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Everything posted by tulip555

  1. I agree...and I think Rosie has a drinking problem Yeah, rather disgusting
  2. don't feel guilty....people who do the crime need to do the time. I do think other family members are considering what will happen, and I think arrangements have been made for the kids. I really think Joe and Melissa will come through for them.
  3. yeah, it sounds a lot like that to me as well...but,it reminds me of my playground days in elementary school.....awful days for me....nobody wanted me on his/her team. Very bad time in my life....high school was even worse. Kristin acts like she's lead a rather sheltered life.
  4. Well....in the Bravo world of nasty people, you need all the help you can get, LOL
  5. The I and me distinction is one of my pet peeves.....but, IMO, it's funny that it's the countess as she's always so busy correcting the others about one thing or the other. Yes, she does wear her clothes well. I've gotten the feeling through the years that the countess is perhaps a rather insecure woman who dwells on doing all things correctly to push her insecurities aside. One reunion, though, I really felt sorry for her. I think the others were "attacking" her, and she was so obviously hurt and cried. Can't remember the details, but remember thinking Luann is not so bad after all.
  6. It certainly is an interesting read....especially Tiny Manzo
  7. Yep, and I agree about Christopher; he appears to be more understated and deliberate in his comments and actions....and maybe just a tad embarrassed by the others....not sure, but I do detect something in his manner. Good points I just get the impression that they believe they are superior to the others, and while they certainly are to the Guidices, in many ways, they have made fun of them, and that, to me, is not acceptable behavior.
  8. I've wondered if Ramona has a thyroid condition as I've known people with eyes like that who took medication for it. It's almost a popping out of the eyes look.
  9. Yeah, I've noticed her walk....very odd Yeah, I've noticed her walk....very odd
  10. what kind of show has Caroline gotten?....another one with those idiot kids of hers or is it the same one? I can't figure out why Bravo thinks this family is that interesting or "charming"
  11. My mother taught English in college and high school, and I had proper skills drummed into me from a young age, so listening to LuAnn drives me nuts at times...she makes grammatical errors that should have been corrected in elementary school....or Jr. high at the latest, IMO...and while my grammar is not always perfect, I am at least aware of what is correct.
  12. I hate seeing that as well.....weight control for animals is equally as important as it is for people.
  13. I've wondered about the Dina, Caroline, Teresa drama as well....drives me nuts when we don't get any explanation for the drama that is only mentioned as something that would explain the changing dynamics of these women.
  14. Yes, it is definitely sad.....and I wonder if these women have any concept of how they appear to viewers...or probably to anybody in their daily lives
  15. what exactly does hypoallergenic mean? what part of the animal are people allergic to....I've always thought it was the dander or skin cells sloughing off....not the actual fur of the animal. Yeah, it doesn't make sense that anybody is surprised about everybody knowing his/her business
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