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Everything posted by PBSLover

  1. There is no thread for former show seasons so I guess the best place is to post here? Since this season is a little off, I decided to go back and watch all the past seasons (some episodes were skipped only watching after the drama girls were cut). My thoughts: I really love this show. I have from the start. Because I loved that these were girls I could really like. Not backstabbly or horrible like the rest of reality tv. Just a nice bunch of girls doing what they love, trying out for something they love. Cassie entering the picture was odd but from what I saw on the show, it didn’t seem to really effect anything and the other girls were great so it was really fun to watch. Then we got Taylor. And Vivian followed. For two seasons, even though Vivian got less airtime the second season. From then on drama queens were signing on and CMT gave them airtime. Yes, there was always gossip on TWOP and the CMT site (you youngins’ probably don’t know about those forum boards) but it wasn’t aired on the show. But now it is. I also criticize the editing of the show. A lot. Season 2 was my favorite but Seasons 6, 7 and 8 are also well done. I’ve not finished all the seasons (I have to buy a few if I do) but I’ve been too critical. I am also of the belief that now they have to pay the girls, training camp/the show has changed and they cannot do all the things they used to because the money is going to the cheerleaders. I suppose I need to watch this season all over again with a fan’s eye and not think about all the talk. I criticize and get frustrated but I truly do love this show.
  2. Hanna(h) got cut the second or third day of training camp. There was no time to lose the weight.
  3. @Jess14 posted: Yep, and the current metoo was created on social media. If anything, younger people/ millennials probably as aware of it (if not more) than any other age group. I vividly remember when Alyssa Milano first created the #metoo post because over the few days, my twitter feed was filled with tweets and retweets of women telling their stories, including from several friends who i've known for years but never knew about their assaults. There is really no excuse for someone to not know about it. None. I think its up there with not knowing who Donald Trump or Barrack Obama is. All I can think of is that she blanked. I refuse to believe that she doesn't actual know what #metoo is. Someone else created. She took it to another level.
  4. Moved my post to social media board.
  5. Exactly. Pull her into their office before rehearsal begins and tell her they’d like to see her with a bit of a hair makeover. Some layers, highlights, deep condition, whatever. Present it as a bit of a fun adventure instead of doing it on the field and mentioning Kitty’s name.
  6. I’m really sorry that happened to you. You go, girl!!! It was dismissed without prejudice.
  7. That’s really immature and frankly, stupid of them to base a decision like that on how they don’t get along w/ one girl who is likely at least 3 years younger than them on a squad of 36. Learning to deal w/ people you don’t like is part of being an adult - sounds like VK isn’t the only one in this year’s TC w/ some growing up to do. Not to mention how these girls are trashing their organization and it’s leadership to outsiders who post the details on the internet. Whoever these two are, they sound immature and petty and the DCC are probably better off w/o them on the squad. I have to disagree with you @MyFavShows. Until you are in their shoes, you cannot make an assumption about their decision. It’s been disgusting to watch as a viewer. I can just imagine what it was like to be around VK. I’ll use the word toxic as it really seems to apply to this girl. She appears to be the kind of person that sucks all the air out of a room. From all that we have read on the board, if I were a 2018 cheerleader, and she came to sit next to me, I’d get up and move. And if it was now 2019, she made it to training camp again, knowing what all came out in the end, I’d quit to. My rational? That if that is type of woman the DCC considers okay for their team than I’m not the right fit for the DCC any longer.
  8. Another note about Season 3 - they should have two of the Cowboys players do something with the cheerleaders like they used to (two players were on the show in Season 1 and Season 3). God knows, they could use the pr.
  9. I’m watching season 3 when Megan Fox was teaching the rookies. A) Why can’t we get to see rookie night being taught by the assistant, B) Megan Fox was such a great teacher!
  10. That is what Amy did. And whatever was said, her cut was not included in the show.
  11. If that would have happened it would go down as the best moment in the history of the show. Every tv critic, every sports show, national morning shows, everyone would cover that. Madeline would be national news. Ever thought of writing? Cause, gurl, you good!!!
  12. Thank you, new poster!!! I agree! Welcome @SanDiegoGal!!!
  13. Myself as well. And I have new found respect for Kristin. She handled herself really well in a rude and dismissive meeting.
  14. From what we have seen of her this year, I don’t believe she watched the show.
  15. It was Nina Moch. She got really mad when she was cut but her rant was never aired.
  16. I get what you are saying but Jinelle has been an athlete/dancer her entire life and treats her body as such. By her giving VK a different mindset about food as an athlete does, could have changed VK's perspective on what she needs to do to become what she wants. A DCC. I honestly believe that if Kelli made an appointment with a nutritionist for VK and had the nutritionist in the meeting with them, VK still would not have followed through.
  17. Kelli’a comment about there’s no need to have a conversation, then Kristin saying, I don’t know what I’m doing wrong. She wasn’t crying. She was being real. And maybe, maybe, Kelli finally got the fact that they need to communicate better than they have been. I’m seriously guessing here but maybe that is why they let her stay.
  18. Yes! If you are going to criticize (come sit by me! - so kidding here), do it constructively. That’s what kills me about the way these women communicate with the squad. TELL THEM SPECIFICALLY WHAT IS WRONG. For god sake. They all know how to talk, just tell them what is wrong. Floppy, noodly, bad feet, not getting noticed. How about movements need to be more precise, your off balance with your feet or your feet are not in the right place, more power in your dance. Then have a vet go over to them and do an 8 count or two and show them what you are referring to. Christ it is frustrating to listen to. I can only imagine how the TCC’s feel. I still have it on my DVR. Following what?
  19. I so agree with this. Dedication/passion to living a healthy lifestyle is exactly what VK needed and Jinelle is the perfect person to impart her wisdom.
  20. Erica Jenkins was snotty because her best friend (Michelle Mozek) was cut at finals. Once in the meeting they brought up her weight. She wasn’t really hearing what Kelli was saying because she was mad. Let’s all keep our fingers crossed that VK has realized she has burned a bridge and needs to move on.
  21. - Kelli is old enough to know that she needs to trust her gut and not listen to everyone else. That Miranda exchange was odd. It was like Miranda knew that Kitty said something about her. - Cianna is adorable. - As is Ashley. - The outtro of Kelli saying that Madeline was giving advice in the locker room that didn’t sit well with the vets? What the hell was that? She never mentioned that in her meeting with Madeline. At least not in the first meeting. But she wasn’t even specific in the second meeting. - Next week...makes me happy.
  22. Yes but Kelli's conversation with Alex didn’t include, “Why do you want it so much?” “Why are you here?"
  23. Yeah, she’s hilarious...not in the least.
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