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Everything posted by PBSLover

  1. Damn. I am so off my PBS game. I haven’t found anything to grab onto since Downtown Abbey. Thanks for sales pitch. I’ll check it out! James Charles is a make-up YouTuber/influencer who uses the catch phrase “Sister” and puts it in front of everything. He was the guy that Cover Girl put in their commercials. It was a huge deal, groundbreaking, having a guy in make-up in their ads and commercials. He’s really silly.
  2. It’s been pretty obvious that Kelli wanted a bigger squad. Kelli confirmed it when she made that comment to Judy when the girls were on the field.
  3. If the TCC gets cut than won’t they know the dances better if they try out again the following year? I would also feel grateful that TPTB gave me so much time. Yup. I feel exactly the same. Holding on so tight until she just couldn’t any longer. I’m hardly a member of the royal family (opinionated New Yorker with a potty mouth) but Jenn making a judgement call over someone’s accent is prejudicial. And fucked up. By the way, you are describing Cassie Trammel as well here. Those words came out of her mouth over and over. And don’t keep your mouth shut. God gave it to you, use it! It’s okay. I always thought Jenn K was a bitch so you didn’t ruin her rep with me...:0]
  4. I wanted to know how @Sister Tab decided on that name. :0] I don’t know about Doc Martin. Who is he?
  5. Never liked her. Ever. She always sounds condescending and a know-it-all. ????? She criticized KaShara? I don’t remember that. But I believe it.
  6. I always wanted to go to Valley Ranch. I wonder if the organization still owns? I wonder what it will be next.
  7. Meeeeee!!!!! It was on tv and I remember the hype. I don’t remember watching any episodes though.
  8. Well, hey, thanks. And are you a James Charles fan?
  9. I bought the book after watching the episode and tried to do the assignment myself...and I couldn’t. Neither could Meghan. The book didn’t offer examples of graciousness. So dumb.
  10. It’s a delicacy. I don’t know what that restaurant’s specialty is but expensive restaurants offer it. I’ve always found quail to have very little flavor so I don’t order it. @vivianspoetry, @parrotfeathers, @woodscommaelle gives me a giggle every time I see they have posted.
  11. Welcome to the insane asylum!!!! Well Hello, Dayton!!!
  12. From what I remember, it was what VK told a girl at The Star gym when asked why she was cut from the team. Not sure how many others she is saying this to. The girl she told knows someone on this board and they posted the story.
  13. Here’s what I am thinking: since the episodes were listed wrong on our tv sets, CMT/the producers are re-editing the shows because of whatever is going behind the scenes, things that we don’t even know about or because of what has been leaked. It will be interesting to watch what WILL be shown after all the behind the scenes drama this year.
  14. Someone posted that Hannah saw Kelli like a year later (all the weight was off), approached her and said hi and Kelli reacted like she didn’t know her. I was never more disappointed in Kelli.
  15. Well, we’ve never seen her with her mouth closed....
  16. OMG!!!! HA! I can’t. And Paris Hilton (I think she started it), and Kim Kardashian did it as well (though I never hear her speak so don’t quote me) and another colleague I worked with did it sometimes, and many of the girls on the Bachelor and Bachelorette. I will find a good YouTube video of vocal fry.
  17. What about Hannah? She was cut. And Kelli wasn’t nice about it. That didn’t happen all that long ago.
  18. I thought they did away with the printed version of the Star? I used to subscribe but got a notice it was going online only as of the end of the 2016 season.
  19. Vocal fry is when women (and men) talk below their normal voice so it sounds lower but there is a crackley annoyance to it. Some believe it to be sexy. It’s not. It’s annoying AF. And I am of belief it makes you sound stupid. I was on a conference call and one girl was doing vocal fry the entire call. I finally told her she does this (weeks later) and she had no idea what I was talking about (so she said). I told her she does it when she is tired so doesn’t notice. I was being nice. It’s an affectation and it BAD.
  20. I’m still laughing. Dead arm. Good one.
  21. The Cowboys and Manchester United are tied as the most $$$$ sports franchises in the world. I bet that number has gone up. Kelli said that many years ago.
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