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Everything posted by kwnyc

  1. She does get stage fright, though: we saw it at the big conference where she was giving a keynote address. But, because she's Alicia, she gets over it. Usually when someone asks her a question that pisses her off. As a sort of side note: Julianna Margulies's default expression always seems to be one of resignation, or of being pensive. I thought that when she was playing Carole Hathaway. She always seemed slightly sad or upset until she was actually involved in an action. As an actor, that's what I would describe as her "quality." With Baranski, I'd call it energetic, with Cumming, nervous; with Noth, dark and weighty. Czuchry, no matter what he does, is boyish. (End of casting notes ;-)
  2. He actually seemed to be more worried about keeping the peace than his dalliance (or the reactions to it). By "Giuliani moment," Eli was referring to the 10 minutes when Rudy G. was actually a comforter & leader after 9/11, and before he turned into "America's mayor." And Peter didn't seem to give a shit about it. He just wanted to make sure the city didn't explode.
  3. Well, New Yorkers were pretty excited when the real Banksy was here...but then the artwork was mysterious and intriguing, not worry-making.
  4. From a character and acting standpoint, it's getting harder & harder to hide that Christine Baranski's Diane Lockhart is, in fact, a more interesting character than Alicia, and Baranski is one of our finest actors. So that might be one of the reasons that Margulies/Alicia are being moved off to one side, away from the main cast.
  5. YES! THIS! And with the DA in the room... (Also, I've decided it's in Wahlberg's contract that he gets to do a foot chase where he nearly gets hit by a car every other episode.)
  6. He's always been rainmaker with a highly lucrative family law practice...it's why everyone puts up with his bullshit, because people will ALWAYS get divorced, and David Lee will always find a way to make the most money out of it. And, when he wants to, he can get along fine with people. If there's no reason to torment Diane and/or Cary, then he won't.
  7. LOVE this one! And we finally got to see him be upset & pissy about his father (well, rightfully so...but we did get to see him be the one whose buttons can be pushed.) The real class difference between Bess & Henry's was more obvious than at any other time in the show: he is the son of a working man who used his brains, bravery & determination to become Dr. Arm Candy (USMC-retired), and she came from the kind of background where she went to boarding school with heirs to thrones. Now that we've met one side of the family, I'm interested in seeing Madam Secretary's parental units, and if they STILL give her shit for marrying beneath her (you know they do...and they probably aren't quite sure about their daughter being in such a public position). Oh yeah, and Stevie can go back to college anytime.
  8. Well, hopefully no more Louis Canning...except in very small doses. Overall, I liked how the circumstances over which the main players had thrust upon them (the jury coming back on a racially provocative case, and ChumHum firing FA) made them do things that became essential, and will no doubt have a big effect on the outcome of all the plotlines. Yes, Peter would have been sunk by the latest infidelities if there hadn't been such a major story breaking...though he also realized he had to handle it as Governor, and we got a glimpse of his own self-loathing there when he said he didn't pray anymore. And Alicia actually went to her wheelhouse (defending her kids) to get her mojo going in the debate, something she wouldn't have done if the "Peter's infidelities" question hadn't been sprung on her. And the kitchen debate could have been a lot more offensive...instead, you get the idea that both Prady and Alicia have serious ideas about what they would do with the job. And that in spite of being opponents, they actually like each other. I'm not spoilered and have no idea who wins, but Prady wouldn't be a bad SA, and probably a big step up from Castro. Also, the thing the show always does well is making former enemies colleagues again: of course they had to get David Lee back, especially when they lost ChumHum. And you know David will work with them again because it suits his interests. And Cary & Diane were of one mind on it (though I suspect their relationship will be deeper and stronger now that Diane got Cary's case dismissed). And yea, Alicia realized that she both wanted, but couldn't have it all...but she wants to be SA. (Also: is Rahm Emanuel the Mayor in the show's Chicago? If so, having him go to New Hampshire, presumably to test the Presidential waters, is an interesting gambit, though not one I think we're likely to see in real life).
  9. I thought Kerry Weaver moved out of Chicago...and while she was a good doctor, I don't think she had THAT much money ;-)
  10. Yeah, what WAS a Degas doing in the basement of the Stock Exchange? Must've been a second-rate one, as the GOOD ones are up in the offices of the Masters of the Universe. HOLY CRAP! We didn't watch the broadcast and I stayed away from the forum yesterday so I could watch the episode unspoiled. And HOLY CRAP. I was screaming at the TV: THEY DID NOT JUST KILL SHAW (much to my wife's annoyance). Since Reese gets gutshot on a regular basis and survives, I'm hoping there will be at least some scenes of Shah in a wheelchair (all the better to cover up a twin pregnancy) or yes, in a coma. I can't add much more than what's already been said, but the way this show knows how to blow my mind is SO good. Applause for the writer, director, actors & everyone who made that show look so damn beautiful.
  11. Or, and this would be beyond what I thought Cary was capable of, planning-wise, maybe he had a slush fund set up just in case. (In which case it would have been in a Swiss bank account or another offshore bank).
  12. kwnyc

    S01.E01: Pilot

    But it's on opposite Person of Interest, formerly featuring Taraji P. Henson (and I STILL get choked up thinking about her Det. Carter character)! OK, I'll DVR Empire and enjoy later.
  13. Didn't the actor playing Zack actually go away to college in real life? And frankly, if they announced Grace was going away to boarding school, I'd be all for it. I do like Jackie (in small doses). I'd LOVE to hear her take on Alicia running for SA.
  14. Well, Nathan Lane finished his run of "It's Only a Play" last night, and he's going right into rehearsal for "The Iceman Cometh," which is a HUGE part, so I suspect Clark will be MIA for a bit.
  15. ...also meant to say: Beckett would most likely NOT be a sellout, even off-Broadway, and there's no worry that they would have bumped a tourist from it ;-)
  16. I think Peter's always been turned on by "powerful Alicia." And Eli didn't have to interrupt them when they were about to hate-f*ck, so to speak. Anyway, Peter's been in a lot of debates, and especially as a politician, doesn't seem to take them personally. Also, am I wrong, or was Alicia not in any scenes with ANYONE from Florrick/Agos/Lockhart? It's like she had her own campaign cast, and the rest of the regular cast had basically a case-of-the-week episode without Alicia. And how tough & controlled is Diane Lockhart? Baranski just brings it. We watched this live & recorded Downton Abbey.
  17. Why the hell was Blake watching the kids? Is that REALLY part of a State Department job? Don't they have ANY friends/relatives they can prevail upon? And, while this show sometimes goes WAY off the rails with implausible plots, I think that there are probably right-wing militias that have the hardware to break someone out of a foreign prison AND that a a self-serving politician, perhaps from Texas, would pull a stunt like that to set himself up for a Presidential run.
  18. Yeah, but the guy he was spying on TOTALLY picked up that he bugged the chess set.
  19. Also: Frank bringing in the new detective and "asking" him to wear a wire to get his father to confess to the crime? Then lying about it to the man to make it seem like he ordered him to do it. Creepy...in a circumstance in his own family, Frank would expect silence, and NEVER ask one family member to squeal on another. And, Erin was honest: she didn't have a case without more evidence, and she could have gotten a plea, but it was Frank who insisted that a man who killed a cop had to pay a higher price than someone who killed a civilian. Also: I wish Baker had more to do. I would totally watch a show about her.
  20. I do, too. But you have to remember this is Frank Reagan's department...where he's already faced police officers turning their backs to him (when he went to visit the mother of a man killed by police) and has his own way of getting rid of officers who kill suspects with an illegal chokehold (coincidentally, the grand jury did NOT indict, even though the guy's partner testified against him).
  21. Oh gosh! I was out on Tuesday, so refrained from visiting here until I saw the show last night...HOLY F*CK! January? That said...I'm loving the discussion here. Yes, there remain a few ways into Samaritan that it might not know. Now did he pass along the virus at the tablet factory or in the computer of the woman scientist he met at the conference? Plus, I'm wondering if Samaritan's father didn't program something like a morality into him as Harold did...he was shown to be a good guy. Or, if Samaritan wonders what his father was like and will attempt to reach out to Harold. (And of course, Harold IS in direct communication with the Machine now). There was also something in Lambert's face when Greer was talking about having an AI/God run everything that showed...something...doubt, worry? Rather like how Scarface put the doubt about Dominic into HIS lieutenant before he got blowed up real good. The previews, showing EVERYONE getting injured/shot scared the crap out of me. This one's going to be good (and sad).
  22. So the point of the story seemed to be that women, especially nurses who work with the scum who come into ERs, need to carry guns for protection. Way to go, show! But fortunately, Danny Regan's around when the nurse with her legal gun misses the guy who wants to kill her. And also, minority groups should be able to hire private armies. This show is getting weirder.
  23. I think it's highly within the realm of possibility that this has happened...but a dirty cop would still have to be ultra-careful, because he or she would be at huge risk from the department & the feds. And, there are 35,000 cops on the dept. That's a pretty big pool for The Man in the Suit to swim in.
  24. I look forward to the season ender, titled "One Epic Asspull." (Also, among the folks who owe The Machine favors and have a lot of resources are that billionaire guy & his female friend who came up with the huge social network, the kid who accidentally killed his brother, whom Harold talked out of jumping in front of the subway, and who was apparently a coding genius, and the Scooby team that Root saved & gave new identities to at the end of last season).
  25. This is the place to talk about the man lucky enough to be married to the Secretary of State. Professor of Theology...fighter pilot...Marine...part-time NSA operative. Two-time winner of the Nobel Peace Prize. Here's where the accolades pile up.
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