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Everything posted by senin

  1. My oldest son was watching Wheels Up a couple of days ago, I was doing something on the computer, and looking at the TV from time to time. When García and Luke realize that Walker is dead he yelled at the screen "For once, I really liked the new guy and they go and kill him". That's the reaction of someone who knew nothing about cast changes, hadn't seen any promos and had heard nothing about the new season at all. At the end I asked his opinion and he said "Intense!"
  2. Daniel, thank you for explaining it. I had never heard of The Linda problem and I didn't understand anything !! I understand it much better now!
  3. Reidfan said: the story's complete now GREAT !! And she also said: now working on the next installment. GREAT AGAIN!! I didn't start reading it because I wanted to have it complete, so now I can read it !! And enjoy it as much as the previous one.
  4. Morgan, Álvez and Simmons together in the same episode?? That's a lot of Alpha Males together. More seriously, I'd love to see Morgan and Reid together, even if it is for a short scene, but somehow I have the feeling we are not going to get it.
  5. Those of you who have been missing Roxie in the show, might enjoy this story by mabelreid. I did. https://www.fanfiction.net/s/12670845/1/Pet-Therapy
  6. There's another problem about bringing new people so often. If they are given a lot of screen time, some people feel that they are getting too much attention and the "old"characters don't get enough attention. If they are not given a lot of time, we don't know anything about them and we don't get attached to them. Eight profilers + unsub + victim(s) + ... in 42 minutes ? Just not enough.
  7. Really beautiful and the quote is so nice!!
  8. Reidfan, I remember your autumn pictures from last year,they were so beautiful!! (As the example we have above) So it's too warm across the Atlantic too? Here we are having very high temperatures, and no rain at all. It's not like autumn at all.
  9. Happy Thanksgiving to all the Canadians in the forum!! Trying to choose favourite episodes from the first seasons of CM is absolutely impossible for me, unless I can choose about 15 of the 22 or 23 episodes of the season. so I'm not going to try.
  10. A very small comment about something I just realised : when Reid gets frustrated with his brain going too slowly, he throws A BOOK to the window!! The man who loves books so much!! I watched the episode really late last night, and I didn't pay attention to this detail. I guess I need to rewatch. But now I'm watching the sneak peeks and spoilers (I try not to do it before the episode airs, I find them too "spoilery") and when García said "you threw a book..." I thought "no way, Reid would never do that to a book."
  11. I couldn't know when I said this, a month ago, that Reidfan would produce such a beautiful series of pictures , a couple of days ago I was looking at them, and trying to decide which is my favourite, and I just couldn't, they are all so beautiful!! Thanks Reidfan!!
  12. About the "watch me"scene I think it's become my favourite scene, not only from season 12 but my favourite scene of the whole show. Matthew's body language, the tone of his voice and the way the music starts at exactly the right moment ... I could watch it for hours (well, maybe not for hours but I have watched it a few times in a row). By the way, I'm listening to that song right now, soooo beautiful!!
  13. Reidfan, I guess this time you will be the first to watch it, enjoy it !! And quoting normasm which I won't be able to read until tomorrow, because of the time difference between both sides of the Atlantic!! I'm so excited...and impatient!
  14. Those eyes!! I was wondering if you were going to use that picture. So glad you did.
  15. Understood now. Phrasal verbs have got so many different meanings ... And yes, it would be so nice to have a new image every day, while we wait... I've said a lot of times that you are spoiling us !! Editing to add: That smile just shouldn't be allowed!!
  16. I'm not sure I understand the question... done up = looking really nice ??? (I had to check, but still not sure) Anyway, did I say thanks for the picture?? I think I didn't . THANKS !!
  17. One picture each day until September 27th ?? Just joking !! (half joking, I guess) Soooo niiceee !!
  18. I agree the article doesn't say much, I guess it's one of these things to keep us interested until the beginning of the new season. I loved her description of the relationship between Spencer and Diana. Just yesterday I finished rewatching season 1 , ending with The Fisher King and of course I had to go on with The Fisher King 2. And everytime Jane Lynch was in a scene I kept thinking "She's sooo good!!". So I'd love to have her back.
  19. Now you've given me a good reason to try and remember... but I really can't think of any moment in which Sergio is mentioned, sorry!! Editing to add: and BTW, I learned a new word, I didn't know what "gopher" means, thankyou!!
  20. You Do remember at least one episode from that season !! Need a clue ? 7 letters, first is "E", last is "Y" ....
  21. So many interesting ideas !! I've said before that some of you know the characters much better than most of the writers in the show, and have better ideas.!! Well, I'm saying it again. Too bad the scripts for the whole season (or most of them) must be finished by now.
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