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Posts posted by Maggienolia

  1. Just now, Donut Bear said:

    You are right.  Whitney is SO fit and is SO worried at Nada who is not as fit as Whitney.  Whitney can hike for miles up hill and down hill because she is so healthy and fit.

    Please tell me you couldn't type that with a straight face. ;)

  2. Just now, aliya said:

    What the heck - on so many levels. Glenn already said it was very hot & they should go in. What would possess Whit to take Nada on an 8 mile hike in the heat? Why not walk the mall if you're looking for something to do, for crying out loud?

    Did Whit not get the memo that it is impolite, like bordering on racist in some circles, to touch somebody's hair like that? It's like white people wanting to touch Afros  back in the day. No. Just no. Keep your hands to yourself. 

    While I have typed it a few times, I have literally YELLED "stop touching people" at the screen this whole episode. I would have slapped her by now. 

    • Love 6
  3. And just when I thought she was going to say something like she hated to admit that these women had it worse than she did or some kind of sudden bit of empathy but NO she's jealous. Jealous?? Of what? Of the fact that it's no longer all and only about her?? 

    • Love 10
  4. Just now, LordOfLotion said:

    Now if they all go along in a van or something for the confrontation, when they get out and are walking toward him, is his drink going to do those little pools like Jurassic Park?

    You win the internet tonight!!!! I snorted when I read this. 

    • Love 8
  5. 7 minutes ago, Brooklynista said:

    If you could see how I'm staring at this screen. You have simultaneously blown my mind and ruined my full milk Cheerios. 

    Feels like someone killed Santa. 

    LOL. I'm sorry. Not my intention. Just that scene brought that passage back to my mind. At the time, I gave up dairy and went into mourning over the cheeses I could no longer eat. It was horrible! 

  6. 1 minute ago, Donut Bear said:

    If Allison shows up to heal and find closure, I will shoot myself

    She seemed to think that part was super-creepy given her response of "oh...ummm... yeah. I'll have to think about that". I read that as a "hell no you crazy b*tch - wtf is wrong with you?"

    • Love 5
  7. 1. At least her studio is getting used for something.

    2. "she doesn't need to know" how crazy/obsessive/stalker-like/creepy you are?? Because what? She might think it were ABNORMAL? I'd be telling her to leave me the F*ck out of her little delulu mission and block her. 

    3. How does she get these women's phone numbers?? 

    • Love 12
  8. When Buddy and Twit were eating cereal and Buddy talks about when he was a kid and the doctor (?) said something about consuming too much milk and Twit said she was told the same thing. It made me think of Marilu Henner's book from ... oh... wow... a decade ago (or more?) and one of her big things was giving up dairy and how weird it is that we drink "cow's milk" because all cow's milk is good for it to turn calfs into 400-500 pound cows. 

    • Love 2
  9. NOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Not the lace bralette!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    ETA: Henchi's FFOJ (feline face of judgement) - CLASSIC! bwaaahaahaaaaa!!! If looks could kill, that cat would have killed her a thousand times over!

    • Love 12
  10. 3 hours ago, Dot said:

    n 2010, he moved to Indiana to commence a PhD program in Comparative Literature and Jewish Studies at Indiana University, and, currently he has only his dissertation to complete and defend before he becomes Dr. Lang of the American Hebrew Academy. For this research, Avi is looking at the seventeenth-century text, the Tsene Urene, which is a retelling in Yiddish of tanakhic and midrashic stories that are very important in the Jewish canon. Because women of that period most often could only read Yiddish, the Tsene Urene is sometimes referred to as The Women’s Bible. Avi’s background tends to nurture in interest in teaching rather than research, and for him the Academy’s strong focus on instruction seemed to him a good fit. “Pluralism creates a unique space to be critical, self-reflective, and [to] really consider what it is to be a Jew in the modern world. I am also interested in the international nature of the student population: I like the fact that students have the opportunity to encounter other cultures and languages in this environment, something I regard as important in our age of globalization. I love the diversity of the curriculum and the space we have to be creative. I like the fact that classes are small and that we can devote a lot of attention to each student,” he said. On paper and in person, Mr. Avi Lang clearly brings strong educational assets to the faculty, staff, and most important, the students of the American Hebrew Academy for the school year 2016-2017.

    So it sounds like he was hired with the plan to keep him on permanently. Wonder if HE left or if they decided not to renew. He's not listed on the faculty on their page right now so... ... ... hmmm... maybe something better came along. Maybe he's a commitment-phobe on more levels than just the romantic! ha ha... although post-doc job hopping in hopes of finding the ever-elusive tenure-track gig is not uncommon. 

    • Love 2
  11. 3 minutes ago, John M said:

    Oh Whit, an air mattress? You really think that is going to work?

    I know... on what planet is that poor air mattress going to survive either of them? And poor Nada!!! She probably thought she'd be sleeping in a guest room. Surprise!!! 

    • Love 9
  12. 5 hours ago, ClareWalks said:

    It's Avi, LOL

    Sadly, he didn't have the sense to use a fake name. You'd think he would (or a nickname or variation on his real name) if he's such the player/catfisher Twit is making him out to be. Of course, Twit is not known for being all that in touch with reality and the timeline of everything that happens on this show and in her life is more contorted than the cast of every Cirque de Soleil show combined. At any rate, he's on the Indiana University site as Avi Lang in both the Comparative Lit department (where he's a PhD student/candidate) and in the Jewish Studies department (where he's doing his minor area for the PhD). Poor, poor foolish boy. Should've gone with Ari when he had the chance. *shakes head* 

    • Love 4
  13. 4 hours ago, Pachengala said:

    The stuff in her shop is literal garbage. It’s the kind of stuff you’d buy with tickets you won from the Skee-Ball machine. She needs a brand consultant, though, as with BGDC, she likely missed her window here too. 

    Real branding/marketing involves at least a little effort. And cheap crap don't sell itself no matter how legit the brand. Her brand exists in her imagination. I'm pretty sure I could wear something emblazoned with her 'no bs" logo and NO ONE would know what it meant. Probably assume the "bs" stood for bullsh*t. Sadly, they would be wrong on oh so many counts. And now I'm going to have to take a shower at just thinking about wearing a piece of that crap! 

    4 hours ago, Nancypants said:

    She literally can NOT DO ANYTHING RIGHT.

    ..or with any degree of Dignity

    Now... now... she can sprawl well. Lounging is something she's quite adept at. She's a champion at spinning EVERY blessed thing so that it's about her. She can make food disappear very effectively. Her donkey impression (however unintentional) is spot on. She can do a lot of things right. They just kinda happen to be wrong things. 

    but, yeah, no dignity whatsoever. Totally agree there. 

    • Love 10
  14. 2 hours ago, ClareWalks said:

    What baffles me is, I bought one of those for $5 in the Target bargain section, and it DOESN'T have a picture of Whit's fat caboose on it, so why would I spent quadruple that much on THIS shit?

    SSSSHHHHHHHHH!!!!! I don't think she wants anyone to pick up on that. Icks-nay on the ice-pray at other ores-stays!! 

    • Love 8
  15. 1 hour ago, ClareWalks said:

    "Let me clutch this tree so I don't collapse."

    I don't know... if it were a thing of him trying to look "cute/sexy" for BABS and the two of them having fun, I could get with that. That would be cute - that they're still into each other and have fun and whatever. But Twit taking it and making it about her (as usual) is what crosses the line into the WTF territory. 

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