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Posts posted by Maggienolia

  1. 36 minutes ago, amacmom said:

    Sorry @Maggienolia, the smoking ship has already set sail. I think it was shown on the episode with the parking lot confrontation with the comedian. Discussion here said she blamed it on her time abroad in Asia.

    Should have typed 'start smoking again'... and yes, at first she blamed being in Asia and then she quit but started back "a little" because Lennie supposedly smoked. Now she's got one of those eCigs to try and keep her from back-sliding into the smoking habit after the stressful, heart-breaking, trauma of Avi's betrayal. Gag. She a champion at placing blame. 

    • Love 2
  2. On 2/15/2018 at 3:02 PM, Bunnygirl said:

    Ever since I became life threateningly sick around 6 yrs ago, I lost a lot of weight.  I have been “ Skinny shamed” non-stop constantly. I’m thin. Yes.  But I’m not going to gain weight just to make YOU feel better about yourselves. And I can eat whatever I want and not gain an ounce.  Get over it. #sorrynotsorry.

    I wonder if, as "normal" and/or "average" weights begin to rise and we more and more overweight and obese people that we'll see more skinny shaming as our perception of what truly constitutes "skinny" versus "a healthy weight/bmi" shifts. Sad. 

    • Love 5
  3. On 2/12/2018 at 5:08 PM, AZChristian said:


    Torrid calls the top a bikini top.

    I forget who pointed out that Twit in this particular suit; the suit looked like a monster. I can't NOT see the monster face now. Looked a lot more monster-like on Twit though. On this chick it looks more like an angry frog. 

    • Love 8
  4. On 2/14/2018 at 10:42 AM, 3girlsforus said:

    I have decided that the Geico skating Sumo wrestler is a parody of Whitney and her dancing 

    Pretty sure that the Geico skating sumo could do a hell of a better arabesque than Twit! I mean, he was on f*ing skates... can you imagine Twit on ice skates?? I see arm flailing, wobbling.... but then she'd probably say her ankles or knees were too sore to handle being on skates... 

    • Love 3
  5. On 2/14/2018 at 10:19 AM, SunnyBeBe said:

    She has to want it.  And deep inside, she does.  

    All evidence to the contrary. Maybe in the beginning, in S1... but she's come out and said, in no uncertain terms, that she "wants to be fat" and she shows no interest in eating healthier, exercising AT ALL (even when a trip to Hawaii is the reward), Hell, just being more active in any form or fashion. I see her having stagnated and just given up. Eat, drink, smoke, and be merry for tomorrow I'll still be fat and unemployed and trying to convince myself and my "fans" that I'm fabulous. 

    • Love 9
  6. On 2/12/2018 at 8:46 AM, Thrifty said:

    That doesn't make any sense.  Whitney is a public personification of what they stand for.  Maybe that's the problem.  Her high profile makes it harder for them to deny the absurdity of saying that you can be healthy at 300, 400, or 500 pounds.


    I want to start a "Healthy at Any Tobacco Use Level" movement.  I want to stop the discrimination of non-smoking areas, the higher rates for insurance, and the stigma of smoking.  It's not nice that doctors tell us that smoking is giving us all sorts of diseases!  Non-smokers get lung cancer too!  And sometimes smokers die for reasons unrelated to smoking!  Like kidney cancer or AIDS or 17 stab wounds in the back.

    Great. You KNOW if Twit is reading here, she's going to start smoking after reading the above. Seriously, @Thrifty, don't give her any more ideas!!! ha ha ha

    • Love 1
  7. 20 hours ago, 3girlsforus said:

    A couple of things bother me about the quick move to give the pig away. First and foremost, they chose not to fix the pig. That makes the majority of any agressive behavior their fault. That’s irresponsible pet ownership. Also I wonder if the bite was an accident. Whitney so tactfully called it her ‘stroke hand’ and Babs said she was giving the pig a snack. Is t possible Babs has less control over that hand and didn’t hold her hand right or pull it away quickly enough so it was more accident than agressive pig. Finally, Whitney had the entire thing set up before even being told it was ok to rehome him. She had called people and found a place already. I found that way out of line. The pig lives with her parents. It’s their decision what to do with the pig. It’s none of Whitney’s business and she certainly shouldn’t be making that kind of decision unilaterally and then explaining to her parents what is going to happen. 

    I don’t know enough about the needs of a pig like that, but if he’s getting what he needs and Babs, the one who was bitten, wants to keep him, then I don’t see why Whitney gets to say he has to go. I would like to see him neutered though. 

    She's probably pissed that Babs wouldn't take her Hemingway kitten and so decided she'd just rehome the pig. 

    • Love 5
  8. 39 minutes ago, Donut Bear said:

    Wonderful -- she lost the weight once.  It is not fair she should have to do it again.  

    You mean like Twit? "I LOST 100 pounds - I already DID that!" to the comedienne? They don't seem to get that it's a daily, hell, hourly - choice. Do I eat a reasonable meal or 2 pizzas, 24 wings and a couple of brownies? Do have a 2-litre coke or a big glass of water? And it doesn't end. That's why diets don't work. Lifestyle changes, making new habits and doing your best to make good choices every time is what works. And when you don't make a good choice, not giving up and seeing that is dooming you to never making a good choice again. It sucks but that's the lot she's in (and many many many others are in that same boat). Suck it up buttercup! 

    • Love 8
  9. 1 hour ago, Giant Misfit said:

    "I am obese because my parents worked hard." 

    So I'm fat because my dad was a workaholic??? WOW!!! Who would've guessed?!?! So my lack of exercise and skipping meals and eating crap when I did eat isn't to blame at all. Cool. Maybe that's what's wrong with Twitney of MBFFL infamy. GLenn just needs to kick back and be lazy.

    • Love 5
  10. So Twit was the "Birth and Labour Coach" (cough cough) and yet you clearly hear the voice a calm and trained woman actually coaching Ashley with intermittent bursts of Twit exclaiming "breathe" or "OMG" or whatever nonsense. And when she first came into the hospital room and was looking around at all the monitors and such. I was SO scared she was start touching things or pushing buttons in the "what does THIS one do?!?!" vein and cause a ruckus.  Poor baby. Welcome to the big, fat, fabulous world. Gag.

    WHITNEY probably didn't want there to be cameras so she could claim how she HELPED Ashley give birth. Bitch please. Being in the room does not equal helping. 

    • Love 13
  11. This BITCH and her TOTAL lack of gratitude that her dad is willing to pay her way to Hawaii and NOW he's paying for some of her friends to tag along?!?!?! Please!!!! I'll RUN the 5k (and I don't run) and share a room (but NOT a bed) with Twit if Glenn wants to pay for me to tag along!!! 

    • Love 11
  12. 8 minutes ago, Irate Panda said:

    I’m confused I’m rewatching season 3 (I know preposterous) when Whitney is talking about Heather starting to date that Buddy is her ex-boyfriend...I thought they never dated she just had a crush on him.  Did they date or is this a whitneyism of rewriting history?  

    This is the Schroedinger's Cat of Whitney-world. Did they date, not date, hook up (or as she put it "cross the fleshhold)... kinda like Avi with both Twit and Nada: I bought a dress to marry him, we were almost engaged, we're dating, he's my boyfriend. It really is quantum mechanics at their most confusing. And I love how she told her dad that they were getting married and Glenn pointed out that they weren't engaged and she just eye-rolled and said something like of Course they aren't engaged, she didn't say they were engaged, she said she was going to marry him. So now you can plan to marry and do the whole engagement thing after??? Maybe her whole concept of space-time is just so much more advanced than ours. Maybe that's what's wrong. We're just too simple-minded to grasp this non-linear fabulousness that is her life. 


    Yeah. That's got to be it. 

    • Love 15
  13. 3 hours ago, AZChristian said:

    Here's a recent photo of Dawn. She's lost over 100 pounds by lowering her caloric intake and walking.  



    Woah!!! She looks fabulous!!! Now SHE was a NoBS kinda gal. I remember reading interviews where she talked about not caring about weight as a number. As long as she was healthy and able to do what she wanted to do (mobility-wise) - and a lot of her comedy was very physical- then she wasn't going to bend to what society or the media said she should weight/look like. It sounds like she had a lot of love and support around her both as a child and an adult that didn't attach her worth as a person to her size. She has always come across as genuinely confident and happy and living a pretty fabulous life. I'm so glad that she is just a fabulous as ever! Twit could take a lesson or two!! She even started a clothing line for plus-sized women with a friend. I think they were only available in the UK or in limited outlets but still... THAT'S what Twit is missing. SO much what Twit is missing!! 

    • Love 6
  14. For you 5K-ers, how common is it to see people walking all or most of a 5K? I'm not a runner. I've tried, I've wanted to but it's just not my thing. Walking, on the other hand, I love. But I've always discounted 5ks because I didn't want to be the Twit in the pack walking (even at a good and respectable clip) whilst all the others were running. 

    ETA: Way to go @AZChristian! Keep up the good work! 

    • Love 4
  15. 4 hours ago, Mothra said:

    Correct me if I'm wrong, but wasn't the whole point of this series to combat fat shaming?  To demonstrate that a grossly overweight young woman could be healthy, active and happy with her life?  When do we get to see that?

    When they cast Dawn French in the leading role and show all the fabulous (while fat) things she has done and is still doing in her life. 

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