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hardy har

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Everything posted by hardy har

  1. That about sums it up, doesn't it? I felt like Elanie Benes when she was watching The English Patient during that goddamn goodbye scene. Fuck, that took forever. I know this show was (loosely) based on The Sookie Stackhouse books, but every time this show had a Bill/Jessica scene I found my self wishing the show was about their relationship. Don't get me wrong, Bill annoyed the ever-loving fuck out of me, but the dynamic between Bill/Jessica was much more interesting and (at times) moving in comparison to Bill and Sookie's eternally boring love. Anyway ....... Farewell, True Blood. You turned into one hot mess of a show. May your actors move on to better things.
  2. I still love this show and I don't even really know why. I just do and I hope we never learn why/how the departure happened. Then again, I'm someone who thought LOST went down the shitter as soon as they revealed the smoke monster, so what do I know. I'm curious to see how that plays out. If Laurie has an decency left in her then she should . . . . . write Jill lots of notes about why she should leave the cult. Seriously. The GR is not the place you want your already fucked up daughter to hang around. I still don't hate Jill. She's an asshole for sure, but I understand why she's fucked up. Like, I have infinitely more sympathy for her than Meg. That being said, I was furious when Jill just let Aimee leave the house. Nora continues to be awesome. Love her That bitch is not sorry comments to Matt when Meg apologized. I'm starting to wonder if this show is just a giant commentary on how fucked up cults are. Like, no matter what a cult's beliefs or endgames are they're are all run by arrogant shitheads who make themselves attractive to weak/angry/lost vulnerable people and manipulate them into thinking they are a part of something special.
  3. God I love The Bridge. How nice to see a show that thrives in it's third season instead of getting all haywire. It's great to see all these seemingly little threads from varying plots start to come together. I'm kind of intrigued about how Sonya will react in the coming episodes to the varying lies from Marco, Hank and Jack. I mean, I can fully see why they all did it. I'd actually give Jack a pass because he was only thirteen and Marco and Hank blatantly committed crimes, yet I totally get why they did what they did. Lying has always been a big thing for Sonya, but she is a very pragmatic and level headed person, so I'd imagine she'll come to understand. That being said, she found out her surrogate father lied about murdering someone (plus he kind of implied he did it for her, which kind of puts the burden on her a little even though I don't think that was Hank's intention), she's dealing with her partner killing two crooked cops protect himself, her, Eva and Hank, and she just found out her sort-of-boyfriend had information that could have possibly prevented the murder of her sister. I mean, she found all that shit out on the same fucking day. That would be a ton of stress for anyone, let alone someone with all the baggage Sonya hauls around all day. I cannot adequately express how psyched that snippet made me. I'm still hoping they never ever hook up, but I am so down for them going vigilante on her rapists. That break in scene with Lucy was goddamn stressful. Props to her for taking that bastard out. I hope for Adriana's sake she's not dead. He sister is missing and likely dead and it would be awful if her girlfriend died too. LOL at Daniel and Ray. I loved the look on Daniel and Adriana's faces when Ray said he was the manager/co-owner. They were like, "This asshole? Woooow." I can't help it you guys, I know Daniel is an asshole but he and Adriana are one of my favorite duos on TV. If anything happens to that screwed up little pairing I will be very sad. I'm kind of prepping myself for something awful to happen because Eleanor has their names but still. I love them. I would fully watch a show where they open a P.I. firm and solve crimes. I wonder if Eleanor would be in a position to take over for Fausto if he ever died? Or, if he ever decided to move to Norway to be near his beloved Fjords.
  4. So, um, Arlene 4evah! She is the one genuinely redeeming thing about this season. Oh, wait. Willa was awesome too. I need to know if I'm I a horrible person? In the middle of Arlene's pep talk to Sookie it occurred to me that Sookie was "mouring" Alcide, like, 2 days ago and now she's all sad because her Twu Wuv is on death's door and I started laughing. That's awful, right? Massive LOLs about the whole Lafayette/Jessica/James plot. It was like you could feel what happened in the writer's room: Writer1: Fuck, guys, what they hell to we do with them! Writer2: Oh, shit, We only have 2 episode left huh?! Um. Just uh, they can be cool right? Cause we've got to figure out how to wrap up Martyr Bill, Cure Sara and the Yakuza in a sufficiently stupid and mindnubming way.. Writer3: Fuck me I totally forgot about those...... Writer1: Shit, yeah, they can be fine. Writer2: Sweet. Hey, man, pass the bong. Even though the eventual Jason/Brigette hookup has been obvious as fuck since she and Hoyt showed up I did enjoy her, "Um, I just broke up with my boyfriend you dumbass. Why would I have sex with you?!" comment. Now that I think about it, whole the whole Hoyt/Jessica/Jason/Brigette thing could have been genuinely interesting. Y'know, if Hoyt and Brigette showed up during the beginning of last season and the writers actually gave a shit and tried to develop it like a proper plot. Anyway, whatever. All the acting is pretty awesome from those 4 so yay for them I guess. I half expect the 4 of them to all go back to Alaska and live as besties or something. PAM. The fuck? How do you keep getting captured by the Yakuza? You are a vampire with super-strength and super-speed skills and they have . . . swords. I'm just . . . so confused by her continual damsel in distress bullshit. Right?!?! Slowest.Hour.Ever.
  5. I have finally mustered up the energy to watch this episode and fuck me . . . this is awful. Honestly, the best thing about this episode it that one of Will Yun Lee's tattooed henchmen was insanely good looking.......and that lasted all of 1 second. Now, I like Rutina Wesley a lot, but Tara has never been a favorite of mine because the writers never seemed to know what the hell to do with her, like, at all. That being said, Tara was put through the ringer repeatedly on this damn show and Lettie Mae, the woman whom we've been told is responsible for the horrific childhood Tara endured, gets closure? And Tara apologizes to her, takes the blame for all the shit went on and can't "forgive" herself until her asshole mom tells her too?!?!?! Fuck you, show. Fuck you to infinity and beyond! Also, how the fuck did that gun not get discovered already? It was buried 2 inches deep. Then there's Fucking Violet, whom I hate with the fire of 1,000 suns. I'm supposed to believe this vamp who's been around for fucking ever who has brought great men to their knees blahblahblah lost her damn mind because Jason Stackhouse didn't love her? The way that stupid plot ended encapsulates the thing that is pissing me off the most about this season. Alleged big bad elaborate threat is set up for a few episodes and is wrapped up abruptly only to result in a miniscule nugget of plot advancement; eg: Jessica and Hoyt are reintroduced. The only thing I enjoyed about any of that was remembering that DAW and JP had mad chemistry. Though, DAW kind of has mad chemistry with everyone. I guess they're maybe setting up Brigette and Jason, which ......fine. Of all the fucked up people on this show I think Jason and Jessica (and Lafayette) are the least fucked up, so I hope they wind up happy even if it hamfisted and dumb. I still want to punch Bill and Sookie in their stupid faces. Actually, same goes for Eric and Pam and that goddamn Sarah-is-the-cure plot. Ugh. God, now I have to watch the next one.
  6. I don't know guys . . . I just really like this show. I actually think the "scurrying ants" description is pretty apt and I have a friend who quit watching who said it just "meandered along," but I just really like it so far. I think it helps that I don't care that we have no answers about anything yet. Plus, I think that acting is pretty amazing save for the actress who plays Christine. That being said, I can see why it frustrates the shit out of a lot of people :) I still don't think Kevin has been sexing Aimee. He just doesn't strike me as a character who would fuck his daughter's best friend and, even though she can be annoying, Aimee doesn't strike me a someone who would fuck her best friend's dad. When she referenced the night before/what he said when she bandaged his hand I my brain just didn't go to Rough Sex Alert. I immediately thought it has something to do with Kevin revealing something to Aimee about his possible hallucinations and/or Dog Shooting Guy. This was actually the first episode where I kind of felt a little bad for Aimee. Something went down with her home life that led her to live with the Garvey's and that sucks. That rang pretty true for me since I know several people who lived with or were essentially raised by their friend's families. So, the home she went to for some sense of stability is kind of fucked because her best friend is a goddamn mess and Kevin is blacking out and acting fucking weird. I'm a little iffy in whatever the fuck Scott Glenn's character is alluding to, but I willing to see where that goes. Wayne's cult I can get behind (in terms of storyline) because those kind of weird little cults crop up all over the place anyway and I'm fine with how the GR are being portrayed as of now. Nora continues to be the best.
  7. A co-worker raved about the 50 Shades books to me and I opened her copy of the first one to a random spot, read a couple pages, and politely declined her offer to loan them to me. That was super boring. Well, until the Crazy In Love cover started.......then, I got a case of the giggles. I hope Jamie Dornan and Dakota Johnson will come out relatively unscathed from that shitfest. Dornan was so great and creepy as fuck in The Fall and Johnson was amazing in Ben and Kate (I'm still furious that got cancelled), so I hope they get the good old "Well, they did the best with what they had" reviews and quickly scurry off to better things.
  8. First of all.........did I spy Clay Davis as a priest?!?!? Sheeeiiiiit. I have never watched anything that has aired on the WE network with any sort of intent. I swear, mockable clips played on The Soup is the extent of my knowledge of this channel. The only reason I found out about The Divide was because I wanted to see what Chris Bauer was up to once True Blood and it's massive pile of fuckery end for good. So glad I found and new show to watch. Bonus points for it not airing on Sundays! I was sure there was gonna be that last minute stay and then the rest of the season would be about them trying to exonerate Jared, so I was actually kind of shocked Jared was executed. I thought the cast was great. I'd never seen the actors who played Christine or Adam before, but I liked them quite a bit. I love that Christine isn't some plucky idealist and I thought her personal tie to her job was woven in nicely. I thought it was really sad/interesting that she's telling people who don't know her dad or his case that he's been executed as if she's already made peace with the fact that she can't do anything for him. I like that Adam isn't being portrayed as some shady bastard prosecutor who covers up shit left and right. The only thing Adam did that really bothered me was asking Jenny to make a statement an even then I just thought it was in really poor taste more than anything else. IN addition to Bauer, Anne Dowd, Paul Schneider, Joe Anderson, and Nia Long are always welcome to any movie or tv show as far as I'm concerned. Though, word about her shirts. Damn, Billie, cover up the girls every now and again. I'm gonna have to learn the girl who plays Jenny's name. She was in that godawful remake MTV did of SKINS, but I do remember thinking she was literally the only decent actor on that show. Then she was poor Alma on the second season of American Horror Story. Lady? I will figure out your name! You were good too. I loved the scene with Jenny and Christine outside of the church. I wanted to give them both big hugs. Anyway, I'm in. I hope the show does well and that people, y'know, know it exists. Like I sad, if I hadn't been curious about Chris Bauer I never would've known about it. I'm willing to assume it was for some sort of protection. From what I understand it's quite common for weaker inmates to "join" not out of any real belief in said group's cause or doctrine, but to ether prevent being attacked, or the at least have a group behind you if someone comes after you. Yeah. Plus, Terry is pissed because he knows he wasn't there, which means Jared knows he wasn't there which means Jared didn't really do shit to help Terry during the investigation. As of now, it just look like he just let an innocent 17-year-old get dragged down with him.
  9. Heh. I believe he was one of the major shareholders of Sookie Magical Fairy Vagina (NYSE: SMFV). Hahahahaaa. DEXTER is certainly my benchmark for terrible final seasons. No matter how horrible a show may be going my brain convinces me there's no way it could be worse than the steaming pile of shit that was the final season of DEXTER.
  10. I love Franka Potente so damn much. I would describe her attire as more Polygamy Fundamentalist School Teacher Chic instead of elegant business woman, but still. ;) I was wondering last season what was going to come from the Euro angle Daniel and Adriana stumbled on and machete wielding, tattoo covered henchman Franka Potente is a pretty great result. Speaking of Daniel and Adriana, I didn't realize how much I missed that duo until that diner scene with Adriana's girlfriend. Did we meet her last season....? I think it makes sense that the Juarez cops are after Hank and Eva. On of the cops at that party in the finale last season was supposed to kill Eva, but took her to that convent-ish place instead and when the other cops found out they murdered him. Even though she was drugged, Eva is an eyewitness to a bunch of shady Juarez police activity and they want to get rid of all the loose ends. I swear if anything happens to Hank or Eva I will be furious. I kind of flove them you guys. Is it weird that I would totally watch a show about Hank, Sonya and Eva tending to a ranch? Not that I don't enjoy these characters (I do), but I actually liked that the premiere didn't include Linder or Charlotte. If the writers/PTB don't think some characters need to be shown in a certain ep, then I'd rather they not show them instead of shoehorn them in just because the actors are in the main credits. I'm not to sure how I feel about Sonya and the brother (Wyatt?), but I'm guessing Sonya is sort of latching herself to him because he's the next best thing to a connection to answers about her sisters death if Dobbs dies. Show get props for showing a lady getting some oral though. A tip of the hat to you, FX. I'm glad Marco wanting to kill Tate was almost non-existent. I'd rather it wasn't there at all, but I think I can take it if it stays as a back burner thing. I'd rather it be used as a point for Sonya and Marco's partnership. Hopefully Sonya finds out and manages to talk him out of it. Y'know, without having to shoot him again. I think I might actually stop watching if that happens. Marco is such a man-whore that I was sort of expecting it to happen at some point last year and I was so glad it didn't. When Sonya made the joke about Marco being able to have sex with anybody I thought, "Don't you fucking dare, show!"
  11. *puts 2012 in Netflix queue* That was amazing. So many things just. Kept. Happening.
  12. Jesus, you know what I just realized? If they wanted to do something along the lines of Eric being so despondent and wanting to meet the true death they should've just made Nora the love of his life. They had known each other for a long ass time, had chemistry, had an established sexual relationship, and were both all messed up about Godric. Seriously. They could've still gone with Eric's reunion with Authority dwelling Nora, to Nora getting all caught up in the Lilith bullshit. Tie that with Eric trying to save her from that bag of crazy along with Billith. Then, last season instead of having her do all of her totally rational sleuthing about Warlow off fucking camera have her and Eric work together on camera and, y'know, build on that relationship for the audience. Then, Eric's hubris gets in the way like always and Nora gets caught and pays the price for his rash behavior, She's thrown into vamp camp, infected with Hep V and dies. Now, that? That I would understand being the last straw for him, but Sylvie? Who the fuck is Sylvie?
  13. Seriously, who are these people?!?! I swear, it feels like TPTB hired a crop of new writers, got drunk and scribbled bullet points about plots and characters, and then told said new writers the only rule they must follow is to NEVER watch any previous episodes. Fuck. The fuck is Sylvie? We've been watching Eric for 7 years and yet we've never heard of this human woman he was madly in love with in the eighties. (Also, that Viking bastard's hair should've been long, but whatever) So, show, if you're going to retcon/shoehorn this girl into his backstory, you better damn well make be believe, at least a little, that Sylvie was awesome. Or at the very least, I need to understand why Eric might be crazy about her, but noooooo. Show? All I know about Sylvie was she was a French Uni student who liked to fuck in a vineyard. I always liked Alcide. I liked him less as the seasons went on because I never understood why he was crazy about Sookie, but what do you want from a guy who was with Debbie Pelt. Anyway, I liked him because he was a decent person, but I wasn't even phased by his death. I would love any of the remaining rescue crew to chew Sookie and Bill the fuck out about their plan because if it weren't for Alcide, Sam, Jason, Andy, Jess and Fucking Violet those 2 dumbshits would be dead. I can't even describe the level of eyerolling that went on in my skull when Sookie asked if Bill was still the "same vampire who did all that horrible stuff to her" Just, fuck you show. Fuuuuuuck you. Those two idiot-assholes deserve each other. I'm conflicted about Lala and James. As a separate thing I actually think they have pretty great chemistry, but their whole plot feels like it belongs on a different show because they aren't acting like morons. I still think they fucked up with whatever they were going for with Jess and James, When he mentioned Jess to Lafayette I went "Oh, right." because I literally forgot they were a couple. Side note: If this episode was an hour of Lala dancing by himself it would've been a winner for me . True story. Sarah Newin! I love that crazy bitch. Anna Camp brings the perfect level of camp to this show and while I'm not crazy about another goddamn plot being added, I'm willing to go with it because Sarah Newlin = Win in my book. Also, AC looks great with the darker hair. Of course Asian Bad Guys have swords on this show. Of course. Ugh. I zoned out during the fangtasia scene. Can someone tell me why they took Holly outside? Oh, and has Sam's dumb pregnant girlfriend even had a line this season? Not that I want her to talk, but still. I actually really really like the relationship with Willa and the Reverend. Too bad it's surrounded by a bunch of bullshit. That has to be what's going on. I can't think of another reason why Lettie Mae would suddenly be getting so much screen time What's even dumber is they're not even out searching for supes to kill. They seem to be hiding on the side of one fucking road and then just waiting for a car to approach so they can jump in front of it like a bunch dumbfucks. I yelled "NO!!! Just run them over!" when Jason, Andy, Jess, and Violet stopped an got out of the car. Speaking of Violet......she was awesome for that 1 second it took her to kill Maxine. Other than that, she's still a waste of space. This show is full of insane accents, but I've never been able to explain to people why I hate SM's so much and "half-assed Elvis" does the trick. Thanks!
  14. Big giant A+ for the music. Anyway, the ads/promos for this show did nothing for me, but True Blood is such an unrelenting disaster that I watched this as a palette cleanser. Maybe it's was a combination of low expectations, but I really liked the pilot and I'm in for the season. Plus, I thought all the actors were pretty great and it was fun seeing so many recognizable faces. I'm not expecting a bunch of answers right out of the gate, but Damon Lindelof's involvement kind of terrifies me . . . a lot. If the show doesn't start answering some stuff by the end of the season I'm gonna get really annoyed. Did the chief hallucinate his jacked up kitchen? The place seemed fine when his daughter got home.
  15. Good things: Jessica/Andy/Adalyn, Jason (though he lost points for declaring his affection for Gross Violet even while having a V-inspired sex dream), Lafayette calling out Lettie Mae, Willa, Alabama Shakes playing over the end credits. If you told me during the first 4 seasons of this show what I'd be bored out of my skull during a scene when Jason and Eric were all over each other I would've slapped you in the damn face. Yet there I sat, bored out of my skull. Can someone tell me what useful information they learned from their field trip to St. Alice? Seriously. I feel like they knew all that shit already. I found myself vacillating between blind rage and fits of laughter while Sookie was reading the diary. The rage was due to the aggressively hamfitsed parallels to Bill/Sookie (and fuck you show for the flashbacks. I watched season 1 and I remember that stuff because it was back when you were good!) and the laughing was due the very detailed journaling going on while people were apparently dying left and right. Here's a question......why doesn't our Scooby Gang* move to St. Alice? The vamps have already emptied that place and moved on, so they presumably wouldn't go back. Hee. I think that's my problem. I do watch with my undivided attention and find myself fuming most of the time. This is driving me crazy. All through the scene where the dumb mob with the new "mayor" are getting riled up in the Merlotte kitchen I just kept saying to myself "Who the fuck are these people! I don't care about any of them in anyway! Get off my screen! Why are you all on my screen?!?!?!" Adalyn actually proved to be one of the smartest people in town by hearing about something terrible and going to the cops. Too bad the writers forgot that Kenya was awesome and decided to make her an idiot. The Kenya we knew in prior seasons would never in a million years given mob of complete morons access to police weapons no matter how pissed off she was about Andy. I was facepalming everywhere when they were all shooting the guns off at the station. I mean, these are adults. . . .just. . . . what the fuck?!?!? No one in that town is ever allowed to make fun Jason's intelligence ever again. *My sincerest apologies to the Scooby Gang for the comparison.
  16. Soooooo, was it ever explained why Adalyn stopped rapidly aging? At this point it's basically like TPTB said "Oh, ok. She's hot now, so we can keep her this way, right?"
  17. This is pretty much the only storyline I'm looking forward too and I'm giving all the credit to DAW, CB and the girl who plays Adilyn (I swear I spell her name differently every time. Heh) Jessica is one of the few characters who actually seems to feel remorse for the awful things she does and I don't get the sense that she's doing it to even the scales or make up for Killing Adalyn's sisters. I feel like she's doing it because it's the decent thing to do and I also think she understand that Andy will probably (and understandably) never forgive her for killing his girls. All I really want at this point are a bunch of scenes with Deborah Ann Woll and Chris Bauer and whatever the actress who plays Adalyn's name is. This plot is my liferaft right now and I'm vaguely optimistic about it and yet.......knowing these writers they'll fuck it all up by episode 3.
  18. LUCK was such a great show. Helena's boyfriend was on that too! Is it weird that I've already decided for the 2 1/2 months leading up to Season 3 I'm going to watch an episode a week and just rewatch the whole series leading up to the premiere?
  19. Eh, even though Sarah is fertile and the rest are not, it'd still be a pretty big risk to assume her marrow would work. Based on the speed of her illness Cosima didn't/doesn't exactly have a lot of time, so between knowing Kira is a match and hoping Sarah is a match you'd kind of have to go with the Kira option. Plus, would rendering clones infertile have any effect on their marrow anyway? No OB tonight. Boo.
  20. Oh my god this still infuriates me so fucking much and this is coming from someone who didn't even really like Luna and thinks Jurnee is made of awesome. Sam who for all intents and purposes, is totally in love with Luna. Not only that, he loves her daughter as well and wants them all to be a happy family blah blah blah. He willingly risks his life in order so save them both on numerous occasions. Again, I wasn't that into them, but still. Sam loved her the most and all that jazz. She dies because she skinwalked one to many damn times and Sam takes Emma and the stupid do-gooder college student (right?) as they run from the dumb werewolves. Then, Sam has his "Oh, I'm so grief stricken and I just want the pain to go away for a minute." attitude and this show being tacky and gross decided he should find said solace in a new vagina in what I'm pretty sure was, like less than 12 hours since Luna died. And to make it all worse was that he fucked the new girl in the room next to Emma. You remember Emma right, Sam? She's the little girl who you were going to help raise with the woman who just died. In your arms. Who you allegedly loved so much. That little girl probably need someone to talk to right now because her MOTHER JUST DIED, but no. YOu go on ahead a sex up the new hot girl. Asshole. Just........RAGE!
  21. I love that movie and will defend Marisa Tomei's Oscar win until I am blue in the face. To this day, that movie still makes me laugh like an idiot. My family has a penchant for saying "I wore this. . . ridiculous thing . . for you" when we are nagged into going somewhere and have to dress up. I never know if I should be embarrassed about loving this one because when I saw it in the theater a friend and I were the only people there and I don't really know many others who've seen it, but . . . Drop Dead Gorgeous is everything, you guys. I think I can quote that movie back to front. I'm even giggling as a type this. Kirsten Dunst aspiring to be like pageant winner Diane Sawyer, Denise Richards playing a horribly hilarious bitch, Kirstie Alley being her equally horribly hilarious mother, Amy Adams as the slutty one, Ellen Barkin and Alison Janey a boozed up besties, creepy judges, explosions, tap dancing in a morgue, dance numbers that include a wheel chair and Jesus on the cross, and so much more insanity presented to you as a documentary about highschool girls trying to rise up pageant ranks in Minnesota. God, I love it so much.
  22. Both Pattinson and Stewart got crazy amazing reviews for their foreign arthouse movies that played at Cannes this year. Pattinson Had The Rover co-starring guy Pearce, directed by David Mechod and Stewart had Clouds of Sils Maria co-starring Juliette Binoche, directed by Olivier Assayas. I hope they both roll around on their piles of Twilight money, laugh and continue to stick to the indie flicks. So, I watched Enemy last night, which I am still thinking about. Anyway, I really hope Jake Gyllenhaal works with Denis Villeneuve at least a couple more times. Between this movie and Prisoners that guy knows how to get great work out of JG. That being said, I just need to say that Sarah Gadon is so goddamn good every time I see her in anything and this movie was no exception. She's never show-boaty or flashy, she's just really good. Like, all the time. I am torn between wanting her to be crazy famous because I think she deserves to make tons of money and wanting her to keep doing what she's doing because she keeps popping up in awesome weird little things.
  23. Just a heads up, I was checking my comcast listings and FX is showing the last 3 episodes in the wee hours of the morning on July 3rd. The listed time are: Episode 11 -- 2:03am Episode 12 -- 3:02am Episode 13 -- 4:05am I wish FX would just put the whole damn season On Demand.
  24. Well, the first thing on my list for Summer is hate watching the last season of True Blood. I really feel like even if you've never watched that show you too can hate watch its swan song. Wholeheartedly Co-Sign watching Fringe. (Hint, hint: all 5 seasons are available to stream on netflix) In fact, when I finally started watching OB I mentioned on TWoP that it was filling the Fringe-sized hole in my heart. Hell, I may even do a rewatch. God, I miss that show. The second season of The Bridge starts on July 9th on FX and I'd definitely recommend the first season. It was bumpy at times, but I think the good far outweighs the bad and I'm looking forward to where it goes from here on out. Tyrant also started this past Tuesday on FX and The Strain starts in late July. I noticed Netflix has Sleeper Cell streaming now. It only lasted 2 seasons, but I loved the hell out of that show. Plus, there was so much pretty on that show with Michael Ealey and Oded Fehr among others. Anyway . . . Ealey played a cop who was deep undercover in a terrorist cell in Los Angeles that was run by Fehr. Oh, and this is a movie, but I watched Enemy today and it's about a guy who sees his doppelganger while watching a movie. He seeks him out and . . . yeah. I'm still processing it, but I thought it was really good. OB tie in: It's directed by Denis Villeneuve who directed Polytechnique which costarred Evelyne Brochu. That movie was also really good, but incredibly upsetting/depressing.
  25. In terms of how they interact with fans and stuff I think this might be the most collectively adorable cast and crew ever. LOL at Kristian's "farting, murdering Donnie" scribble. Hee! Also......hey there, Josh Vokey. Scott is kinda hot, you guys.
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