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Posts posted by Maggienolia

  1. 57 minutes ago, Irate Panda said:

    Btw I find it laughable Heather calls it Whitney’s “personal” page, and how dare people post “mean” things on her “personal” page are we supposed to be believe she knows all 5000 of her “friends”? She uses that page to promote her show and whatever she’s claiming as her business endeavors (and I use that term loosely).  If she does think this is a “personal” page then she ought to make it private or if she allows anyone to posts then expect feedback both good and bad.  Now, I don’t really use Facebook, but do you guys allow perfect strangers to post on your “personal” pages or is @Dot an actual friend of Whitney's? Dot are you holding out on us?

    If the page is so personal, then maybe she shouldn't have the security set to "public". That way only her "friends" can see it/comment on it. She's a PUBLIC f*cking figure. If you can't handle any and all of the public commenting on what you put out there, then you're in the wrong industry! 

    38 minutes ago, AZChristian said:

    It does say "making smores."  I don't even want to imagine where "making snores" could take her fans . . . 

    All the eye bleach is having a negative impact on my vision. Thank GOD it's smores. Ugh! 

    • Love 5
  2. 1 hour ago, Dot said:

    I couldn't resist going to Twit's FB page to read the "600 lb." comment. I also re-read Heather's response to Debbie & as an old, old lady myself had to leave the barnacle this remark:

    "Heather, isn't that a pretty awful, AGEIST comment about Debbie? How is her rather mild comment that the pose is unflattering begin to compare with the venom in yours?"

    WOW. So writing "unflattering" is being a bully but it's okay to say "your ugly ass". Uh-huh. Wow. 

    • Love 5
  3. 14 hours ago, sainte-chapelle said:

    Oh yes I forgot about the remodelling! She isn't the brightest and I am guessing she didn't think about all the legal implications and safety measure that would come with having a 'dance studio' in ones garage. Then again we are talking about someone who stomps around in flip flops then complains of injured feet.

    But, but, but her DANCE CAREER!!! She needs that studio space to develop her big, fat, fabulist DANCE CAREER!!!! A home studio shows her level of commitment and dedication to the APPEARANCE of being serious about... well.... dance, health, exercises, adulting. Sadly, it was an expensive (I'm sure) gesture and I have to wonder what effect it has on the resale value of the house. I think this may have been posed when she first talked about converting the garage into a studio but seriously... I would think that would take away from the value. Anybody with more real estate savvy able to speak to that?? I know people convert garages all the time into spare rooms, man caves, etc. But to me that really turns me off as a potential buyer to see that a house HAD a garage and now has none but in its place has an ugly (they rarely look like more than a converted garage) extra room. But that's just me. 

    I don't think she ever intended to use it as a place to hold classes. She wanted to have her own private dance studio because... you know... she's a professional dancer. *gag**choke*

    • Love 6
  4. 12 hours ago, pdlinda1 said:

    I would like to know more about the "mother" of both brothers.  I recall them briefly mentioning her once or twice but nothing recently.  In the previewed new episode that I watched today, absolutely no mention of why she is absent in their lives.  As the father seems relatively "functional" (he apparently owns a home and car and has a job) I believe there has to be some "missing link" of information about the mother that might possibly explain how BOTH sons turned out to be so morbidly obese and severely dysfunctional.

    They do talk about her some in the first episode (I think it was the first one). IIRC, she left the family when the brothers were young and had no real contact with the family. At some point she did contact Stephen and ask him to move to MA to be closer to her but he moved and she spent all her time drinking or something. I don't remember if it was a drug/alcohol thing or a mental illness thing. Or both.  Basically she still had nothing to do with him. Supposedly, the trauma of his parents always fighting and then his mother leaving is what started the weight gain and it just got worse from there. They don't really talk too much about her though. I think there was maybe some abuse either from her or from one or more of her boyfriends. Justin mentions something about it in the same episode. Why he is such a horrible excuse for a human being is still a mystery. Though there is clearly some kind of mental illness he's (not) dealing with.

    • Love 6
  5. On 12/27/2017 at 0:02 AM, Snarklepuss said:

    That is so stupid.  Well, duh, a guy has to be into whatever it is you are for you to be his type!  It would be ridiculous and self defeating of me to insist on only dating guys that only like tall skinny blondes when I'm a short shapely brunette!  My husband only likes short shapely brunettes, should I be offended?  LOL

    Only if you had deep, DEEP dislike of being a short shapely brunette to the level that Twit has dislike of being fat (despite her protestations that she wants to be fat).

    • Love 2
  6. 3 hours ago, thebigboot said:

    So I’m originally from Indianapolis, and I would legitimately be shocked if she legitimately was staying at that hotel.

    I've only been to Indianapolis on the way to Crawfordsville so basically saw the airport. And I was legitimately shocked that she was staying (perhaps allegedly staying) there. I'd want my friends to come rescue me from that flea bag too! 

    • Love 1
  7. On 5/31/2017 at 3:35 PM, RedFox said:

    Why don't doctor Now send all his patients to family psychoterapy? Usually if mom has weight problems, kids and relateves will have it too. May be psyhoterapist give advice about relax technics, how to feel comfortable without extra food. I don't understand dr.Now diet advices - he says, they should eat two-three times a day, and when l was looking for information, l see advices to eat less portions but more frequently. 

    I think he's trying to get them away from the eat all day habits. Most of them admit that they never really get full so they pretty much eat all day long into the night. This is a way to make them more accountable for portion size and just the sheer amount of food that they eat. After surgery, he has said many times, they won't be able to eat much at each meal but if they eat frequently they can still gain weight, the surgery won't help that. 

    • Love 1
  8. 50 minutes ago, auntjess said:

    It was either Erica or Diana, I get them mixed up.  They both depended on nieces, but I think it was the one with the really bitchy sister.

    It was Erica - the one that said the "your boat --- your sister's life" quote referenced up-thread. Yeah. She was something. Her sister had had it up to the gills with her.

    • Love 2
  9. On 12/21/2017 at 7:06 PM, Giant Misfit said:

    So...was that the entire episode? Or it's another two-parter and TLC only posted the first episode? The show ended with Justin and Steven Sr fighting about...Justin leaving the house? 


    Haven't watched yet but it's probably just the first hour of a two-hour premier. TLC did the same thing with MBFFL - a one-hour teaser for what will be a two-hour episode once it airs. Either way, a train wreck to end all train wrecks no doubt. 

    • Love 1
  10. On 10/20/2017 at 5:19 PM, Anchorabu said:

    Hello all. Just wanted everyone to know Mama Anchorabu passed away this morning in Hospice. She died peacefully in her sleep. She had such fun watching My 600lb Life with you all. Thank you for your prayers and for bringing her such joy. God Bless. 

    Just reading this forum after a LONG hiatus. I'm so sorry to read this. She will be missed here and remembered fondly. Prayers for you and your family. God bless you all. 

    • Love 1
  11. 1 minute ago, Ketzel said:

    Well, they may have shipped her to Indianapolis, but I call bullshit on her doing any rehearsing with the Fitness Marshall.  Film, or it didn't happen!

    She just kinda stood there and shook her stomach and looked pained while the FM and the 2 BBs rehearsed. Obs in WAY over her pin head. So really, film AND it didn't happen. ;) 

    • Love 8
  12. It was indeed filmed in Indianapolis. Twit was staying at the luxurious Catalina Motel at 8010 Washington Street. It's a whopping $50/night. It's just sad really. So, so, so sad. 

    ETA: the Google reviews are worth reading... one in particular was amusing/interesting: " What most grabs my attention about the location is it's right across the street from dancers nightclub and adult entertainment establishment. I would absolutely stay here again." Hmmm... maybe Twit is exploring options for her stellar "dance career"??? 

    • Love 13
  13. 4 minutes ago, Pachengala said:

    @mamadrama, they kind of just...didn't. There were a bunch of talking heads of her talking about how hard it is to be away given events A, B, and C, interspersed with the corresponding clips from last season, and showed her lazing about her weird motel room (she even sort of paused before saying 'motel room,' like she was placing verbal air quotes, so possibly some 'producing' around that) talking on the phone to folks at home. After she'd talked to everyone, she talked to Tal, who 'decided' that he and Todd would come 'rescue' her in his car. Whitney made a brief show of protest, pretending that she hadn't be hinting at this the whole time, to make sure she could later make it Tal's fault, and then they drove the 10+ hours to get her, picking her up at night with her one tiny suitcase, wedging her in the backseat and delivering her, unwashed and unabashed, unto her happily oblivious parents. Fitness Marshall presumably found out about his lost employee when she did not turn up to pant and fling sweat around all through their next rehearsal. 

    If it sounds disjointed and implausible, that's because IT TOTALLY FUCKING WAS.

    Don't forget how she just be-bops out of the car when they arrive at her parents house and without so much as a 'thank you for driving 18x2 hours to come get me" she just calls back "put my bags in my car" and heads on into the house. This b**ch. Seriously. 

    • Love 20
  14. 12 hours ago, John M said:

    Can we just talk about the title for a second, Rescue Me, first of all you did not bring your new car up on a 4 week dance rehearsal program? Then you expected your friends to drive , what did they say, 10 hours each way to pick you up? Fly, rent a car, bring your own car, have the producers drive you. I get that this was done for effect, she was never going on that dance your because she wasn't physically able to and they had already scheduled filming MBFFL but do you realize the optics of a grown ass woman with money needing to be "rescued" like that? 

    You do need to be rescued, your weight is out of control and physically disabling you but this childish behavior is rediculous, you acted like you were 12 and coming home from summer camp.

    And I lover her comment that she doesn't quit things BUT she's quitting this because her mom MIGHT need her (though we see no evidence that Babs needs her for anything). Uh-huh. I'll save the rest for the new year but yeah that whole intro scenario was so scripted and ridiculously fake... I was ready to puke about 5 minutes into the episode. And exactly what kind of no-tell-motel was she in?!?!? Yuk. 


    And I think they said it was an 18 hour drive one way. And what about the Fitness Marshall - did she tell him she was leaving or did she just ghost in the middle of the night?? I'm thinking (were this a Real situation) that ghosting or even telling him "hey, I'm not going on tour like I said I would cuz my momma might need me and my ankles are swelling" would be a fast end to any dance career she might be trying to build. But since this isn't a real situation and there is no actual dance career outside of her over-worked imagination, we've just got crappy reality fabulosity. I really DO want to see what the deal is with Buddy - they've built it up so much in the adverts with Twit going to his parents and his mom saying "it's not good"... I'm sure it's going to be something like he stubbed his toe or an equally underwhelming faux crisis for her to blubber up about. I don't know why but I kinda what to see Buddy escape this handbasket to hell and get his life in order. Run, Buddy!!! Run!!! 

    11 hours ago, preciousperfect said:

    Whining about she is so lonely, working is hard etc.

    Makes you wonder how she managed to live in Korea for a year + without her family and friends. I mean, you did that but you can't handle being a few states away for 4 weeks?? I call bulls*t.

    • Love 13
  15. On 12/15/2017 at 10:32 AM, Ketzel said:

    If her belly hangs down in a apron-like fashion, which would not be surprising in her case, she may use elasticized undergarments to hold it up and in, for both comfort and appearance.

    Don't forget the "chub rub" that wearing skirts or dresses would cause. She'd have to have some kind of legging or bike short or something in addition to needing something to support that huge gut. 

    • Love 1
  16. On 12/9/2017 at 2:48 PM, Ketzel said:

    Okay, this one is truly icky

    For those of you who don't want to look at the picture, let's just say it's Whitney getting very familiar with Tal.

    I looked. And I deeply regret it. 

    Her tongue placement aside. *gag* Does the suit top not fit over her stomach or what is it with having it pulled up bikini-top style instead of wearing it like the tankini top it is?? Another example of her obsession with showing her naked gut?? 

    • Love 3
  17. On 12/7/2017 at 11:40 AM, TurtlePower said:

    Ok, I watched the sneak peek and laughed when I saw her side-stepping and using the barricade for support and at the big "OWWWWWWWWWWW" cry she always does--just after showing her saying "If I finish this I have proven I'm capable of so much more than I thought."

    OWWWWWWWWW hobble hobble hobble. 

    Did you catch that she was wearing FLIP F*ING FLOPS in that clip??? What. The. Actual. Fudgecake!?!?!? What? Running shoes got too tight? Thought a 5k in flip flops would be easier? I'm so confused and disgusted with her. And LOVE her Big Fat Fabulous "say yes to the dress' moment. This season proves to be an even bigger train wreck that last season. Who thought that was even possible? 

    And what's going to the big drama with Buddy?? Can't be anything too serious because we know he was on the cruise laughing and smiling so.... ??? another bait-n-switch teaser?? Why do I watch this crap still??? 

    • Love 2
  18. On 10/15/2017 at 0:25 PM, Me from ME said:

    I could polish off a few tomato and mayonnaise sandwiches 

     if a recipe calls for sugar I pulverize a few slices for a little bit of sweetness.

    Okay - first, I have to say, having grown up in Mississippi there is little in this world as divine as a tomato and mayo sandwich. Especially if the tomato is home-grown. And now I would KILL for a tomato sandwich. Sigh... 

    Second - the crushed-banana-chip-as-sweetener is GENIUS!!! One question though @Me from ME - does it flavour what you're putting the banana powder in much? I like the idea of a truly natural sweetener but don't necessarily want banana-flavoured everything. 

  19. 4 hours ago, Dot said:

    Here she goes again, as she sez: "Happy #NationalComingOutDay! I've never officially "come out" to anyone, but if you know me you know I've been what my friends call "a little bit queer" (and I like this description!) since I was a teenager. . . ." Blah, blah, blah.

    But when Babs "confronted" her after walking in on Donna massaging her "senshus" naked boobs Twits was all shock and horror at the thought that her mother would "want" her to be a lesbian and in the TH said something like "I can't be what you want me to be" ... so I get the whole sexuality/gender is a spectrum/fluid theory but Twit's scandalized declarations of "I'm not gay" swinging wildly to the whole "lesbionic" horseback riding/animal abuse (fake) kiss to all the weirdness that is her relationship with Donna "boo boo" to now this "little bit queer" OH! And let's not forget her shock and horror at Babs saying something about having possibly had leanings toward a bi-sexual or lesbian sexuality when she was younger before she met Glen. Twit tries to be so hip and progressive and eclectic but she really just a plain old, straight, basic, white girl. Delusional, immature, straight, basic, white girl. Get over yourself, Twit. Get over yourself. 

    • Love 8
  20. 13 minutes ago, ClareWalks said:

    And she CLEARLY self-medicates with food, now if only she would friggin' admit that.

    Re: ruining her leggings with menstrual blood, WTF. I don't know any women over age 16 that have been taken so unawares by a massive menstrual flow. Change your tampons, Whitney, or are you too fat to do even that?

    I'm willing to give her a pass on the getting caught unawares/unprepared for the overflow because really erratic periods seem to be a part of her PCOS (though I'm basing that solely on her less-than-credible testimony so - BIG grain of salt there)... BUT - at what age did you learn how to clean your clothes so as not to have them be ruined by accidents of this nature?? Or doesn't she do laundry at all. Ever. Having said all that, I'm pretty sure that the real reason is just sheer laziness on Twit's part. Or stupidity. Or both. ***shudder in horror*** 

    • Love 2
  21. 6 hours ago, auntjess said:

    OK, this is where those of us who watch 600 Lb Life can supply the list.
    The progression seems to be:  can't do job, is fired, can't drive car, can't walk without walker, can't get in car, can't shower oneself, can't get to toilet, and bed-bound.


    Nailed it.

  22. Okay crew - this may have been asked and answered upthread somewhere so apologies if that's the case but several/many of you have mentioned that you journal your food. @ClareWalks, @Dot - I think you two have said this and others. My question is simply, what is your preferred method of doing this? Digitally? On paper? Carry around a little notebook? I'm trying to find a way to do this that works for me and I'm having trouble finding just the right fit so I'm asking the Hive Mind what works for you? All answers, ideas, suggestions are most greatly appreciated! The most success I've had with this was when I was first diagnosed with T2 Diabetes (non-insulin dependent) just before a knee surgery. Kept a food journal in a notebook and wrote every morsel down. This was the WORST thing imaginable since I was a HORRIBLE eater. Skipped breakfast, skipped lunch, paid NO attention to what I ate, when I ate... and BOOM, now I have to micro-manage every f*ing crumb of food and drop of liquid. Needless to say, I sucked it up and did what the doctors and nutritional nurses told me and got the T2D under control, dropped one entire med and halved the dose on the other and lost about 40 pounds based on dietary changes alone. Now, this was much easier to do at the time because I'd had knee surgery and so was pretty well stuck at home with only trips to the PT for 6 weeks -so it was easier to write it all down. Once I got back to work and with the general running arounds of life... that particular notebook method didn't work as well and so dropped by the wayside. That was 8 years ago. I've since become better about knowing what I need to eat and what I need to avoid and making choices without having to look up every little thing. As such, I've also slacked off a little on watching what I eat with such a hawkeye - though still maintaining good BG levels. But I need to tighten the reins a a bit, lose some more weight, etc. etc. and food journaling should probably be a part of that again.  I'm thinking it's probably going to mean 1. using a smaller notebook that will fit in anything I might be carrying around and 2. recommitting to writing everything down. 

    Sorry for the long dither and thanks again for any input/suggestions you'd care to share! :) 

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