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Everything posted by PBSLover

  1. When Brittney Schram was cut she said that she worked with Kitty for the entire year to make it back into training camp, onto the squad. When Sunni was cut, I read somewhere that she had been a smoker, she worked with Jay for the entire winter to get into shape (and quit smoking). Sunni’s cut to me was unfair because they gave her a bad makeover and then didn’t like her look in her cameo photos. She looked great at auditions. Anyway, in light of what you are all saying, yes, we want to hear about their journey if they get cut and come back.
  2. Melissa videotaped Natalie Woods in Season 1. She said they did on DWTS but she did it prior to being on the show. I guess you have get plugs in wherever. God forbid anyone forgets she was on DWTS.
  3. The prenup was $1 million. I don’t know the rest of the details. I do remember hearing something about a house. She seemed rather lost in life. I don’t know her background. She wasn’t particularly nice. I had drinks with her and Dr. Phil's son and my friend one night. I found her to be a bit odd. Having a conversation was difficult for her.
  4. Hef was a bad at business. For all the groundbreaking he achieved in his youth, he never kept control of the brand. He just sold and sold it until the name was in the toilet. Many companies have come in and tried to revive Playboy, but it’s not working. His daughter really ruined the company and it never gained back the fame it had. They are bringing back Playboy Clubs, like they had in the ’60’s and ’70’s. The New York and Chicago clubs stayed open through the ’80’s but those closed as well. Not sure if it will work but they sure were glamorous back in the day.
  5. My friend was gone by the time Crystal went back to the mansion but she was kept informed. Crystal wanted the $1 million dollars she was to get in the marriage and anything else Hef would leave her.
  6. So Caila said. But Kitty spoke to her like she didn’t know who she was or her background. I just finished watching the season, that is how the exchange went.
  7. She’s another one who used Hef. The last wife, yes? She left Hef, started dating Dr. Phil’s son, who wants a music career, as I believe Crystal did. Then she decided marrying Hef was a better deal for her and went back to Hef. He married her but it was a contract marriage.
  8. They probably said the same thing to Kali.
  9. I don’t. I just told what I knew, though the timeline is incorrect. Hef totally used all the girls at the Mansion but this one time, he got screwed over. Literally.
  10. I think I saw her at the animal hospital near me a few weeks ago. This girl I was speaking with and I both thought it was her. She had on large sunglasses so we couldn’t really see her face but after she left, I asked the gal if she thought it was her and she agreed that it was.
  11. Okay, so The Girls Next Door. I didn’t watch the show nor did I pay much attention but this is what I remember my friend telling me. Holly was brought in as someone’s (Kendra or Bridget - not sure which) friend. She was one of those girls who just stays in the house but is not on the magazine people’s radar to be considered a Playmate. Maybe just a website girl? I can’t remember. Anywho, she was in the house and I guess from wherever she came, she didn’t want to go back, so Holly decided to make the most of an opportunity and initiated sex with Hef. I believe both Bridget and Kendra were fine with it (got them off the hook - mostly) but some rivalry did occur, which is normal for young pretty girls who have nothing to do all day but tan, get their nails done and shop. I believe the relationship between Holly and Hef was intensely sexual, which Hef loved, and he became enchanted with her. She was just using Hef; he was a stepping stone to the next, bigger opportunity. Hef fell in love and wanted to marry Holly, thinking this was all real. Holly considered getting pregnant for all the wrong reasons but then realized Hef wanted a life with her. She decided she was in over her head and left. He was heartbroken. He truly loved her and didn’t understand, I guess at some point he came to realize, that she had been using him. I’m not sure he ever got over it.
  12. Kitty didn’t seem to know her. She asked her what her dance background was.
  13. It was brought up by an insider who was either told or was witness to it. It did not get shown on the show.
  14. I think they didn’t think she was pretty enough. Kelli has never been discussed, on the show anyway, by TPTB for all the times she has auditioned. And now she’s a star on the squad.
  15. She’s been trying out since Season 3, if you can believe.
  16. It was Caila. And it was unnecessary.
  17. I HATE CENTER PARTS...so thanks for mentioning this. Not true. Jay did a grocery store trip with the girls a few seasons back asking them to show him what they eat and what they should be eating. His logic is the same as Jinelle’s (someone posted on this thread), use food as fuel. It is an athlete’s mentality and that is what he discussed with the squad. So tiny. 5’ or 5’1”????
  18. No. She was not cut. I actually don’t know which Victoria was in Season 10.
  19. @scorpio1031 thanks for this video! Sydney’s solo looked awful for the 4 seconds we see. No energy. I’ve seen some other of her solos and she always picks odd music; songs you can’t dance to.
  20. Ha! Everyone’s talking about Alanna’s jump split. I don’t know who she is!
  21. Considering her actions in training camp, I doubt if she watched and if she did, she never learned from it. In a dozen seasons, nothing seemed to have gotten through.
  22. It’s sad, brilliant and pathetic at the same time. OMG. If you know this show as well as most of us, you never forget Jordan Chanley’s face.
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