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Posts posted by Maggienolia

  1. On 4/3/2018 at 2:07 PM, Dot said:

    She's doing what everyone does who gets into geneology: seeing how far back thru generations she can go & what she can learn about her ancestors. So far, she reports a great-great grandmother in Poland, but doesn't say whether she's maternal or paternal. It's a hobby for lots of folks. I don't find it strange, but since she's going at it like every other new thing in her life -- staying up researching till 5 a.m. -- I can picture the white board now in 2-3 episodes of story arc boredom in S-6.

    Does this mean Glenn will get another "work bonus" and take the fam to Poland for a vacay and to meet great-great-great-cousin Stanislav? Who Twit will try to make a pass at or fondle (as she much touch and smell everyone and everything). Yeah. Cool. Maybe it'll morph into a new series "My Big Fat Polish Wedding".

    On 4/3/2018 at 12:55 PM, LordOfLotion said:

    I saw that she had a live video going and tuned in for a minute just in time to hear her and her friend talking about how they hate people who don't like to talk about their periods. It became another punchable faces moment so I went back to my all-day Twilight marathon. 

    And okay.... are people who don't like to talk about their periods in the minority? Is that a thing? What is hate-worthy about that? 

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  2. On 3/29/2018 at 4:26 AM, Hellohappylife said:

    It continues to baffle me every week how these people let something like Tater Tots ruin their quality of life.  

    Well. Tater Tots are pretty yummy. I miss them. So. Much. Sigh.... 

    In seriousness though, that Tater Tot casserole she made was over the top. No. Just no. 

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  3. On 3/30/2018 at 7:35 PM, Ketzel said:

    Maybe if they had wangled a one-on-one interview by Shaun with Avi, it might have been amusing.

    "It's true, Shaun, I'm attracted to bodacious women. I'm a man who likes a soft landing, if you know what I mean. And there are probably hundreds of big beautiful girls with smarts and good personalities, the whole nine yards, who get overlooked or rejected by men who don't appreciate all they have to offer. Well, I appreciate it. A lot. So I meet a lot of available ladies who are attractive to me and I want to date them. But since I am very clear from the get-go that I am not interested in anything long term, let alone permanent, I want to know how I end up the bad guy? From her own mouth, Whitney says I told her I wasn't interested in being her boyfriend, that I was commitment phobic, that marriage was not on the cards. Truthfully, when I first met her, I was a bit put off by her behavior - she was very brash and loud and she liked to talk about sex, which seem a bit too forward for a first date. But I saw her on and off for less than a year, and she's taking Jewish studies and planning to convert when we marry? Who asked her? She's supposed to be touring around with some dancers for a year and I figured that was a natural way to let the thing fade out - but then she's running back home and says to everyone she needs to be with her boyfriend? Who said I was her boyfriend? I did everything but tattoo "I am not exclusively interested in you" on my forehead, but when she found out about my past relationship with Nada, she went completely crazy, as far as I'm concerned. Oh, and just to set the record straight, Nada and I were not engaged when I met Whitney. Had we discussed marriage - yes, I told her I wasn't ready to commit. Was I still involved with her when I met Whitney, yes. But she was not my fiancée. Period. And then the crazy stalking! The attempt to get me fired! The rummaging the world to find other women I used to date and making a little club out of them! What the fuck? 

    Did I learn anything from this? Hell, yeah. The next woman I'm interested in is going to get a written disclosure and a warning that she dates me at her own risk!

    Now please, can I get out of here before she tracks me down and starts bellowing and sobbing all over me?"

    So you're saying you actually KNOW Avi and have talked to him because I swear I could so see this being his take on the whole situation. Bravo. Bravo, indeed. @Ketzel, you have outdone yourself! :) 

    On 3/30/2018 at 9:46 PM, Dot said:

    I don't know either, but can surmise that TLC -- and its advertisers -- wouldn't be happy. MBLLF has been between 18 & 25 most Tuesdays.

    Also, the show lost more than 300,000 viewers this week.I would think TLC might rethink whether it wants to have another recap episode to end S-6.

    How about just a Big Fat Fabulous Farewell episode? Then, in a year or two, we could have a special Big Fat Fabulous Follow-Up where Twit goes to see Dr. Now in Houston to see if she qualifies for surgery. 

    • Love 8
  4. On 3/31/2018 at 12:27 AM, DNR said:

    I’m still perplexed as to why Glenn & Babs think Twitney could ever normally finish a 5/8k & do it without theatrics and wailing.  Twit is lucky she can make it around the block . WAKE UP GLEN!  Twits not gonna decide to take up the lifestyle of exercise & eating right ..... it’s over. 

    And when does she do ANYTHING without theatrics and wailing (or braying)?? She could've run the 8K and made good time and there would have been significant theatrics and wailing. 

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  5. Get Ashley's point, but that's not what Twit is putting out there and it's not what any of us are seeing. Now, maybe (BIG MAYBE) that's editing. But still.... 

    And just STOP with the comparisons to Buddy! He's honest about being fat and he isn't preaching that he's healthy and all that. If you want to eat pizza and ice cream GREAT! Knock yourself out! Just don't pretend that you are healthy and able to do anything you want to do (we've seen OVER and OVER and OVER that you can't).

    • Love 10
  6. 1 minute ago, MrsClaus said:

    Like I just said to my daughter, it's not that internet trolls WANT her to kill herself.  They are saying she IS killing herself by what she's doing to herself.

    If the internet trolls wanted her to kill herself (truly), all they would have to do is keep encouraging her current behaviour, tell her to not listen to the "haters" telling her to lose weight, pay attention to her health and what her body is telling her, take care with her eating habits/nutrition. They would tell her to eat that ice cream and drink all the Starbucks she wants because she's fabulous! Don't worry about exercise or health because (as Twit loves to crow) skinny girls can be unhealthy too. She's already killing herself with her lifestyle choices. 

    • Love 15
  7. I don't know why they're so hard on Buddy for being able to say something nice about Heather without it being an overture to "it's not over between us". He's made it clear over and over that the relationship is over. The fact that he can still say nice things about her or acknowledge that he feels a little jealous hearing she's dated some is NOT him stringing her along (maybe for once - and maybe that's why they jump on him). Would they prefer he was hateful and mean and called her a bitch?? Jeez! Kudos to Buddy for being able to acknowledge the positive from their relationship and the good things about Heather and his own feelings AND that he isn't looking to get back together with her or give her the idea that he wants that and (whether 100% or not) that he's not interested in a relationship with anyone right now. 

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