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Everything posted by pithy

  1. Would a Google Alert not register a "fake news" site? That was Maia's attorney who alerted her to the whole thing, presumably because she had an alert set up.
  2. Hannah could totally get a job at one of the progressive private schools in NYC, I would guess. Do we know where the character went to school? Lena went to St. Anne's and I have a friend who is alum there who got a job there at 23.
  3. Anybody have any thoughts about the new woman in the meeting at the Rezidentura?
  4. Connie Britton and Lauren Graham. Two divorcees with above average hair share an apartment, like a nouveau Kate and Allie, but without the kids.
  5. I am actually willing to buy this, only because death is different than those other things - a sudden death like Will's comes with so much regret, which is different than the anger at a cheating spouse. I think the stay-at-home life wasn't actually her dream life at all, either. She strikes me as someone who can cope if there is Action to Take - so in the case of Peter cheating she had Stuff to Do - get a job, etc. With the death of Will, she has no tasks to focus on.
  6. Tami busting in on the boosters' meeting and "checking" with Joe McCoy that they understand that he threatened to do an investigation of previous Panthers championships. Loooooove.
  7. I have a question - and I feel like I may just be uneducated on this front - but can someone explain the Russian naming conventions to me? All the folks at the Rezidentura call Nina "Nina Sergeevna" which I had dumbly thought was her full name, but then during the polygraph, the FBI guy added a third name. Same deal with "Arkady Ivanovich," I had thought but now I think I might just not get how they deal with names. Can anyone explain to this clueless American what the deal is? (I swear, I really am just a clueless American -- I'm not a travel agent or anything!)
  8. Thank you oh-so-very much. It has been driving me crazy, but I also needed to send it to a friend for some Taminspiration.
  9. Hi, Y'all. I am driving myself crazy trying to find one particular scene from FNL. It involves Tami going to what I remember as a booster breakfast (lunch?) uninvited and doing the sweetest bit of smiling while skewering you ever did see. I cannot remember if it was during the Jumbotron era or if it was in the Luke Cafferty-had-a-fake-address era, but I KNOW this scene exists and I feel like I am getting nowhere looking at old TWoP recaps and episode descriptions. Does this ring a bell for anyone?
  10. I took the test last January (2013) and was brought in for an in-person "audition" in NYC in May. They never tell you what score you got on the online test. The "audition" was another test (this time, written) and a short test game with other auditionees that's clearly about seeing if you are a total deer in headlights. They do a little faux interview as well (a la the interview portion on the show). After that, they just put you "in the pool" and you can be called for the show anytime in the next 18 months. They haven't called me yet, but I am holding out hope for the teacher tourney. They clearly try to manage personalities and demographics, and given that there were a lot of ladies in glasses there, I don't think I'll be at the top of their list.
  11. One of these days, the nonstop recognition for The Big Bang Theory is going to throw me completely over the edge.
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