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Everything posted by Maggienolia

  1. @Ketzel - you channel Twit WAY too well.... that is spot on! *big ole donkey bray* As evidenced by the wedding dress she tried on that was "fit and flare". It's supposed to fit "in" a the waist but she had no fit. She's all flare.
  2. I just saw a commercial for one with a free upgrade to a heated seat. It also have jets and special foot massaging jets. Foot massaging jets.... mmmm.... that might be worth waiting for the tub to drain.
  3. It was horrific. I hope the technicians got tipped WELL and charged extra for all the work! It took TWO of them. Just watching them do her underarm was shocking. It took one to hold back the fat so the other one could even GET to her underarm. HER UNDERARM!!! That was sobering. Very. Ver. Sobering. That's another thing. She hasn't done SHIT with her big NOBS campaign since trying to get the Grasshoppers to put her logo on their uniforms/t-shirts. And now that she wants to be fat and isn't even pretending to try to lose weight, you'd think that would give her even more momentum to get the campaign going but she doesn't do damnit with it at all. NoBS - she is nothing BUT BS. Maybe we should start the ALLBS campaign?
  4. Could be that it was 100% scripted (or that was the Nth take and she just forgot to put it on for that one) or it could be that she isn't compliant with wearing the cpap like she should. I'd like to know about the "wee" and "bee" too. I've only just noticed the "wee" greeting, but I was re-watching eps from S1 or S2 and caught a "bee" goodbye so that's not new. But... WHAT is it??? Why? Her and Ruby both with their weird little baby-talk words. I could give a pass to a sort "inside" greeting/goodbye among friends. But's she always says it with such a baby-talk intonation that it's creepy. But then, maturity is not her strong suit. As we have all seen way too much.
  5. I wondered why he was so far from them too. Couldn't tell if he was just out of frame while the photog got some close-ups of G&B or what the deal was. It was odd.
  6. I'm 100% convinced twit is in that role solely for plot purposes.
  7. ITA - I think there's a coke problem in the mix but it's not JUST "oh he's got a bad coke addiction, had to go to rehab". It's one piece of a bigger puzzle that definitely ties into the drinking, the job and the lifestyle. And being around Twit is just toxic to that mix.
  8. having only ever read the first page of the first 50 shades book, I can say with certainty that it IS S&M. The author is a sadist for inflicting such poor writing on the world and the readers are masochists for reading the stuff.
  9. So she lost somewhere in the neighbourhood of 50 pounds post-op and so she's already ready for skin-removal???? What skin is there to remove? Most of the other patients have to lose a lot more than that before the topic even comes up? Or am I more out of it than I thought? Oh boy... knee issue throwing things off. Shocker.
  10. LOL What?!?!?! It is! Don't blame me. It's the meds. That's my story. And I like that little pillow.
  11. What's the little pillow she's got behind her neck? The little pink one that looks like a triangular dog-bone? That's kinda cute.
  12. I'd like to see a follow-up webpage to track where they are now. Still on track or still a train wreck or what. I don't EVER want to see the Assanti brothers again. Nope. Three episodes was MORE than enough of that crazy. But an online, non-video update would be interesting. Plus, interesting to see a more global comparison of how they're all doing over time.
  13. It seems like there is at least one who died after the fact (maybe a year or more) back in the earlier seasons. So it wasn't shown because it didn't happen as part of the filming but it was mentioned in a follow-up or something that the patient eventually lost the battle to get their weight under control.
  14. and The Menorah. Don't forget that one. Or was that Ancient Aliens? I've been doing a lot of Hulu binges the past couple of days.
  15. Why is there always fancy luggage? Remember Erica? She had several Lugg bags - and those ain't cheap.
  16. OMG! Sorry for going off-topic but I'm stuck home in bed with the flu (and no bedpad meatload or anything!) and was binge-watching the first season of Oak Island. FIVE seasons and they're still going. Wow. It started to look like "let's just bring on every idiot with a theory and give 'em an episode" there for a minute. I had to stop somewhere in the second season. But then my brain is foggy from the tamiflu and meds so... I also failed at getting into Manhattan. I just couldn't.
  17. Less than she's used to eating - but notice she didn't TOUCH the salad.
  18. ITA - she sounds all "little girl" which is creepy and weird.
  19. Y'all are killin' me!! @Armchair Critic @hoosiermom
  20. "My mom needs me right now. My mom is sickly." What, exactly, does she think she can do to help her mom?? She can't get out of her own damn bed!
  21. late to the party. Where does she live (city/state)??
  22. They should have said Indianapolis. Just for shits and giggles.
  23. Theory: On a recent FB Live when Twit was talking about whatever and Buddy made the comment to the effect that he just came over then corrected it to "came downstairs". Maybe that was because he's living in Charleston and has been since getting out of treatment, BUT because that hasn't been revealed yet, to protect the storyline (such as it is) that's why he had to keep up the pretense of living with Twit. Makes sense.
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