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Posts posted by Maggienolia

  1. Just got home - couldn't leave work until 7, car was dead, got the battery going and then had to drive around for a few minutes to get the "charge up".... AAARRRGGGHHHH!!! So, late to the party. Damn what's with these two??? Sad and pitiful to the marrow. And seconds to those who commented that they thought he was a female from the previews. He has very feminine features and all that extra weight doesn't help him look more manly. 

    To quote Dr. Now though, "Hey Y'all Doin'?"

    • Love 8
  2. She wouldn't give Avi's name on SM because she wouldn't do something like that?? Has she forgotten about the "doctor" who wrote her the letter that she posted to SM? Among others. 

    Tal looks really scared. Of Twit. He's helped create this monster but he obviously wants to run away and is very uncomfortable with the whole situation and how deep down the Avi rabbit-hole Twit is going. Oh My God - it's so serious she has to stay up all night tracking stalking these women he's dated?? Grow up. Suck it up. Move on. Focus on something positive like BGDC. Or cleaning your house. Or getting a real job. Or taking a walk. She's too busy to really plan a baby shower, but she's got all the time in the world to sit up crazy-stalking her ex and his women. Uh... WOW. She's like a 13 year old. 

    • Love 15
  3. Twit can't even organize a successful game night at her own house with half of friends getting mad and leaving 5 minutes in (or right after they get a piece of pizza). What the F*ck was Ashley thinking asking Twit to organize a baby shower?? And Twit, Ashley won't have forgotten that she asked YOU to take care of the arrangements. The fact that you delegated part of that to Todd won't make Todd look bad so much as you. 

    • Love 6
  4. 9 minutes ago, aliya said:

    WTH???  She's all laughing and planning a meetup with Avi's other chick and now she's crying blubbering to her parents? Give me a break. 

    fixed it for ya


    Tune in for tonight's episode of Thore House guest starring Hunter Thore as "The Tough Guy"

    • Love 7
  5. 1 minute ago, sainte-chapelle said:

    Whit in her bra during the panic attack, why take the shirt off you attention whore?

    Because Tal had to stop the car for her to lean out and puke and she wiped her mouth with her shirt so... shirt had to come off. 

    • Love 3
  6. 2 minutes ago, Brooklynista said:

    Oh Babs. Men are dependent on Whitney?? OK..I was wondering what it meant when they ignored 40 phone calls and knocks on the door at 2am. Its because they need her. Riiiiiggghhhhtt.

    I thought I'd heard it wrong at first. Babs has Definitely got that formula backwards. I mean, TWIT is the one pickin' out china patterns after her "boyfriend" clearly stated that he is a commitment-phobe. DUH. Twit is WAY more dependent full stop. First she's telling her dad "but we're love dad" when the conversation about Lennie moving in came up. Then she was SURE she had Roy "in the bag" in crying to her mommy. Now "I can't lose this one" about Avi when whining to Buddy. I mean, how delulu do you have to be to not see how wrong this is??? 

    I need to find her address. Send her a copy of the book "He's Just Not That Into You". Highlighted. 

    • Love 24
  7. 2 minutes ago, Donut Bear said:

    Sure -- everyone sits around in their underwear in the bridal salon an d uses the cell phone.

    Oh yeah. Happens all the time. Say Yes To The Dress - Atlanta: they talk about not allowing men on the floor because everybody is sittin' around in their undies. 

    OH!! And did y'all catch the comment about Twit wanting Heather to get married again. Not because she wants Heather to have someone to share her life with and help her parent, etc. Oh No. Twit wants Heather to get married again because TWIT wants a "do over" for herself. This SELFISH, SELFISH BITCH!

    • Love 10
  8. 9 minutes ago, Donut Bear said:

    Cannot believe Tal is in the examination room with her.  Of course she is super healthy.  Never a problem.

    Yeah. She's super-duper healthy. And yet, the first thing she fears is that she's having a stroke. And that BP is NOT good. It's kinda on the elevated side. But maybe for her size, that's not too bad??? 

    • Love 5
  9. 14 minutes ago, John M said:

    A panic attack over Todd leading the dance class? And she is worried about telling her parents she went to an urgent care facility for like 20 minutes over a panic attack? They may see it on TV.

    And that milk sticking to the glass, that was not 2%.

    And she doesn't want to diminish what she's going through by making it about Todd. WTF?!?! 

    • Love 3
  10. 21 hours ago, AUJulia said:

    All of this is easily explained: she's spoiled. She expects to get what she wants just because she wants it. If it requires sustained effort on her part, it won't happen and she'll just rewrite her narrative. 

    I don't know. Yes, she was obviously spoiled, but to say that's The reason is too simple. Hell, I was spoiled as a child but I didn't grow up with the attitude that just because I want to be X the world should just fall over and give me what I want immediately. Whitney is old enough to have learned better if it was only a matter of having been spoiled as a child. Of course, she's been spoiled as an adult too but there more going on. Mental issues (narcissism or histrionic personality and/or whatever else is going on there) for one. And just being a nasty, mean, entitled, bully of a person. Spoiled is just one tiny part of that. 

    • Love 6
  11. Quote
    20 hours ago, TurtlePower said:

    If she has such a fabulous life, when does she cry almost in every scene? 


    Takes me back to comedian's (Karin, Kerrin, ???) question to Twit after her show "If you're so happy, why are you always crying?"

    1 hour ago, writerchick57 said:

    It has been said that Tal is a professional therapist.  Donna, of course, is a professional care taker (of Twit), Heather probably doesn't work, because she probably gets alimony and child support from her ex, as well as the money she makes from the show, and Ashley is a stay at home mom, and Todd???  A REAL professional dancer!!!

     Ashley works as well - she mentioned meeting her baby-daddy/bf at work. She has a LinkedIn profile that lists her employment as a retail manager for AT&T wireless. IIRC, Tal was a school counselor but not sure if he still is or what his current occupation/employment status is. 

    • Love 3
  12. 1 hour ago, Me from ME said:

    Rubyspeak vs. Whitneyspeak


    Crossing the fleshhold

    Uncle Whitney



    Hacky (often used to describe herself) Happy + Wacky

    Her Christmas - her vagina

    The Christmas Doctor  - gynecologist

    GOD I hated Ruby and her Ruby-speak!!!! She was another arrested development who never matured past the pre-teen years. I think I'm going to be sick now. 

    • Love 4
  13. 13 hours ago, TurtlePower said:

    Reminds me of Edina Monsoon from Absolutely Fabulous. “I’m here, don’t panic, everything’s under control!” 

    Seems the dance class was doing much better WITHOUT her. 

    But Edina Monsoon actually IS kinda fabulous. Unlike... well. Shitney.

    • Love 9
  14. 10 hours ago, ClareWalks said:

    She couldn't have been gone long. Anyone notice that when Whitney came back to the house, Buddy actually said "you just left, like, a minute ago." FAKE NEWS, you guys, FAAAAAKE NEWWWWWWWS!

    She said something about a 4 week training period but she obviously didn't stay the whole 4 weeks. I'd vote one maybe two weeks tops and it's whine and make boo-boo faces to Tal until he comes to "rescue" her. 

    • Love 3
  15. On 1/4/2018 at 8:36 PM, lightninggirl said:

    I was thinking the same thing - and how about working/driving/emailing on Shabbat? And covering your head at shul? I love how she's so flippant about "I don't care about bacon anyway," but doesn't even consider that a cheeseburger is off the table if she's going to be observant. So closed-minded. I know people with separate fridges - she'd lose her dang mind.

    I get it! She wants to be "jewish" like she has a fabulous "dance career". She doesn't want to Jewish Jewish - just "jewish". The "I don't eat bacon because I'm jewish" jewish. Not the I have a deep, meaningful connection to my faith Jewish and practice that faith by observing a wide variety of practices. You know, Whitney-verse "jewish". Delulu "jewish". I'm not sure she even has the intellectual capacity to understand the difference between "jewish" and Jewish. As with so many things, like exercises, nutrition, adulting... 

    • Love 8
  16. On 1/4/2018 at 4:52 PM, ClareWalks said:

     (remember her stirring her eggs instead of beating them) 

    OH MY GOD!!! THAT!!! THAT RIGHT THERE!!!!! I was 100% with Buddy when he said "all you're doing is making me mad". The best way Twit can help Babs is by going on tour and getting the hell out of the way so that Glen and co can give Babs the support she needs and she can recover without Twit hovering causing more drama and stress. Oh. Dear. Lord. In. Heaven. This B*tch!

    • Love 5
  17. On 1/4/2018 at 4:45 PM, ClareWalks said:

    Fair enough. I still think Whitney faked it, because the entire show is faked, poorly at that.

    I agree with both of you ( @ClareWalks and @goodbyeglittergirl). If were anyone else but Twit, I'd be more likely to give them the benefit of the doubt that it's a real panic attack. But given Twit's history of histrionics and attention-seeking pity-parties, I'm skeptical that this is the real thing as well. 

    Hasn't she talked about having anxiety at some point in the show or on SM?? Wouldn't she KNOW then that she was having a panic attack vs something more life-threatening like a heart attack? Dunno - anxiety and panic can express in a multitude of ways but again, we're talking about Twit and her big fat fake-u-lous life. 

    • Love 5
  18. On 1/3/2018 at 8:12 PM, AZChristian said:

     Or on the run. Maybe another reason he doesn't want his face shown.

    Or in grad school/post-grad. I moved around a lot between Masters and PhD and then teaching gig to teaching gig until a tenure-track opened up. Don't know if he's teaching but wasn't he in grad school? And I am the opposite of wealthy. Gotta love that student loan noose! 

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