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Everything posted by Maggienolia

  1. And yet she kept mum about the pig dying. She waited ALL the way through the airing of the episode! Boy, that must've taken some restraint! Ugh. This B*tch!
  2. Dr. Lola!!!! I would NOT wish her on Dr. Paradise! She'd be all over him! And probably smother him or crush him. He had to deal with Assanti - let's give him a pass on this wreck!
  3. I think they started dating after Buddy and Twit moved into the house together. But that's as close to a timeline as I can get. Others may have a better handle on how long exactly. But I caught Twit saying something to Buddy (pre-rehab, so quite a few episodes back) about how did he go from wanting to design his own engagement ring to breaking up. So maybe it wasn't ALL in Heather's mind but there was way more stringing along on Boo-Bear's part than we've seen on screen.
  4. Perdue (sp?) makes some delish pre-cooked grilled and roasted chicken "strips" (not like the kind you fried but thin cut strips like you'd put in salad or fajitas) that could be used with some veggies or something. There are always options that don't involve full-on cooking.
  5. That was as bad or worse than the shower scene. It's like there isn't ONE, good, in-tact tooth in his head!!!
  6. Ahhh yep. Funny how your teeth will decay and give you problems when you don't EVER go to a dentist.
  7. Off-topic but I never did understand why the couple divorced on Little People Big World when they still were all up in each other's business like they were married. But then I'm not a regular watcher of the show. Back to the topic at hand.... OH MY GOD his teeth!!!!!! Meth mouth??
  8. I was going to ask - is that a Texas thing or what??? I'm always afraid they're gonna smash their hand in the door. They know there's a handle on the inside, right??
  9. Not to sound like a superficial bitch, but when my hair is greasy, I definitely do not enjoy life. I hate that dirty hair feeling.
  10. Girlfriend doesn't seem like the sharpest tool in the shed. But maybe that's because she isn't ever saying or doing anything. She just sits there with her mouth hanging open and that look on her face. Maybe she thinks her days are numbered if he actually gets with things and loses the weight and finds himself an upgrade.
  11. And I wonder too - why do all of these people eat in the car? I mean, just go in and sit down. It's still fast food so you're not waiting on table service, but at least you eat something like a salad without trying to eat it on the shelf that is your stomach, propped up by the steering wheel it barely fits behind. HOW CAN THAT BE A SHOCK!??!?!?!?!?!?!!?!??!?!?!?!?
  12. Of course he has a cramp!!! He's stuffed into the car like a sausage. Geez.
  13. "I've been lookin' a little thin" ??!!!?!!!!!??? Does he have a fun-house mirror???
  14. Especially when it's the male who is the morbidly obese person in the pair (though I guess we don't know what size the hook-up-turned-wife was). The mechanics of it all do seem.... baffling.
  15. She's not too far from needing Dr. Now's services herself. Maybe it's like Heather on MBFFL - any man is better than no man.
  16. A whole new series "Toddlers & Tiaras: the Aftermath": join us as we catch up with your favourite Toddler Beauty Queens 10 year down the road. What kind of glamorous life are they enjoying now!
  17. hey y'all doin'!!! Ahhh the requisite "I've struggled with weight all my life".... many of us have dude. But crossing the 500# line is on you.
  18. I think this is the right episode thread (forgive mods if it's not) but... she's comparing her millions of VIEWS on ONE video of hers to millions of SUBSCRIBERS to TFM's channel??? Seriously??? Fat Girl Dancing is the kind of video (just the title is going to attract all kinds of curiosity seekers) that will get millions and millions of views, but how many of those views would translate into subscriptions for a whole series of "watch me shake my fat" videos??? I'm no fan of TFM but at least his videos and choreo changes and is actual dance (after a fashion). Twit's choreo (if you could call it that) is the same ol' same old.
  19. I'm torn on this myself. On the one hand, a beloved pet is a beloved pet. And that's a hard loss. So on the one hand I can totally sympathize (more with Babs than Twit but that's more because I like Babs better than I do Twit). On the other hand, I saw Twit's post on IG "RIP Piggy" and all the Nit-Whits' gushing comments. It made me want to gag. Though I did love the sprinkling of comments thanking her for spoiling the episode since it hadn't aired anywhere but on the east coast. They were typically attacked for making "her life!" about spoilers. I commented (I just couldn't resist) that if it were "her life" and she were so upset, why didn't she post her little RIP when the pig actually died (months ago) instead of now right after the episode aired. Twit's response to the first comment of "spoiler alert please" was that she waited until 9:00pm when the episode had aired. Don't you KNOW she was chomping at the bit to post something that would garner sympathy and oooooo's and ahhhhh's from the Nit Whits! It was a PIG that your mother chose and loved and then you forced her into re-homing to a farm. From what was said, it sounds likely that the infection Piggy contracted was FROM the farm. So yeah, part of me gets it and part of me is get over it. I'm willing to believe that part was pure scripted and pre-arranged for televisual impact. Get the cameras in and out of our vet office as quickly as possible, no, we're not going bring you and your mom and your entourage back into a room and disrupt the entire operation of our practice like that.
  20. But she did. She said twice now "he's your brother". What more introduction is needed?? /sarcasm
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