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Posts posted by Maggienolia

  1. 19 minutes ago, auntjess said:

    I so want her to go to Houston, and Dr. Now.
    Isn't there at least one house where you're supposed to find a spouse?  Would someone wed her for a green card, does Cody need another wife?

    OH MY GOD YES!!!! Let's get her on 90-Day Fiancé: Before the 90 Days!!!! THEN we can do the Dr. Now crossover. 

    • Love 3
  2. On 9/16/2017 at 11:05 PM, alabetser said:

    For someone with hair related problems, she changes her hair color an awful lot. I don't know what her natural color is, but over the past couple years we've seen her as a brunette, brunette with ombre blond, and now ombre red. Dyeing your hair is really hard on it, and given her hair loss issues seems like a bad choice. 


    I've said it before, but whoever she's using as a photographer has got to go. That side angle is by far not her most flattering, especially with a super visible dead center bra strap. While tailoring can be expensive, she really needs to invest in a few solid pieces that fit perfectly for media appearances/photos.

    Even if the  dress DID fit well, that colour looks terrible on her - the whole colour-thing going on just makes her look sickly. The fact that the bra strap is showing because of the gape in the bodice and the weird drape of the dress just makes her look even bigger. As pointed out up-thread - for a professional photo to advertise her cruise you'd think she could do better. 

    On 9/16/2017 at 9:06 PM, Dot said:

    Not only is Twit offering up a "sexpert," but also a "plus model." I thought it was just a typo until a Nit-Whit gushed about how much nicer that designation is than "plus-size."


    I'm sorry. A "plus model" is someone who models plusses. That is all. 

    • Love 5
  3. 6 hours ago, ClareWalks said:

    They look like twins. Can I ask what the deal is with fat women and nose rings? Or is that offensive? It seems like a disproportionate percentage of obese women have pierced noses, though this is obviously anecdotal from my perspective.

    @ClareWalks - You. Read. My. Mind. That was the EXACT thought I had looking at that pic of Twit and Twin. It's probably not true and I know several average-to-slender size women who have pierced noses, but yeah... that was the first thought. The second was "What is WRONG with Twin's cheeks?" They look like she has implants or something to puff them up. Just a fat face?? 

    4 hours ago, TurtlePower said:

    Except twit's eyes have this crazy look to them..........

    Cuz b*tch be crazy. 

    • Love 3
  4. On 9/9/2017 at 4:14 PM, Pachengala said:

    Here's a link to the panel. I caught a brief glimpse--I have no interest in watching more, because I hate her--and my god, she looks enormous. I normally refrain from commenting on her body because her personality is repulsive enough to hold my focus, but my god. Whitney! You gon' die! 

    Got too excited and forgot to include the link. GIRL.

    OMG - she's HUGE! Even next too those "big" (curvy, plus-sized, whatever term you prefer) she still looks HUGE! She has 100 pounds on them easy. And I swear - the hair - it looks like a wig. Or at least a hairpiece on the top. Something about the hairline along her forehead... Either way... Damn Twit. Get your f*ing act together!! 

    • Love 2
  5. On 9/3/2017 at 10:08 AM, Nancypants said:

    Note that she is pointing her toes with extra long toenails in an effort to

    " lengthen the leg" .

    Oooo, oh yea girl , that trick makes you look postively Willowy.

    Well, she IS a *cough cough* professional dancer... so her feet probably just point like that naturally from all the years of pointe work. *cough cough*

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  6. On 8/31/2017 at 11:23 PM, Nacho said:

    I wonder when she'll get around to mentioning the horrific floods and devastation going on in Texas. She's quick to make posts about every other social wrong doing in America. I guess natural disasters aren't her thing to care about. Even pets needing help is a huge thing in Texas. She has pets. She truly makes me sick. Also, a grown woman her age would be traveleing to Hawaii with her husband/boyfriend/lesbian lover. Not her parents. She cannot land nor keep a man or lesbian woman because she is truly vomit worthy in all aspects. Grow up Whitney. You are truly an embarrassment. 

    Bet she'll have PLENTY to say Irma and its impact on SC though. 

  7. On 8/20/2017 at 1:05 AM, spankydoll said:

    Lol.  There is a gal on 90 day fiancé who does the same thing. It must take her hours to get the perfect booty shot but she can't spend five minutes cleaning up the room. Whit doesn't appear to crave order and flow in her life. 

    Sorry - late to the party and trying to catch up on all the summer posts!! I disagree - you KNOW Whit is ALL about order and flow in her life!! She totally craves order - ordering pizzas on one of her myriad apps, ordering her friends and family around. And the flow of food into her gaping piehole. The flow of adoration from her fans. Yep. I'd say she's all about order and flow. 

    • Love 1
  8. One thing I've noticed that has only really drawn attention to or contributed to Joe looking even more feminine is that they have eyeshadow and (I think) a little mascara on him. I say "they" guessing that it's the film crew doing this for television (to bring out the eyes or something). And there was a post in the LIVE CHAT thread that the poster couldn't find an adam's apple on Joe even as his neck is getting thinner. I was looking for that too and don't see one. It doesn't matter just a point of curiosity.

    • Love 3
  9. OMG!!! How did I miss this thread??? Thanks to the mods for creating this! Okay... back to the top to do some reading! 

    Definitely more likable and serious about their health than a lot of the M600PL folks. I would LOVE to see Twit from MBFFL do the water tank to see what her % fat is. It was sad to hear Ayanna (sp?) talk about not dating because most people didn't want to date a LP and how she dropped out of nursing school because she realized she couldn't turn a patient by herself. That just broke my heart! She should have stuck with it! Where is Twit's NoBS empowerment when it's really needed? She seemed so sweet but really needs a boost of confidence too! Chuck was a cutie! I hope they both keep at it and reach their goals! And that trainer chick! Dang! She tough and not a little bit scary. I have a feeling if she tried to train me it would not end well. I'm picturing her standing on my back jumping up and down telling me to do another push up and quit making excuses while I cried like a little girl. 

    • Love 1
  10. On 5/18/2017 at 1:36 AM, Complexity said:

    No, they don't. They will exploit anything they think will make them a buck.

    I used to think TLC — as The Learning Channel — was an upstanding channel to enjoy. But that apparently didn't get them enough viewership (which means less money from advertisers). Somewhere along the way, they discovered that the public devoured sideshows, and away they went.

    They've sold their souls to the devil. No learning at all. Just exploitation. If there is a group of people with any obvious difference, they are targeted. So now their combining fat people with little people to come up with fat little people. I hate to think of what will come next.

    Out of curiosity - exactly how long has it been since TLC has actually identified itself by its full name "The Learning Channel" or had that appear anywhere associated with them? Because y'all are right, it's been AGES since there was anything "educational" in anything other than a "how not to be" vein.

    • Love 1
  11. On 5/17/2017 at 9:16 AM, Tosia said:

    If Twit "doesn't like" sweets, then  what foods made her so fat?  

    Twit cannot live by pizza alone. Even with  3 different apps for home delivery.  (I bet she mskes Donna answer the door for the pizza guy.)

    Ummm, ranch dressing?  

    Specialty coffee drinks?  --which we know are FULL of sugar and fats. 

    Numeroua cake tastings?  

    BIG cookies from Starbux?  

    No, no sweets, just processed, full-fat food in general.

    Right, bee-otch.  

    And loads of pasta - remember the 'farewell' dinner they all had at that Italian restaurant back when she had the Diabetes scare. I think she probably eats a ton of carbs. So maybe she isn't eating a lot of sweets, but she's gotta be ingesting a whole buttload of sugar from other sources. 

    And remember - she only took the one bite out of the cookie ;) - and yes, I can still hear her whine at Will about "I look at that and think how good I did". 

    • Love 6
  12. 18 minutes ago, Barb23 said:

    I can't get over all the excuses Pauline came up with. She had one or more ready for everything Dr Now or others suggested. Dr Now should keep an Excuse Book, possibly named "I've Heard It All"  & make all the weight loss candidates read it when they sign up with his program. 

    Dr Now should make a limit on the number of visits patients can miss. These people do nothing all day but come up with all kinds of excuses why they can't keep appointments.  We know they just don't want to weigh in but it's getting ridiculous.  Besides death &  serious illness, there should be no excuses. Wedding planning,  feeling down, busy with family don't count.

    And Now doesn't make the point sharply enough that falling off the program a little (even a little) because of "wedding planning stress" or other common stressors that most humans have gone or will go through at some point in their lives is particularly bad because they are common stressors - if you're gonna fall off the wagon every time something like that happens guess what ... you gonna get fat again! He's not just being a harda$$ about sticking to the program and having discipline, it's about longterm success and making real deeply rooted changes so when it's time to plan the daughter's wedding down the road, the stress doesn't come up and kick you in teeth. 

    • Love 4
  13. 10 hours ago, ClareWalks said:

    So true. In fact, I have never had a *good* wedding cake. It's all been kind of dry and flavorless. Best wedding cake ever was when my cousin got married and she made her own cakes - a bunch of cheesecakes in different flavors. Amazing.

    And in the text balloons on the "supersize" episode, it read that they went with red velvet cake. Who needs to do a tasting to end up with Red Velvet cake? Nothing against RV cake. But. I mean. C'mon. Unless you're going for something super exotic do we all not know (more or less) what cakes taste like? Icing is pretty much icing (again, unless you're talking some wack-a-doodle flavour like kiwi-mango-cinnamon-latte) and white cake vs lemon vs strawberry vs chocolate vs red velvet. Sweet baby Jesus. 

    AND unless you're inviting all of the M600PL viewers to attend (well, and even then)... won't most of your guests know that you've been on a weight loss journey and be totally okay with having other things at the reception? The biggest question though right now is why do I even care? Okay. I'm going back to looking up what John Saul books I haven't read yet. 

    Dillon should get in touch with Assanti's brother and go to work for him. The blurb on the supersize ep said he wanted to work in the area of his "passion" which was gaming and IT. He and Justin (was that his name?) would be like soul brothers. It could be just the thing each of them needs! 

    • Love 8
  14. 1 minute ago, Brooklynista said:

    Maybe not, but it might help with the cable bill the car insurance. And yes, Sarah should get off her duff and look for work as well.

    And if he knows he's going to have to take off a long time for the skin removal, then a "throw away" job that would be more intentionally temporary but bring in some money and get him out and in the working world would not be a bad thing. At least TRY and contribute something. Then look for something more permanent in your field post-skin removal.

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