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Posts posted by Maggienolia

  1. Just now, MrsRopersCaftan said:

    Are we taking bets on how much she’s gonna gain over the next two months? He wants her to lose sixty pounds. My bet is that she’ll gain 42 pounds.

    I'll see your 42 pounds and raise you 12 to make it 54 total gain. 

    • Love 4
  2. 1 minute ago, zoemom said:

    Two days in a "regular car".  This isn't going to be pretty.....

    How many fast food stops.

    No seat belt, guess she'd be her own airbag.

    So one minute she says it's a 12 hour drive and they're going to try to make it in one go. Which is do-able but sucks for the driver. Then she's saying "two days". Does she not understand that a day is 24 hours? 

    Annnnnd here we go "can we stop and get some food".... 

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  3. What's with the video she posted on IG of her walking up 5 steps like she's been in a wheelchair her entire life and this is accomplishment of the century??? OH!!! AND.... wait for it.... 

    she went DOWN the 5 steps as well. 

    And here we are dogging her for not finishing (sorry - being helped across the finish line wailing and whining isn't finishing) a measly 8K when she's doing things like going UP and DOWN five whole steps!!! Boy, do I feel like we've been put in our place! /sarcasm

    Seriously though, she's crowing about this 5 step thing likes she finished first in the Ironman! WTF?!?!?! 

    • Love 9
  4. On 3/15/2018 at 10:46 AM, SunnyBeBe said:

    I was taken aback when David said that losing that first 40 pounds would be EASY.  I mean, what person who weighs over 600 pounds says that?  Very odd, imo.  Of course, he followed through, but, still.....that would have been a red flag for me. 

    Does anyone know what the aftercare eating plan is for those who have bypass, like David vs. those with gastric sleeve like Benji? I mean, after you heal and you go forward years later.  What must they eat? Is it still only protein? Can you add a few healthy grains?  Any fruits?  

    My SIL had gastric bypass over 15 years ago (maybe longer - it was before I met her) and she's still quite overweight but she eats and drinks pretty much whatever she wants. Portions are still pretty small - she seems to mostly pick at her food but then I'm not around her 24/7. She does avoid red meat because it's hard to digest and upsets her stomach. She drinks carbonated sodas (diet) and it seems like that's something Dr. Now tells his patients to avoid. I wouldn't describe her "eating habit" as necessarily healthy though at least not for the time I've known her.

  5. I think this may have been brought up before but I always wonder how the people are supposed to go about finding a chaos magician or a medium. Does Amy help them? Give them any resources for finding someone local? And to find a reputable one. I mean, where do you look for someone like that? 

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  6. 16 hours ago, LordOfLotion said:

     he hates more ideas than he likes. And he has all of them in a binder.

    Is it wrong that I really hope this is true?? I mean, I can picture the binder and it gives me joy. Could there be an episode of Glenn showing us the binder and going through all the ideas, lovingly??? 

    Yeah. I'll see myself out. 

    10 hours ago, Yeah No said:

    Glenn constantly pressuring her to have kids made me think that this is all part of the plot.  He was setting the stage for this fake business where she suddenly announces she's going to adopt a child, which somehow never happens.  At least I hope it's fake.  I don't want her to be a mother, I'd feel too sorry for the child - I couldn't watch a narcissist like her raise a child!  It would be all about her, not the kid!

    And don't forget the episode back in S2 or S3 when she and Lenny were babysitting for a friend of hers and she kept talking about wanting a baby of her own. 

    Please GOD let this be a story line. 

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