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Everything posted by nenya

  1. I am also confused by Bethenny's "homeless" situation. It seems strange that she can't rent a place for year, and be done with it. Or, at the very least, do a few month stints at corporate housing. Some of these hotels have apartments that get a lot of hotel amenities (cleaning services, room service, etc). It seems she has enough funds to do that. As for being in a car, well, welcome to being a CEO. I know many who are on the go all the time.
  2. I am inclined to believe GG. I am also inclined to believe that it was an uncomfortable and confusing and hurtful situation, to have a person who was a good friend suddenly be all over her. But, the hard part is that this group crosses borders all the time! Like someone else said, there was the time when they barged in on Mike when he was in the bathroom or shower or something, and he had to hide himself. How is that okay? So, while this incident may have crossed a line, it doesn't seem so unusual for their group to consistently cross or toe inappropriate lines. That doesn't make it okay, but it does make me wish that GG would let Mike apologize and tell his side of the story, before spreading this to every one.
  3. The two separate party part didn't bother me. But since they seem to have a significant overlap in friends, it would be hurtful to the couple and to their friends to make them choose. Who wants to start out a marriage feeling like they are the lesser of the couple, or in a non-celebratory fashion? In some of the straight marriages, the parties tend to break up along gender lines, so the friends or the couple don't really have to choose.
  4. Especially when he obviously doesn't have a problem making out (and sadly probably more) with a random stranger. Yeah, I hope she's moved on to a relationship with a guy who wants to be with her.
  5. I wonder if the reason TRav sold the city house was so that he could play, while Kathryn is over an hour away. He did seem to be able to hookup with someone quite quickly, so it seems like he had someone waiting in the wings. It seems like her being jealous and worried had some validity to it.
  6. There were so many cats in Istanbul too! Hopefully it was okay, but we would sometimes feed them. We found they preferred chicken to beef, so they liked me better than my travel buddy. :) Reza is so exhausting. Now, granted, I don't know anything about his relationship with Adam. But when they were talking about the visit, and he was making all these jokes, it made me feel bad for Adam. He was already facing a stressful situation without having to worry about his future husband make inappropriate remarks. I really liked how Asa was gently able to reign Reza in. No wonder Adam picked her for the maid of honor or whatever the role is. She certainly seems to be a better friend to him than MJ, who doesn't seem to see him at all.
  7. What was with MJ and the bachelor party? It is just so mean. And honestly, if someone told my hypothetical fiance that they would be trying to get them to have sex at the bachelor party, that person would be uninvited from my wedding, and probably my life. Even if Reza and Adam do have an open relationship, I don't think the joining of their lives together is the place to flaunt it, unless THEY mutually give it an okay. I was a little disappointed that Reza didn't say anything (that they showed). Not even an "MJ, we will talk about this later, before any invites go out." Because Adam did look a little surprised/hurt by the "sex in the champagne room" comment.
  8. This still seems like such a terrible thing to say in front of your friends. I have been lucky to meet some incredibly intelligent people, but no one I have met has ever said this out loud. And I'm pretty sure at least a few have genius or near genius IQs. I won't knock her for being a bartender, not every person who is very intelligent is also very ambitious. And formal education can be stifling as well. But the super intelligent people I know who do "normal" things still channel a bit of Good Will Hunting, in that they are quite well read. I have not seen her do anything that "proves" this to me. I mean, honestly, in front of most of this group, anyone can feel like a genius. Does she have MENSA membership or something? (Also, why am I so worried about her IQ. I realized I posted something similar in her thread a while back! Enjoy your brains, Nugget!)
  9. I admit, I did feel badly for Scheana when the wedding planner/singer messed up and the song started before she was ready. She must have envisioned that moment a thousand times, and in theory, it should have been the easiest one. But I wonder why they sent in her bridesmaid so much earlier, because that would have been an easy cue for the singer. But overall, her wedding was lovely, whether it was because of her or Bravo or Lisa or all of the above.
  10. The boyfriend, who really does not like most reality shows, was suckered into watching the First Look with me, and was disappointed to see it end. Because this looks crazy! While I understand Kristin being hurt by Tom's cheating, I also don't understand her vigilante take to this. I mean, what does she think is going to happen? Tom will come running back? In Miami, he had his tearful talk with her, but went back into the restaurant to his girlfriend. He doesn't want to go back to her, if he did she gave him plenty of opportunities (dressing up to pick up her mail, etc)
  11. Agree with your post, Granimal! While I know that there are very intelligent people who are in acting, I still don't understand why someone with a genius level IQ would want to be in Vanderpump Rules? Why not become a real star, or work on actual problems, and make a difference in the world? I guess I am biased, because most people I know with really high IQs are doing phenomenal things with it (or at worst, at least interesting things). I can understand if she were writing a novel, or doing this while pursuing her PhD, or working on a sociological reality show experiment. There are plenty of genius people who also did normal or crazy things, heck even Richard Feynman played bongo drums in Brazil. But I don't think I need to elaborate on his other achievements.
  12. During the final Miami dinner, Tom asked her if she was eating, and she said something like "Yes, I'm eating today." Was this in reference to the earlier conversation and her not being able to eat because of Kristin, or is this another "no eating while show is taping" situation?
  13. I can't believe how many episodes I binge watched. To be fair, I had it on the in the background while doing chores, etc. I still like Vicki, but I don't like how she thinks she is an expert in everything. Sometimes she will talk over the professional (medical, etc). I just got through the Costa Rica season, and there was a point where they were supposed to get into the rafting boat that she starts screeching at the men to turn the boat around, they have it pointing the wrong way. Uh, I think those guys are more experts. And also, you are going on rapids, remember? I don't think you want these guys arms tired trying to turn the stupid raft around when you can just change the direction you are sitting upon getting into the boat. Trust me, people saying "you certainly know what you want" is not a compliment.
  14. I agree with all the above, that Kristin went to try to seduce Tom, so that she can throw that in Arianna's face. But FI Tom is so over her. I feel for her, in trying to get over a 6 year relationship, but this is not the way to handle it. I would have left that job and those fake friends.
  15. With Dani and Mo, I feel strangely about both of them. I feel like she brought him here so she can continue not working. The subtext about providing for the girls, etc is "I need you to bring in money, and since you need me for the green card you will provide." I'm not saying anything about Mo's character, I just think this is a clear case of both of them possibly using each other. I also agree with the others about Cassia. Run, Cassia, run! I feel really badly for her. I think she might actually like Jason, but he views her as a pretty thing on his arm. He doesn't really seem to care about what she wants, and he can't really provide for her.
  16. Thank you! I will watch that scene again. While I'm not sure how sincere it was, at least it was a small, nice gesture. It is interesting, according the the edit, Danny's mom seems pretty sweet, and Danny's grandmother did not seem shocked or upset or something at this union. So where did his dad get this from? Danny's grandfather?
  17. I missed the part that Danny's father hugged Amy. Approximately when did that happen? Amy is stunning. She was a gorgeous bride. This sounds horrible, but if she is as portrayed on TV, I wish she was the wife of someone in a place of influence and power. Imagine her as the wife of the Ambassador (or one herself). She just is so poised, elegant, and hopefully intelligent. I hope she and Danny are truly happy. Her mother is quite lovely as well. On a superficial note, I loved her mother of the bride dress! I also felt sorry that Amy's family was subjected to that stupid torch thing. That is funny for the bachelor party, not the wedding reception!
  18. That makes sense GracieK. But even if his career wasn't going to go anywhere, why not give it a fair chance, and let him get out of his system? She is young (25?) and so giving that a year makes more sense than giving a year in a small town with no real prospects for either of them. But they left at such an inopportune time in terms of his career, and now he probably will only be able to sing as he slaves away at the meat packing plant.
  19. The more I watch Yamir and Chelsea, the more I feel like there is a missing puzzle piece. I still don't understand why they chose to leave. The show isn't giving them much exposure, it isn't giving him a chance to sing, and it isn't giving him a chance to shine at all. Was he going to be fired anyway, and they negotiated this? Are both of them that naive? I just don't get it.
  20. To be fair, I think the hot air balloon ride was early in the morning. And it might be a unique element of this area (I don't think it is common in Colombia). So I can understand them not having champagne, I would probably prefer to toast with coffee. :)
  21. Thank you Bella! The annoying part was she was actually not totally dumb academically. And later in the episode, her mom mentioned her leaving every Thursday night to be with her boyfriend through the weekend. So my guess is, she never actually talked to anyone or really made friends while there. I bet if she did any of the STEM majors, she would have had the same experience as the doctor. Anyone I know who graduated from Berkeley always talks about the academics, and never the hippies. I bet the administration and students were more than happy to let her transfer to UCLA.
  22. Can we talk about the kids here? I was so annoyed when Kara talked about Berkeley like it was all hippies and druggies. The school is highly academic, highly ranked, and highly competitive. Most of the tree protestors weren't students, and while there are some school protests, for the most part, people are focused on academics. And most colleges are highly liberal, but even a place like Berkeley has a decently large republican population. It just pissed me off the way she spoke about the school. Of course, I'm from the Bay Area, and many people here either went to Berkeley or Stanford or both, so maybe I'm a bit biased.
  23. I haven't read the media spoiler thread it a while, so while I don't know the answer to this, somehow I have a feeling the answer is no. And that is why she so wants the white dress and the ceremony and the family and friends. Actually, it is more the traditional white dress that makes me feel that way. But it makes me sad that she is putting her needs to above her kids. If she had waited a few more years, when they were 18, then whatever. Spend how you want. But those kids are dependent on her, so wasting even $50 on a dress and ring when they are going to be evicted, and no electricity, etc just seems like a waste.
  24. I've been watching re-rusn of this show, and I love the first two seasons so much! Slade and his costumes! What a change from a man who tried to work, spend time with his kids, and had a kept woman. I bet Jo is so glad she got out of that mess! People were okay with letting their hair down, and not being dressed to the nines every time. I just saw the episode where Shane brings over that girl from Canada, and people act as if he brought over someone from Romania or something. They asked if she spoke Canadian! I can't even remember all the gems, but there was so much snarky goodness.
  25. This is why it is so important to actually talk to your significant other. I can understand Justin not wanting his family there. I don't understand why he doesn't think of Evelin as his friend as well as his wife, and talk to her (or at least, it is not shown). While I know family is important to her, Evelin doesn't strike me as not caring or not understanding. Family is super important to me, but I also understand why others people might feel differently about theirs. If he sat with her and said "Look, my family has treated me poorly. You saw a taste of that. I understand family is important to you, and you miss yours, but also understand why mine is different." Danielle and Mo ... I cannot add anything to the brilliance of what has already been said. I'm warming to Daya. Also, I agree with the poster who said that they get the idea that Sue has been left for an Asian woman or has has some trouble (maybe she liked someone but they didn't date her because of an Asian woman). Because she seems to have a random factoid in her head. While yes, there are cases of women using men (and vice versa) there are also cases of actual love and lasting marriages. But regardless of fears, I don't understand why there can't be any normal conversations with people. I know there is the green card concerns, but why not talk and get to know the person first before making that assumption? Why does basic politeness and decency have to go out the door. I don't know of any K-1 situations like the show, so maybe that taints my views, but I've seen a few relationships that have caused a raised eyebrow. But, I have always given the person the benefit of the doubt, and I'm glad for that because of the cases in which I was wrong .
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