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Posts posted by Maggienolia

  1. On 2/26/2018 at 1:43 PM, Kid said:

    1)  She’s probably not lying. She probably did eat just one meal a day.That one meal starts from the minute she wakes up to the minute she goes to sleep at night. The same thing I was doing the last five years I worked and managed to get up to 230 pounds on a 5 foot 5 frame.  Been there done that.

    In fairness, somewhere around middle school, I started skipping breakfast. So I'd eat lunch and dinner. I didn't snack during the day (as school there wasn't a chance) and I'd eat an early dinner with my brother and then didn't really snack throughout the night. From there, I would skip breakfast AND lunch in HS. "lunch" at best was a 12oz can of coke and a bag of chips from the vending machine. Relatively normal dinner. The one-meal-a-day trend got cemented in college and grad school. I didn't skip all day to then eat all night, but what I did eat at night was generally crap. And it did have a very negative impact on my weight. I never ate entire pizzas at a sitting or anything quite to that extent, but I was NOT eating what anyone in their wildest dreams could consider healthy. It basically took an A1C in the pre-diabetic range back in 2010 that triggered all sorts of panic by my doctor at the time (which was crazy since I had no symptoms or complications from the high A1C and it was just barely over the normal range) to get my to change my eating habits. I still struggle to make myself stop and eat lunch, but I've cut out so many of the junk foods and unhealthy habits that I'd had for so long. 

    All that to say, Whit may not eat more than one meal a day, but we've seen what her meal look like and she may not be aware of how much snacking or how many fancy, calorie-laden Starbucks drinks she has in a day. And it's probably wrecked her metabolism to boot. And in Twit's case, it probably IS more a case of one meal that starts in the morning and ends in the evening. 

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  2. 5 hours ago, Elizzikra said:

    No but when she introduces herself it's usually as "Whitney Way Thore." 

    All of the theories sound plausible, but my guess is she's just trying to sound more important by using her full name. Especially in the acting world, you have a fair number of actors who go by three names: Daniel Day Lewis, Sarah Jessica Parker, Helena Bonham Carter, Jennifer Jason Leigh, Philip Seymour Hoffman, Haley Joel Osment, etc. 

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  3. 14 hours ago, Thrifty said:

    TLC should show Whitney and the rest of the cast last night's episode of My 600 Pound Life, and make a renewal of their contracts be contingent on it.

    And film it for the world to see their reactions. Now THAT would be an episode I'd like to see. 

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  4. Just now, LordOfLotion said:

    A Whitney Thore promo right after that was mood whiplash and was NOT appropriate.

    Twitney needs to have this episode playing on a loop in her house! With her issues, she's going to end up in just the same shape and meet just  the same kind of unnecessary end if she doesn't wake up and turn her life around before it's too late. 

    • Love 14
  5. IIRC, when I went to the ER with what turned out to be a gallbladder that needed to be removed, they gave me some dilaudid (a shot) but nothing more for after I got home. That was so SERIOUS pain (like praying for death pain). But at his weight, he probably needs way more than a normal-sized person would take. 

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  6. Do they warn the hotels that there is not only a super-morbidly obese person coming but also a camera crew??? I'd want warning. I'd be a VERY VERY unhappy camper if I was working the front desk and THAT came in the door. I mean, you reserved a handicap-accessible room, but this is not your average handicap - this has special accommodations that just aren't covered in the usual handicap-accessible design. 

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  7. Just now, ChickenLatte99 said:

    She seems to have a lot of supprssed anger, very passive aggrssive.

    She is acting like and her voice sounds like Erica's sister who had no f*cks left to give. Why is a king bed an issue? Aside that he's the only one who will fit in it. 

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