. In the comments section below the article, one person said to go check out Daniel Sloss' Netflix Special called "Jigsaw" for the reason this person was single. So, I watched it last night. Very insightful!
  15. https://www.buzzfeed.com/mychalthompson/reddit-shares-reasons-why-theyre-single
  16. Does anybody else think that Natalie Johnson and Paula Faris could be sisters? WOW!
  17. This is what a big DWTS nerd I am: I saw this and my first reaction was I miss Whitney Carson too, but a whole night dedicated to her??🤷‍♂️
  18. Didn’t they do that on So You Think You Can Dance a while ago?
  19. Me three! I guess “We missed it by that much…”😛
  20. Lindsay, I’ve heard that more than once, but I followed Jenna from the so you can think dance days and I never got that impression. What makes you say that?
  21. Has anybody read “The Invisible Kingdom” by Meghan O’Rourke? Fascinating book about the same situation; how women are brushed off, placated and condescended to by the medical community. (Except in the author’s case, it was an autoimmune disease)
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