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hardy har

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Everything posted by hardy har

  1. Considering we learned that he's been spying for Castor, I wonder if the Friendly Fire in Afghanistan was faked by the military so DYAD thought they had something over Paul.
  2. I forgot to ask this in my earlier post, who else thought it was weird that the whole country is apparently ok with the fact that Bill tore the head off of a governor? Like, the justification was that the man was an asshole, so that makes it ok. Just.......what? Anyway, there was soooooo much stuff I blocked out from the last season that I spent almost all of the "previously on" segment getting annoyed. You guys? I literally forgot about Warlow and I got reaquainted with my massive hatred for that bullshit about Sookie's parents trying to kill her when she was a child. Haaaaaaaate. I also forgot about Sam's stupid girlfriend and her pregnancy. Like, I am actively hoping a pregnant character dies. I feel like I should feel bad about that and yet . . . . I do not. Ok, I really hope she's lying because she's somehow obligated to not spoil stuff, but that is fucking bullshit if true. Damn. Fuck, she's gonna be a ghost or something, isn't she? Heh. I know Nora didn't have a lot of fans, but I really liked her and was bummed when she died. She was actually, y'know, trying to find shit out instead of running around doing mind-bendingly stupid stuff. To this day I still cannot fathom why Eric thought turning Willa would make her father sympathize with the vamps. So dumb. Of course this show had Nora doing her digging off-screen, but still. Why show a character actively trying to find out what fuck is going on when we could witness Jesus Bill, half-assed vampire torture camp and the 2nd grade level arts-n-crafts Fae limbo set and a preschool level arts-n-crafts set for the Warlow/Lilith history reveal. Ugh.
  3. Previously on True Blood: A bunch of stupid shit happened. Ok, i get that she's the main character so she has to be alive, but really. How the fuck is Sookie still alive?!?!?!?!? I mean, I just find it inexplicable at this point. I call bullshit on Tara being dead, but what really pisses me off was that everyone else thinks she's really dead and they don't seem to give much of a shit. Except for Jessica and Willa. Really, show? You know what else I call bullshit on? The fact that the town didn't rise up and try to kill Sam and Bill for their genuinely stupid vamp/human mixer idea. BTW, are there any Hannibal fans here? Was the guy who played Vince (or was it Victor?) Garret Jacob Hobbs? 'Cause I may or may not have shouted "GARRET JACOB HOBBS!" when he showed up. Why is Violet still on my tv screen? She was useless and annoying last season and she's useless and annoying this season. I hope she gets staked. Soon. The Fangtasia reveal made me laugh. I'm fuzzy on why they were taken. I assumed it was just so the vamps had a bunch of people to feed on, but the clips after the show made it seem like it's something else. The only stuff I like right now is the Jessica/Andy/Adaline stuff. Oh, and New James flirting with LaLa. I'm gonna hate-watch the hell out of his show like I did with the last season of Dexter. I'm oddly excited to find out if it could be worse.
  4. Ahhhh, ok. I misread your earlier post and I'm with you all the way. The spec about Charlotte coming from Sarah (or any of the clones) makes no sense to me.
  5. FWIW, it's purely the actors for me. I fully agree that Cal is a boring character and I think Paul is a million times more interesting on paper, yet I still prefer Cal. Stoic characters are usually my jam, but DB just isn't working for me. It's not even that I think he's a bad actor. He's fine. It's just that I think everyone else on the show laps him in terms of acting skills. That being said.....I did/do like DB much more when Paul is being an asshole like the nailgun scene in S1 and the first few eps of this season. I have no idea why, but every time Vic was on my screen I found my self wondering if I'd care about Paul more if Michael Mando played him. Ok, if DYAD knew about the prolethians, then the military must have known about them too. My guess is that Mark doesn't know he's a clone, but that he was sent on a mission to spy on the prolethians to see what they were up too. So, he sets off for Big Love Ranch and tells Henrick he's AWOL, that he needs help and wants to join their flock and all that bullshit. Ha and so much word to the bolded part. MIchelle Forbes is so great, but I don't trust Marion at all. The nicer and more helpful she got the more I didn't trust her and Sarah better watch her ass. Plus, there was the whole male clone reveal scene. Now, granted he looked unhinged, but the woman is keeping a man in a goddamn cage. Sure, it's nicer that the one Tomas put Helena in, but still. My guess is that they weren't initially going to play any part in the failed cloning attempts because, like you said, no one knew about them. However, when they found out Sarah was out there, able to conceive and had a twin (who might also be able to conceive) I could see why DYAD/LEDA/Topside would want to study them. Their biology could hold the key to successful clone attempts because they don't have Duncan's synthetic sequences. Speaking of Duncan's sequences . . . . Cosima? Don't you dare let Marion know about that shit! Find Scott, get Delphine back from Germany, gather the rest of clone club and you weirdos need to figure out a way to cure you with out some big fancy corporation's or the military's help.
  6. One thing I really like about this show is even if the writers do something that gives me pause, I am still totally intrigued to see how I plays out. Like, there were a few things in the finale that I'm a little WTF about, but I can't wait to see where they go. Military boy clones, Paul playing Project LEDA, Helena being taken again, Is Mark self-aware?, was there a particular reason Delphine was sent to Frankfurt? Bring it, show! I discovered the first season about 3 1/2 weeks before this season started and the week I had to wait for new episodes drove me nuts. This hiatus is going to drive me insane.
  7. Damn, that was crazy. You guys have pretty much said everything, so I'll keep this brief..... In the back of my head I always thought there had to be boy clones and when Marion was taking Sarah through the house I immediately thought that's what we'd see. Then, when she started mentioning the military I got worried we were going to have a bunch of Paul clones and got annoyed. DB seems like a truly awesome guy, but I think his acting is barely passable as Paul and the I idea of him playing multiple parts made be briefly ragey. Then, when we saw the back of the clone I thought it was Felix and was kind of disappointed. I kind of love that it turned out to be Mark and I'm interested to see what Ari Mullen does. I'm not really worried that they'll take away from the female clones. I imagine they'll mostly play a part in whatever Helena's S3 story is. I legit thought Cosima was dead, but I'm so glad she's not. Her whole personality is so awesome and I feel like the show would just sort of have a cloud of bleakness over it without her around. I didn't see her whole Delphine vision as Kira healing her (I don't think I'd like adding Miracle Hands to Kira's list if skills), but I did think it was a near death experience. I'm also fully expecting Cosima to get ahold of Delphine and Scott so they can get to work on Duncan's notes away from DYAD. I really can't express how much I love the Sarah/Cosima scenes. They've all pretty much been my favorites scenes this season. I actually really love the way Sarah plays Rachel, so I wouldn't mind if she was back. That being said, I was already thinking she would probably die this ep and when she smashed up the marrow I was pretty much thinking "Ok, you have to die now!" I wonder if they had to cut anything for time during Sarah's escape? They set up the whole thing in the operating room and then which was super stressful and then Marion just let her go with Kira and it really undercut the tension. Well, the official description for the eps basically flatout said she escapes too, so that may have also contributed to how I felt about it. I missed Alison and was a little bummed she wasn't in more, but I don't really know what else she could've been doing to help the plot, so I get why she wasn't in much. I do hope they figure out how to incorporate her into the main plots more. I love Alison, but she was really separate from everyone else. Anyway, I'm sure I'll be back later.
  8. Valny, I mean need to lean on you for moral support because it's taking all of my willpower not to click that damn link! I can hold out for 52 more hours, right? Right?! I keep trying to figure out the "new ally" thing too and I can't imagine them bringing Tony back because they made such a big deal about getting him the hell outta dodge so he wasn't caught up in all the insanity. I think it'd be insane to introduce another new clone now, so all I can come up with is Marian. Maybe? Or perhaps Delphine? Like, I think she's pretty obviously Team Clone, but Sarah/Alison/Felix/Mrs S have never trusted her, so maybe she does something to help them out from the inside.
  9. That cross promotion with Almost Royal is amazing and I totally want DB to get cast in a comedy now. I wish I found his work on the show half as awesome as I find him in interviews and promo stuff. As an aside, that video is the first time I've ever thought Hot Paul was an appropriate nickname for him. He looks damn good.
  10. I swear if I had any sort of photoshop or image manipulation skills I would use them to make greeting cards with quotes from Rachel.
  11. I don't care how many times I hear or read that, it still makes me laugh. Easily my favorite Rachel line. It wasn't a line, but Vic flashing deuces when Donnie told him and Angie to smile was pretty great.
  12. There is a part of me that wants a scene where Sarah tells Helena all the shit Rachel has been up to only to have Helena basically say, "You know if you just let me kill her before none of this would have happened, right?" Then, you know, they gather the troops and kill the hell out of Rachel and take Helena to the biggest all-you-can-eat buffet ever as a thank you. I'm not too worried. The Patent issue hasn't come up since S2 Ep 1 either, but I'm wondering if that is going to play into a military/government aspect of the show later on. Manson and Fawcett have been trying to get this made for like 10 years and said they basically have 3 seasons in mind, so I don't think they're just throwing stuff at a wall to see what sticks. Plus, for me at least, this show has sort of constant set up stuff that I think they're forgotten about only to have of come together later on.
  13. It kind of made me love the scene where Helena threatens Katheryn Alexander all the more. Gracie has grown up in that vile compound he whole life and the look on her face when Helena defended that little girl was like a bullied child finally having someone stand up for them because they didn't know how to do it for themselves. Helena and Gracie forever, you guys! Seriously, when it cut to Gracie being inseminated I thought, "Heinrik, you piece of shit!" and I was hoping she would kick him in his face. I was wondering if Mark being in the military would come up again. Paul mentioned something about being impressed with Mark's tailing ability, right? I wonder if DYAD and the Prolethians keeps track of AWOL soldiers or something. Yeah, that's what I think. I've never seen Rachel's Spiral of Crazy and her being baby crazy. She is someone who, in her own way, has craved a real family (or at least a genuine human connection) for quite some time. Why else would she repeatedly watch those home movies of her as a happy little girl? Couple that with the fact that she now knows she's really not special, she's was just another branch of the initial cloning experiment and Leekie, the man she thought took her in after her parents death was the one responsible for it in the first place. She's not special, she's not unique, she's another lab rat who was tricked just like the others. While I do think she does genuinely want a child to try and regain that familial connection she lost so long ago, I definitely don't see her kidnapping Kira is as simple as the Powerful Woman Just Want A Baby trope. Taking Kira is a way to try and regain some semblance of control and power because it's really the only comfort she has right now. All that being said......I still want her ass to die. :) Leekie definitely knew about Helena. When Delphine read off the names he recognized it and Rachel referred to Helena as his "White Whale" earlier this season, so he's been looking for her for a while. ETA: Oh, man. I hope we get a scene in the finale where Kira calls whatever number Cal had her memorize for emergencies. Kira! Find a phone! ETA 2: I just occurred to me that Mrs Heinrik (Bonnie?) wasn't at the ranch. I have no doubt that woman will come after Helena.
  14. So, does Felix have an animal related pet name? Kira is monkey and Mrs S has rather adorably called Sarah chicken twice now.
  15. Yup. Holy fuckballs just about sums it up. I mean, I don't know how they do it, but I basically have everyone in the death pool now and it's freaking my shit out. Whoever directed this episode did an amazing job and that scene was awesome. I felt like I was watching someone have a psychotic break.The whole bit where Rachel sort of pats her face and calls herself "stupid" for crying about her parents and then calmly gathers herself was super sad and insanely terrifying. Seriously! My brain was freaking out during that scene. Like, Sarah goes to check on Kira and then Felix's phone rings and it says Sarah is calling and I literally thought, "Who has Sarah's phone?!?" Then "Sarah" turned around and had Rachel's voice and I actually yelled "Holy Fuck! Ohmygod!" out loud in my living room. I wonder if Marian knows what Rachel is up to with Kira? They have this sort of weird "in on the same joke" vibe between them that I find really unsettling. Rachel has to die right? Like, they're trying to get us to worry that Cos is gonna die when, in fact, Rachel bites it in some unholy fashion for all the awfulness she's brought upon our dear clones. I want Sarah, Felix, Helena Mrs S and Alison to kill Rachel as some sort of Clone Club Bonding Experience. Donnie can watch the perimeter. I'd add Cosima and Delphine to the kill club, but I think those nerds might be just as bad at killing as they are at spying. Ok, I still maintain that if the show ever fully softens or domesticates Helena I'll be pissed, but goddamn she was great this episode. I can't remember if I posted it here or on TWoP, but after the initial lips sewn shut punishment episode, I wondered if Gracie and Helena would ever join up, so YAY for their bonding! I thought the moment where Helena told Gracie if she didn't want to keep her babies then she shouldn't. There was a lot of non-verbal acting awesomeness from TM and Zoe De Grand Maison in that scene. I do kind of hope Gracie tells Mark to fuck off though because that boy seems easily swayed. I was YAAAAASSSS-ing all over the place when the camera cut to the fire. Amazing. Then, I slightly panicked about the possibility of kids being there, but then I told myself to shut up. No way Helena would burn a bunch of kids. I need someone (anyone!) to let her know Rachel is fucking with her sister and her niece. Damn, Delphine was pretty much fucked no matter what, huh? Rachel and Marian with their whole "Oh, our interim director is also intimately acquainted with her subject. How lovely for us?" convo was all manner of evil. And Duncan still makes me nervous. He seems so helpful and this show makes me crazy paranoid about that shit. That being said, it would be pretty awesome of he was just trying to help and I really want that to be the case because I don't want Cosima to die. Alison and Donnie are so completely fucked up and I love it. I was in stitches when they were trying to figure out how to lay the body down and then eventually settled on going with the diagonal option and it just got more amazing as it went on. I have to echo all the love for Donnie's awesomeness with Angela. The. Best. How the Alison and Donnie Hendrix become my favorite married couple on TV?!?
  16. I don't watch it, but I thought I read somewhere that Dylan Bruce is on Arrow too and he was shooting both shows at the same time, so that would account for his absence. As a character, I do find Paul more interesting this year, but I'm not all that upset about not seeing DB and his various stages of Blue Steel all up on my TV screen. RE: Tony I actually have come around on TM's portrayal. I sort of thought she was just doing a variation on Sarah, but upon rewatch I found them pretty different. They're personalities are similar, but Tony's walk, posture, voice cadence and general physicality were definitely different to me. I still maintain that the timing of introducing him so late in the season and his hair were the problem. I'm guessing the show will check back with him in some small capacity in the future, but I hope they figure out his hair. Hell, they could just throw it back in a ponytail or something. I know plenty of guys who do that. I had no issue with that facial hair. It's my understanding that trying to grow facial hair is sort or a nightmare for trans men. Something I noticed on the rewatch......did Sammy know Tony was a clone? Did he know there were others? Before he dies he says something about Beth to Tony along the lines of "she knew you were-" and then he stops and just tells tony to find Beth and deliver the message. I'm wondering if the "suits" who went after them were government agents or something. RE: rapid healing of Helena and Kira Characters tend to recover remarkably well in scifi and action pieces so I think that plays a part, but Helena and Kira's healing has been remarked on by other characters, so I imagine it will come into play at some point. I still can't decide about whether or not to trust Duncan. Well, I actually don't trust him, but I'm torn about whether or not he's gonna set his sights on Kira for some weird experimental purpose. I was actually wondering if The Clone Trio all wind up being held at DYAD by the end of the season, Cosima is there already. Sarah may wind up there because of Kira and Alison has already signed a contract with them plus she is helping her husband cover up the accidental murder of the director. Then there's Helena, who's fertile, who DYAD would want in their facilities as well.
  17. I swear the promos shown on BBC America directly after the episode airs are always a little different than the ones they release through the website. I'll see the after-episode one and have my usual "Oh, shit!" reaction and then I watch the one here and there are a couple scenes in the promo that weren't in the other one. BBC America is trying to make me think my memory is turning into mush! I think an argument could be made that all of the monitors are dispensable in terms of storyline. Like, I don't think losing Paul, Delphine or Donnie would drastically alter anything, but I'd actually be bummed if we lost any of them at this point. Even Paul, who I thought was a waste of space last season, has grown on me a little bit.
  18. I still need to rewatch, but the more I think Tony the more I realize that 99% of what bothered me was the timing of his introduction. I'm still a little flabbergasted they introduced him during ep 8 because there's so much stuff going on. I will say that I thought TM got better as Tony as the episode went along. I did find it rather adorable that Sarah, Felix and Art seemed to be protecting him by getting him the fuck outta there. I like the idea of the people centrally involved in Team Clone trying to keep other clones out of their giant mess. I do hope we at least touch base with him in some way in the future. Hopefully, they can figure out a way to tame TM's hair so Tony can get a better haircut :) I fully agree with everyone singing the praises of Jordan Gavaris. He really did/does help sell the clones and there's never been a second where I though he was mixing his clone chemistry. I actually think EB does a pretty good job too. Granted she only had 2 scenes with Sarah and 2 with Rachel, her vibe with them is totally different than when she's with Cosima. Anyway, aside from my frustration with the timing of the Tony intro, I actually really loved everything else about the episode. ETA: You guys? I just thought of something. Leekie told Paul his "hobby" was trying to create an artificial womb. In light of the "designed to be barren" reveal . . . . that can't be a coincidence, right?
  19. At the end of the last episode Sarah took Kira from Cal. It was after she got the call from Cosima and Kira yanked out her own tooth like a boss. There was that whole scene of Cal saying goodbye to her and making sure Kira remembered a number to call in case they got in trouble. Which, I'm guessing will come into play by the finale.
  20. This is the first episode I watched that felt kind of off to me and I think it's because so much time was spent on a brand new character whom it appears we won't be seeing anymore. Or at least for a good long while. Like, this was the 3rd to last episode and it felt like the show kind of hit the brakes on our road trip. To quote Vick the Dick it was a rock in my stream, blocking the flow. I know this show always has us asking a bunch of questions, but it typically does a pretty damn good job of providing the viewers with information too and Tony was on screen an awfully long time only for us to learn that Paul is a "good" guy. Maybe if some of the Tony stuff was intercut with Paul doing . . . whatever it is he's doing it would've worked better for me or something. Also: since when on conspiracy related TV shows does military=good guy? I mean, Tony obviously trusted Sammy (that was his name right?), but I just met Tony and sure as hell don't know Sammy so I'm not fully getting with the Paul is a good guy idea yet. Though, that could be entirely based on the fact that I only really like Paul when he's being shady. Tony's hair was killing me. Dude, I will let you borrow a brush. I didn't mind the facial hair, because I sort of assumed it was a result of transitioning and testosterone injections. I've me a couple trans men and they mentioned growing facial hair was kind of a pain. Alison and Donnie might be my favorite married couple on TV. I knew he used one of Alison's guns. Oh, Donnie. I loved the off-handed yet reassuring way Alison told him everyone hated her mother. That line was tied for Rachel voicemail to Paul as the funnest line of the episode. I wonder how long Kira is going to sit on that book? We all know she no dummy, so will she tell Sarah right away? Will she wait until she sees Ethan again? The scene with Cosima and Scott was rather sweet. And she was so nervous about meeting Ethan! Aww. I figured she was gonna be in the shit by the end of the episode thought because she was rather happy for most of it and I kept thinking "Well, this can't last long" and then she collapsed.
  21. Hahaha at my long winded post about a potential Leekie/Delphine showdown. Donnie totally shot that theory in the head.
  22. Ok, I sound like and Angie apologist, but she didn't go behind Art's back about anything either. Art told her that they would tell their boss about everything by the end of the day and that's what she did. I mean, I fully see that what she is doing could screw up the clones, but I honestly don't see anything to indicate that she would be all gung-ho about arresting any of them if she did find out what was going on. Which is why I'm still a little puzzled about why Art doesn't give her something to go on other than telling her to drop it.
  23. Damn I don't remember Art showing the footage to anyone?! All I remember was the scene where he goes to the station and watches the footage with the security guys. I still maintain that there isn't anything wrong with what Angie is doing. The only thing I find a little strange is why she's fixated on Alison because you'd think Angie would be trying to find Sarah considering she was all about arresting her at the end of S1 and beginning of S2. I mean, I guess Alison is technically the easiest to find at the moment, so perhaps Angie thinks Alison could lead her to Sarah, but I just find it a little odd that Angie's hasn't even uttered Sarah's name during the last several episodes.
  24. I didn't blow me away or anything, but I do think it seems to have laid the ground work for potential awesomeness. I'm in.
  25. I know! Now, those child leash things typically creep me out, but if there is a kid who should literally be tied to her guardian at all times, it's Kira. I do love that she got her own BAMF moment with the tooth. Holy shit. What if he used one of Alison's registered guns?!?! Hee, it's crazy how different viewers see stuff because actually remember thinking that I wasn't going to be able to take Sarah pretending to be a cop much longer and the BOOM. She quit. I mean, I quite liked all the Sarah-as-Beth stuff, but she knew nothing about being a police detective (which inherently puts the lives of her co-workers at risk) and even Helena asked her how long she could possibly keep fooling the rest of the cops. I just felt that if she carried on fumbling her way through the job it would just wind up making Art & Co look like idiots. Can someone help me out with the stem cell line from baby teeth timeline? That would, presumably be ongoing research and experiments right? Like, they decided baby teeth are a good source for material and they try various baby teeth from various sources? I only ask because Leekie mentioned working on it to Cosima and Delphine in episode 7 (I think), but Kira wasn't in the hospital until episode 9. Oh and, FWIW, I have always suspected Paul might have told them about Kira. He was already sort of snared by Rachel/Leekie by episode 10 and he's the only other person who knew about Kira besides Delphine. Did he know Kira got hit by that car? If so, he could've been the one to tell Leekie about it.
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