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Posts posted by Maggienolia

  1. 2 minutes ago, spacefly said:

    I think there may be a father that wants nothing to do with this shitshow but doesn't mind Ashley making a few bucks by including Twit. I guess if she is the only one at the birth we will know differently.

    I think there have been pictures of them both with the baby on her FB.

    What is with the whole "Beeee" thing???? 

  2. 1 minute ago, Dot said:

    Since she never golfed a day in her life, how can she say she "golfs right-handed"?

    She said that she swung a bat right-handed (and demonstrated awkwardly)... so they figured it out from there... 

    OH MY GOD - she just said that she once offered a nipple to her cat. I SHIT YOU NOT .... there is nothing NO-THING fabulous about this woman or her life.... Oh. My. F*ing. God. I can't believe what I just heard. I think I'm going to need therapy. And Ashley is saying that her diapering her cats isn't right?!?!?! how about trying to f*ing BREAST FEED them!!!!! OH MY GOD.... 

    • Love 8
  3. 3 minutes ago, AUJulia said:

    I'm a pathetic golfer but no way would I go ahead and use lefty clubs if someone got me those to use and I was a rightie. Methinks TLC shot at one tee and left. 

    She and Glenn are both left-handed which is why he got her left-handed clubs. 

    • Love 1
  4. 5 hours ago, Dot said:

    To be concluded with Twit raising her arms to the sky so that her armpit hairs can reach toward the sun like dandelions. 

    It's due to comments like THIS ^^^^ that I do not, under any circumstances, drink while reading this forum. Can't afford to clean/replace laptops from spitting tea/coffee/gatorade/water all over it. 

    • Love 15
  5. On 1/26/2018 at 10:23 AM, Alapaki said:

    To give Whitney somewhat of the benefit of the doubt, my recollection is that she and Buddy were previously renting this house (yeah, I know, but I'm suspending disbelief) and the owner wanted to put it on the market so Whitney decided to buy it (again, suspending disbelief).  Given the big deal Whitney made out of converting the garage into a "dance studio", if she'd been the one to convert the attic, I think we would've seen or heard about that.  

    IIRC, the upstairs wasn't altered by Twit post-purchase. I'd have to go back and watch the episode, but it looks the same as when they toured the house before renting. And Twit has said more than once that the only reason Buddy had the upstairs bedroom was because she couldn't handle the stairs. 

    • Love 4
  6. On 1/24/2018 at 8:07 AM, RabbiBeth said:

    The pregnant woman stuff - I was wondering where the baby dad is, too.  WTF with Whitney taking the classes with pregnant mom - where's the dad?  Oh yea, the whole thing is super fake and TLC is desperate...hence Whitney crying, making it about her and ultimately diapering a couple cats as practice.  

    I don't know. The story about the baby-daddy sounds reasonable and Ashley seems to have some sense about her. If he isn't around, I take that as evidence of his good sense not to get roped into this shit show. 

    • Love 4
  7. On 1/24/2018 at 1:34 AM, princelina said:

    When she said "I didn't get the khaki shorts dress code" I immediately felt thankful that she didn't - or she would have pulled those nude leggings from several years ago out of a drawer!

    YASSS!!!! And can I say how grateful I am that they didn't go for a set of tennis! Twit in tennis whites???? Aw hell no! 

    • Love 2
  8. On 1/24/2018 at 10:38 PM, Elizzikra said:

    True - I made an assumption that could well be incorrect - that her parents named her "Lauren" and she committed a random act of capitalization to create her radio personality moniker...

    She's young enough that the entire LauRen (spelling and emphasis) was on her parents and not something she "edited" for better radio mystique. 

    • Love 1
  9. On 1/23/2018 at 4:02 PM, Dot said:


    Maybe she was being so coy about with whom she had sex was becuz it was Allison. They sure were cozy together in & after the live video. But, as a dedicated adherent to your Whitney's Razor theory, I also agree with you that is likely she is simply lying about her sex life.

    Honestly, I wouldn't at all be surprised if she'd had sex with Avi. We know how she back-slid with Lenny. or maybe she had sex with Lenny. Or maybe she doesn't know the person's name. ... ... drunken night out... ???? Never know. Though the most likely scenario is she had sex with herself. Or Donna "assisted". 

    • Love 3
  10. On 1/22/2018 at 9:33 AM, Irate Panda said:

     she booked Nada on a hike then left the poor girl stranded on a chair in the heat. 

    Did y'all catch in the FBL where Nada defends the hike and that she wasn't thrilled about going but no one forced her to go and Twit chimes in that she didn't want to do the hike either... so WHO the F*ck came up with the hike? I'm guessing it was Twit's idea and that her bravado was to make Nada think the hike was someone else's idea. 

    • Love 3
  11. On 1/28/2018 at 6:31 PM, gigiann said:

    ETA:. The dr she saw at Urgent Care for her panic attack looked a lot like the dr she saw when she had a foot injury.

    It was probably the same Urgent care facility. Poor doc is probably thinking "Oh Jesus not this bitch again!"

    • Love 1
  12. On 1/27/2018 at 3:50 PM, Alapaki said:

    I've been thinking about this myself.  I can't recall whether the scare was being diagnosed as "diabetic" or "pre-diabetic" (but, either way; c'mon!)

    I think the disappearance of that "issue" is emblematic of why so many folks here (myself included) describe being originally interested in the show and favorable towards Whitney, but not are purely in hate-watch mode.

    That storyline was in line with what the show as originally pitched as: a very big woman who nevertheless was active and healthy (at least by some medical metrics).  And if someone of Whitney's Season 1 size could have a normal blood pressure, cholesterol and blood sugar, that would indeed be worthy of depiction.

    The fact that we haven't heard anything about that since suggests to me that either her numbers are completely off the charts now, or those numbers from Season 1 were bullshit to begin with and they can't find any doctor willing to play along anymore.

    She was in pre-diabetic range. But in season 1 (I think) it talks about her being insulin resistant which is code for "next stop: diabetes" barring changing eating habits and exercise habits.

    • Love 3
  13. On 1/22/2018 at 8:50 PM, Dot said:

    Because of her size & knees, she would not be able to get out of a regular bathtub, no matter how large. A spa has benches to sit on & steps.

    She could get one of those walk-in tubs advertised on TV for the disabled, but they cost about $10,000 I understand. That's a lot of money for someone who needs to make 3-4 coffee-flavored milkshake runs each day.

    I'm not sure she'd fit in one of those walk-in tubs either though. Don't they have the same footprint as a normal bathtub? So unless they make'em spa sized... 

    • Love 1
  14. On 1/21/2018 at 10:20 PM, lovetheduns said:


    Agreed. I have an Egyptian friend (who now works and lives in Paris) and his English is almost flawless. Much like Nada he has a very subtle accent; he has never lived in the US or any English speaking country. His family comes from quite a bit of wealth and he always had a stellar education, lots of international travel opportunities, and many tutors. 

    The school in Egypt where Nada (according to her FB profile) taught English teaches their students (and these are middle/high school age) English, Arabic and French. The US sucks at the whole "learn another language" thing.

    • Love 1
  15. WAIT WHAT!?!?!!?!? A WHOLE hour and nothing on Buddy??? And then that poor kitten!!! 

    Buddy lives on the 2nd floor. Heat rises. You say his AC is broken and then complain that he has a fan going? Yeah... he should really get that AC fixed. Oh, wait... he doesn't own the house. Yeah, the owner should totally take care of that and not let it just linger. Oh, wait... that's you, TWIT! Why? Why do I continue to watch this shit-show???

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