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Posts posted by Maggienolia

  1. 2 minutes ago, 55Unicorns said:

    OMG...she's in DALLAS?!? And can't go on...

    Did she say that she had to get off the plane (as in change planes) in Dallas and would not be able to go on or did she just decide she couldn't take it anymore?? And, HELLO, she's in DALLAS so what's she talking like she can't make it to Houston?? Even if she doesn't fly, does she think she's just going to turn around and go back to Seattle? So she gets an ambulance or CraigsList-Uber-Friend-Stranger to drive her the rest of the way. Damn woman. 

    • Love 2
  2. Just now, LordOfLotion said:

    Say what you will about Steven, but he never left Cupcake behind.

    I'm still on board with a Rescue Cupcake road trip. He's probably the ONE person I would LIKE to see abandon a pet. Give that poor kitty a chance at a better life and away from his filth. UGH!!

    • Love 5
  3. 1 minute ago, CouchTater said:

    Appropos of nothing, but.....  I learned something new this week.  Apparently in some households people keep "poop knives" in their bathrooms to slice up big poops to get them down the toilet easier.  Literal knives. 

     --- wow --- 

    just... wow. 

    • Love 7
  4. Even though we don't get a good shot of the cat's face, I'm sensing a strong FFOJ going on there (feline face of judgement). Poor kitty! 

    Holy crap - I did NOT need to see her on the toilet. 

    YUP - that's a "HELP" face on the cat if ever I've seen one. 

    • LOL 1
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  5. Just now, Donut Bear said:

    How is this plane ride going to work?

    I'm afraid it isn't. How do you even think you're going to get a scooter like that ON a plane?? even the wheelchairs don't usually go ON the plane. This is going to be a horror show. I feel so bad for this woman. 

    • Love 1
  6. 3 minutes ago, lightninggirl said:


    Also, where does Nada get her money to go and spend six months at an English fat camp and fly to the States to hang with Sweatney with apparently no job? I'm wondering how much money her family has, because girlfriend can't be making bank on her social media alone to fund all of that.

    I thought Nada said on the facetime with Twit that she was coming to DC for her job. Did I hear wrong?? 

    • Love 6
  7. 34 minutes ago, Bunnygirl said:

    Those adjustable beds are designed to be VERY heavy duty. How telling is it that with both of them in it, Twit was unable to make just the HEAD portion rise?!  Gawd!

    Did a quick google on serta brand adjustable mattress/base and the weight limit on one of the higher end ones was 650#. Since hers has the heat and vibration and all the bells and whistles, maybe it has a higher weight limit but still... the motors in that bed!!! Holy cow! 

    19 minutes ago, auntjess said:

    Maybe Stacy and Clinton would reunite just for Whit. I can see Stacy getting her in heels.

    No pair of heels deserves that kind of torture.

    • Love 8
  8. 12 hours ago, John M said:

    Can anyone identify Whit's car? Granted I drive a small-ish BMW and not what appears to be a small SUV crossover but between the 4 seats my car is rated for 650 pounds, there is easily, easily over 900+ pounds between them, I can't imagine any car being designed to carry anything close to that in just the front seats.

    I guess it is kind of inconsequential but I assume her weight alone is causing serious damage to that car. 

    My guess is either a Ford or Kia. This based on the shape of the car and the shape of the logo they try to hide on the front grill. I'd also like to know why she's got a new car. She just bought a new car in season 3 when her old one died. Although maybe she fell victim to a wily salesperson who convinced her to trade-in/up for a new one. Been there, done that. 3 Pilots later I got tired of being Our Lady of Perpetual Car Payments and came to my senses. 

    • Love 2
  9. Poor Nada. Twit is just making it worse for her by dragging her into this crazy, delusional drama. Of course she wants to know why he did this but sometimes shit happens and there isn't a why. You have to suck it up and just chalk it up to experience and him being a shithole and move on. Twit's insanity isn't helping that and it's giving Nada a horrible example of how to handle this kind of situation or how to handle a let-down. 

    • Love 17
  10. 2 minutes ago, xls said:


    I hate heavy ppl who act like they're better than heavier people! It was done to me and its not nice & I would have slowed down and walked with my friend.

    Amen! And when it's YOUR guest too! Bad form Twit! But nothing we haven't come to expect from you. 

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