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Posts posted by Maggienolia

  1. 35 minutes ago, gigiann said:

    So what ever happened to "The Diabetes"?  She shouldn't be eating pizza, mac n cheese, ice cream and all those frappe drinks.  Back when that happened she tried to sound so convincing that she was on top of it and suddenly now she is bigger than ever and bolting down crap again!  

    I think she must not understand how The Diabetes works. Having been pre-diabetic and changing her diet/exercise JUST enough to get her A1C down into normal range ONCE, I think she must be under the impression that she's beaten it for good. That now it's going stay in the normal range. Sadly, it doesn't work that way. OH how I wish it did!!! God only knows what her A1C is these days!

  2. On 1/19/2018 at 8:32 PM, ClareWalks said:

    If Adolf Whitler really wanted to reproduce, she would have gotten her weight under control a decade ago. She barely ever gets her period, you know it would be impossible for her to get pregnant without major weight loss and major medical intervention, if not IVF. She also is terrible with babies, she babysat one time with Lennie and she threw such a dramatic fit about changing a poopy diaper it was ridiculous. There is nothing maternal about her. Her parents seem to be in denial that their daughter even has the ability to get/stay pregnant. It would take a loaves and fishes miracle for Whitney to produce life.

    And for this, Oh Lord, we are truly, truly grateful. Amen.

  3. 10 hours ago, writerchick57 said:

    Who could forget that heart wrenching scene.  I really thought that would be her breaking point, but obviously she still believes she can still do anything she used to do when she wasn't morbidly obese.  Very sad.  

    It was a wake-up call for her. But apparently it was the kind of wake-up where she was able to just roll over and go right back to sleep.

    5 hours ago, Emma C said:

    OMG!!! Whit on DWTS??? Who would her partner be, a professional bodybuilder? Who else could spin her around and hold her doing a dip?

    No problem, she always leads - remember? She'd being doing the dipping. God help her partner. And everyone having to watch. 

    • Love 8
  4. 9 hours ago, tdanaher said:

    I've been doing the CSI thing and think that it can be proven the entirety of the Fitness Marshall "tour" possibility was fake, fake, fake.

    Ahhhhh but do you have a white board and a selfie stick. And a garage-cum-dance-studio?? 

    Sorry. Couldn't resist. I'll show myself out.

    • Love 3
  5. 6 hours ago, lightninggirl said:

    I thought that her original story was that he sent her a FB message, which she showed, back in Sept 2016 where he was pretending to show 'solidarity' with her getting bullied for being fat because ... get ready to clutch your pearls ... he had a big nose and always felt self-conscious about it [/gasps]. But then I recall her saying she met him on an online dating site - but I might've been two limoncellos in on that episode and remembering it wrong. ???

    Ooooo Limoncellos! Now that's what my tele-visual entertainment is missing! :) 

    • Love 5
  6. 6 hours ago, Dot said:

    She couln't keep the new monster SUV because she had to climb up to get into it. She is no longer able to get into any kind of truck because of her size & knees.

    The Kia, tho also an SUV, is designed so that you step down to get in it, like a sedan.

    Jocelyn, you are correct, Twit never said this is the reason -- and never would admit such. But I know this is the reason, as I said in the Rescue Me thread, because I myself have been in that situation when I was 380+ #s.

    Okay. Thanks for the clarification. I was afraid I was going to have to go back and re-watch old episodes. Whew! I remember the old Toyota dying and being repaired and her being stranded on her first day of the radio job. Then I thought I remembered something about her and Babs car shopping. But then couldn't remember if she'd maybe not bought a new vehicle... and WHY I even CARE is even more of a mystery! ha ha

    • Love 6
  7. 7 hours ago, AZChristian said:

    QUESTIONS:  Do we know for a fact how Twit, Nada, and the other lady(ies) came in contact with Avi?  Did he initiate contact?  Did anyone actually meet him in person before their "relationship" began?  If he was reaching out to them, he's a catfish, except it appears he didn't do it with a false profile.  But he still seems to have contacted them for fraudulent or deceptive purposes (textbook definition).

    I know they said one of the women met him on an online dating service (J date? or something like that). Seems like there has been more than one "version" of how Twit met him. Seems like one version is online, one version is in-person but I don't know if any have been verified. 

    • Love 2
  8. What exactly DID she think? What exactly do most of these people think? Magic bullet? They're going to have surgery and wake up and be thin and be able to eat whatever they want for the rest of their lives and won't have to exercise or anything?? Is that what they're thinking? Have they watched this show before? 

    As @hoosiermom would say: delulu!!! 

    • Love 5
  9. Just now, Kid said:

    That is driving me crazy too!!

    There is a pastor at my mother's church who does this. Lovely, kind, caring man - which almost makes it more off-putting. But anytime he talks, he will look "toward" whoever he speaking to but has his eyes closed. It's like if his mouth is open his eyes aren't. Very strange habit and I don't think he's even aware he does it. I was raised to look people in the eye when I spoke to them. I don't understand this habit some people have of talking with their eyes closed. 

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