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Posts posted by Maggienolia

  1. 30 minutes ago, ClareWalks said:

    I have developed massive blisters, had them pop, and developed a second layer of blisters in the same spot. Several times, in several marathons. Anyone who complains about blisters, I'm like HOLD MY FUCKIN' BEER. Blisters should literally be the least of her concerns. Her Achilles could snap!*



    Damn, woman!!!! Now MY feet hurt in solidarity for yours!! I don't want to stand up even.  I've had blisters but never anything like that. Mine were more of the walking around town all day in new ballet flats with no sox. "Around town" being a small town in the S of France where I was in school and the sidewalks were paving stones or cobbles. They weren't fun but they didn't leave me at the end of the day leaning on two guys and barely able to stand up. If her shoes had been brand new, I could see developing blisters DURING the "race" but she starts off with blisters. From what?? I don't understand??? I've never heard of anyone getting blisters on their arches from going barefoot and sitting around, plopped on the couch, lolling in a swimming pool or driving in a car. Have I missed something? Did she ACTUALLY (kind of) train (I use the term Lightly) for this? Is that where they came from?? I'm confused. 

    • Love 10
  2. 44 minutes ago, JudgeyMcJudgyPants said:

    This is cause for a panic attack!  

    Get apuke bucket Todd.

    I'm guessing something grosser than the usual bs happened in the first half that I missed. Suddenly feeling much better about not having made it home in time. Whew!!!! But if this is all about Chub rub... when does Twit NOT have chub rub?? Seriously?!?! 

    • Love 5
  3. Why  does she have blisters?? She doesn't exercise. She rarely wears shoes. What the fuck??? Now, I might not be able to walk an 8k any faster (with the same amount of (re: none) training that Twit had) but I could walk an 8k tomorrow easier than she is and with no stress or doubt that I'd finish. She is so beyond delusional!!!! And Hunter! Love Todd's comment that he's just gonna "strut" the end. Glenn and Hunter just literally had a walk in the park while Twit is afraid that she's going to snap her achilles tendon. 

    And ever imagined BUDDY would be the  voice of reason?!?!?! At least in the beginning. Glad he went on and left her whining snotty self to finish on her own. Although the "I'd just be enabling" her comment seems like like the over-enthusiasm of the newly sober. 

    • Love 14
  4. Late to the party - need to go back and read the latest comments but OH MY GOD!!!!! She is struggling to take each step and looks like she's exerting herself to the max while Hunter and Buddy and her dad are strolling along barely breathing hard keeping up without an issue. What is it REALLY going to take for her to realize that she is not fit??? Hell, even the hip surgery girl was moving better than Twit!!!!!!

    • Love 15
  5. 9 minutes ago, Elizzikra said:

    To be fair, it's supposed to be a swimsuit, not a dress.


    The skirt is to her knees... doesn't look like a swimsuit to me. Maybe it's a skirt over a suit. Can't find it to copy/paste here at the moment. She's wearing a floppy hat, black camisole top with an a-line/flared skirt, black with flowers on it. 

  6. On 2/22/2018 at 7:20 PM, cynicat said:

    Admittedly I kind of fast forwarded a lot through this episode because I'm getting tired of the contrived drama.  That being said, I'm a little confused about Buddy's addiction.  Wasn't the big "reveal" that his drug of choice was cocaine?  When he was talking with Whitney on the beach he mentioned wanting a beer, and not being able to have only one drink.  Which is it?  Alcohol or cocaine?

    I believe he says that his Big problem was with coke but obvs he has some degree of issue with alcohol as well (and says as much in the convo with Twit). This has probably been answered already so... sorry if it's a late-read duplicate. :) I had a good friend in HS who, in college, became addicted to drugs and alcohol. She drank A Lot. But that wasn't her Big addiction and probably all by itself wouldn't have amounted to an addiction. But all the other drugs she did. Wow. That was what landed her in rehab for a year. Supposedly, after several years sober post-rehab, she nows has the occasional glass of wine or a beer. I don't get how she can do that and it seems risky to me given her history. We really lost contact after she went into rehab and live states apart now, so maybe she's able to control the drinking. I salute Buddy on recognizing that his thinking he could maybe have a beer or two now and then post-rehab was not a good idea. 

    • Love 2
  7. On 2/22/2018 at 10:38 PM, Dot said:

    Oh dear Lord in Heaven. She. Is. Huge. I don't mean to snark there either. There is a picture on her Instagram of her from behind in floral dress. And when I saw it, I thought, DAMN she is HUGE! She has def gained weight since even last season. Hell, over the course of THIS season! If she wants to be fat, fine! Go for it! But how on EARTH she can think that she is healthy and fit at her current weight (whatever that is) and size and mobility is just clinically delusional. And if she wants to just give up and say "this is the size I am and I don't want to change, health be damned" then that's her choice but just PLEASE stop with the illusion that there is anything fabulous about her life, that she is in ANY respect healthy, and that others should embrace this "enlighted and empowered" perspective. 

    And... please pass the eye bleach. 

    • Love 11
  8. Sweet baby Jesus, just send her home!!! She claims she's not getting any help and when Dr. Now reminds her of all the things they've done to try and help her she just wails that it's not helping. WTF?!?!?!?! I can't even with this woman!!! And while I'm just getting here to the forum (catching on the MBFFL forum) I've only been halfway paying attention to this episode and even that is too much. Jesus, Mary and Joseph! 

    • Love 13
  9. 11 hours ago, preciousperfect said:

    The difference is Tal and Todd were still thrilled to have any room and happy to be there.

    Let's look at the scene with Tal and Todd seeing their room in Hawaii for the first time and seeing the ONE bed they would have to share. Any whining or shade about having to share? Any, "what?! why not two beds"?? Nope. Quite the contrary. As stated above, they loved the room, the view, were happy to be there and had no issues sharing a bed. 

    Now. Let's flash back to Todd and Twit in NYC and seeing THEIR room for the first time and seeing the ONE bed they would have to share. Yeah. Twit certainly didn't care one bit (cuz... well) but Todd. Yeah. 

    • Love 10
  10. 20 hours ago, John M said:

    Part of me almost wants to side with Whit, I'm fortunate enough to have parents with some money, not rolling in it mega millionaires but very comfortable and they do help me out from time to time in my 30s to, let's say afford a lifestyle that I would otherwise not be able to afford on my salary alone. For instance not to long ago I my car broke down and my dad gave me the down payment on a BMW when my budget is more Ford level. And it's not unique to me, all their kids get some help and I grew up with an affluent peer group and given that most of us have chosen careers and lifestyles that while fulfilling and more than pay the bills are not particularly financial lucrative and have gotten help with things like house payments, generous holiday gifts, family vacations and such. Basically my point is I sort of hate how Whit gets hated on for having generous parents, my dad easily had the money to give me the down payment on a nicer car and was happy to give it to me provided that I wasn't otherwise being financially imprudent like not being able to make the car payment and I get shit on sometimes for it.

    But come on Whit, you dad cares about you and is asking you to do like basically nothing in exchange for a free trip for yourself and all of your friends and all you have to do is try and walk 5 miles and you are acting like an entitled monster about it. Yes, your brother is walking the 8K and he's not complaining because it is a nothing request for someone that hasn't eaten themselves into immobility.

    I get what you're saying. My parents were "comfortable" and able to pay for college and help with grad school and help with things along the way for all the kids, even into adulthood. I think the difference here is that Twit IS being otherwise financially imprudent. It's one thing to say "here son, let me help you out with a down payment on a nicer car" and a totally different thing to say "hey, I don't care that you are eating yourself into being completely disabled and refuse to get a job or do anything to take care of yourself financially or health-wise. I'm going to bankroll your life as long as you want me to". I don't hate on her for having generous parents. It's just that her parents have been overly generous and have inadvertently created a dependent monster who can't (or won't) support herself and isn't grateful at all for their generosity. 

    • Love 11
  11. 21 hours ago, Ketzel said:

    How strong and brave she was in confronting her father 

    And did you notice, at the dinner, when she told them she wasn't doing the race... how mumbled and fast her words were? Like she couldn't even bring herself to say, Look, this isn't what I signed up for. I know that I agreed to do a 5k and this isn't so I'm not going to do it. Nope... she had to just garble her way through "imnahgonnadothrace" while looking down. Uh-huh.  yeah. right. GROW UP!!! Jesus. 

    • Love 8
  12. Just now, Geekygal16 said:

    Oh dear lord, is she going to be crying the entire 8K?

    Naaahhhh, she'll take breaks to whine and whimper and scream in agony. And she'll wear mascara again so she can have those gorgeous psychotic raccoon eyes.

    • Love 11
  13. She doesn't think it should be a bribe. So is she going to pay Glen-er-TLC back for the cost of her trip? ... ... hello? 

    YES YES YES! You ARE being a brat and an asshole and maybe he doesn't think Hunter NEEDS to do a 5k and all you had to do was say NO, I'm not going to do the 5k, have fun in Hawaii. NO one forced you to do this. But you said you would and you're in Hawaii so suck it up buttercup. 

    • Love 16
  14. I really, really, really hope that Buddy is successful in his recovery and is able to get away from Twit and get a new job that is healthy for him and has a truly fabulous life. Go Buddy! 

    1 minute ago, LordOfLotion said:

    She looks like a blob sitting on that beach.

    She's got so much fat that she can't even slump. Her fat keeps her spine relatively straight. That's so weird. 

    • Love 8
  15. OH MY GOD!!! The whole f*ing POINT of surfing is to be on the board WHEN THE WAVE COMES and RIDE the wave!!!! DUH!!!! If you're THAT scared, then stay outta the water!!! 

    And for all her "I can do anything!" "I'm healthy!" "I'm fine at the size I am" talk she makes the shocked face and a snark comment when the surf instructor dude says she can ride the wave on her belly and "her body is fine". 

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