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Everything posted by Maggienolia

  1. She thought Avi was her reward?!?!? Didn't she think Roy was her reward too?? That she "had him in the bag"???
  2. BUT - she's wearing a dress ... ... ... WITH SLEEVES!!!!! Like - REAL sleeves. Actual sleeves. Not "cold shoulder" sleeves, not slit, wavy fabric faux-sleeves. Sadly. They don't really help. She looks bigger than ever.
  3. And to assist with the wiping... I'll just show myself out.
  4. Naahhh... paying attention is getting SO hard! I feel like I pay way more attention to what's going on here in the forum than actually on the screen.
  5. Which makes her claim of being a professional dancer even more hilarious. Have you ever SEEN a ballerina's feet??? The blisters, the missing toe nail, the knots and bunions and wonky toes? The almost permanent indentations of the point shoe ribbons? Even on the best days, pointe work hurts. So I really have to question just what kind of "dancer" she was when she was actively dancing pre-weight gain. Because her feet don't look like they've spent ANY time in point shoes.
  6. Dear God, @Irate Panda!!! I hope you had a spotter and an EMT crew standing by! Three whole feet!! You must have trained really hard to make such an incredible accomplishment!! Wow. I need to swim stand in a pool to maybe work up to that kind of achievement.
  7. I could agree with this. I was going to posit a theory that she does it or has developed the unconscious habit of doing it (and thereby the associated pleasure from it) because it's a way to get her own back for being fat-shamed all her life. But she wasn't fat-shamed all her life because she wasn't fat (by her own account) until college. So there's no childhood trauma (that she's owned up to or talked about at least) that would explain that. All indications that she was of average weight and popular in her youth and through high school. She has talked about all the sexual encounters she had in college - at least pre-weight gain. So I'm left scratching my head at what might have made her that way. Just a mean streak? Extremely low self-esteem? But from what? I do totally agree that she relishes others' pain or being the one to deliver the bad news. Being in the middle of things when things are good is one thing but she does seem to take particular pleasure in being in the middle of the bad stuff too. Probably also feels like it takes the spotlight of criticism (even the most well-meaning of suggestions about her weight/health/childless status/etc.) off her and highlights how un-fabulous the people around her are/can be and she looks fabulous by comparison - even if only for a little while.
  8. Not everyone in this forum DOES watch the show. Some just come for the snark. ETA: Which happens to be some high-quality, well-thought-out and not nasty-for-nasty-sake snark. Kudos, my friends.
  9. Her face does look better. Her complexion looks healthier.
  10. The son actually smiles and seems to be waking up a little. Renee - geez, she's depressed, then she's nervous, then she's happier than she's been in years... and her face and vocal tone NEVER change.
  11. It wasn't any intelligible language that I can recognize.
  12. FINALLY - got it to work. Y'all have had me like this all show.
  13. She has NO affect - what's up with her??? A walking test?!?!? Lord, help us all!!
  14. Which one? I remember a few. Hildi had zero f**ks to give. Genevieve was wacky too.
  15. https://goo.gl/images/EgnFEh This. Well damn. I was trying to paste the gif, not the link.
  16. Slippers! At least her feet are covered. WOW! 8 whole pounds! Dr. Now is not gonna happy!
  17. I'm having some Pirate's Booty in honour of Ankorabu's (spelling?) dear mom. RIP momma A.
  18. They must be soaked in kerosene and lit aflame.
  19. Oh God!! Y'all are killing me!! My poor cat keeps glaring at me because I break out laughing. Lawd!!!! Ha'mercy!!!!!
  20. The son, half-heartedly commenting that they should had vehicles that can accommodate people like her. They do. They're called ambulances. I do feel sorry for the son. And for the people standing around who got a free shot of the fine china as he drug she backwards in the wheelchair. Classy.
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