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Everything posted by tulip555

  1. It's been my experience in life that people like Heather are really very insecure people trying to convince others that they are something they are not. Does anyone know what her educational background is?
  2. I have no doubt that Vicki does have some sort of psychiatric disorder, and I think a PD is a good bet.
  3. It certainly does. Bethenny has always impressed me as a self-centered woman who has always had contentious relationships....especially when she is not in control
  4. Cheeto...yes, she does have a great figure....guess, I've had a difficult time understanding her motivations at time; however, I think she may drink a bit too much, and that is affecting her behavior. Yes, indeed...magical thinking is absolutely right on.....think it, and it magically happens, which is certainly not a good way to function.
  5. I don't really think it's necessary for Heather to exaggerate anything; there are people like her alive and well everywhere.
  6. I don't think they need to script anything as, IMHO, there are always unstable women in the bunch that the rest have to deal with. Some, I believe have some serious psychological problems that present themselves when interacting with others....thus creating drama and mayhem. Ramona has always been a bit melodramatic....and combine that with her excessive drinking...you've got the drama we saw on the show recently.. Look at Vickie from OC, IMO, she's very unstable, creating her over the top reactions.
  7. IMO, Sonja really only has luck....don't see her attractiveness in the least.
  8. Vicki just seems so unsophisticated to me...so not surprised she would ask such an insipid question about what people eat in Ok. Isn't Vicki from Illinois...which isn't really that far from OK. Where does Bravo find these women,LOL
  9. I think Vicki has had some work done...I don't remember seeing her look as good
  10. I think Vicki is always in "bat shit insane" mode.....she just can't seem to control herself
  11. Yes....she does seem to think she is a cut above the others.....but by going on a Housewife show, she proves she is willing to get into the gutter with the rest of them....and IMO, making herself look like a fool in the process.
  12. You are not alone....can't stand Carol....so much so that Aviva actually looks sympathetic
  13. I think KIm has more important things she should be worried about than her lips
  14. IMO, Joyce believed she could just come in and straighten the others out....guide them along the way to socially acceptable behavior. I don't think she had/has any idea what she's dealing with. With these women I don't think there really is a need to feed lines to anybody....they're a NATURALY antagonistic bunch, IMO
  15. Hi Stewedsquash.....love your name btw Yes, Brandi has really "absorbed" a good bit of the attention with her behavior which has been very distracting....and just very trashy. I was much more interested in the show when Taylor and Camile were on. The discussions could get very heated, but didn't go the level of this last season.
  16. I have much more interest in the interpersonal dynamics of these women than in their actual lifestyles. I have always been interested in human behavior and what motivates people to behave as they do.....and this show has brought together an assortment of people and put them and their behavior on display. I mean what motivates anybody to go on one of these shows...are they not aware of the possibility of having their deep, dark secrets revealed.
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