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Thanks for your replies -- lol you made me seem less crazy as I am recovering from Covid so not sure why I thought watching this show would help me out. I looked at the map and it would take about 60 hours to get to Alaska from Toronto-- that could be done in ~4 days of driving straight through with stops at Tim Hortons. Granted we still have this magical floating border world to contend with; but amazing June could figure that out.
I agree - the writing for this show has been awful and nonsensical. Too much of the bizzarro world is not addressed like many of you have pointed out: 1) Why is Canada who 3 years ago hated Gilead, all of a sudden pro-Gilead/no refugee in a low birthrate/labor force world? Is it because of jobs? Payroll Taxes? 2) We still don't see the impact of the low birthrate, other than casual mentions. To me, its like Covid or our current US political environment. Something we may not all agree on/or what to do about, but something that has been in all our lives at this point -- so we discuss its impact to each other. 3) Why would they take a train to get out? They could've used disguises taken Rita's car and driven to Alaska. Tuella could've given them the fake IDs to use. It's not winter so the Yukon roads would be open. 4) Nick = stupid. At least Janine's meltdown I could understand -- if your angry enough and you figure you have nothing left to lose in a situation like hers. Nick knows better. Also, how is he getting across this magical border so quickly - its like Once Upon a Time/Storybrook that border. Ok - thanks for letting me read your comments. I like the show for the world building I guess and have been disappointed in that. Liz Moss's smirks have been less the last few weeks which is good, but I still don't want to watch just for her.
S20.E22: David Duchovny; Matt Taibbi; Lis Smith
burghgal replied to tessaray's topic in Real Time With Bill Maher
Its not that I disagree with Bill all that much, but geez does he have a hard time with the female panelists. He was super rude to Lis. He is so much gentler on the males, regardless of policy or position. He needs to really have a playback of the difference in his approach by the producers. -
I actually sorta liked this episode (and yes, I am wondering why I still give it a chance). Carrie was cool, I related to the Charlotte/Lily storyline, felt for Steve and genuinely liked the episode (except for Miranda). As someone whose Mom made me use a tampon for my sports as soon as I got my period -- back in the 80s (oh the blasted cardboard applicator) --- I remember the trauma as a 13 year-old, and the trial/error well. Charlotte handled it kinda like my mom did (do not get me wrong, I thank and love my mom for all her help with the awkwardness of it all).
I got a massive injury running several years ago which resulted in me having a hip replacement at 45 years of age. Hip surgery is pretty dang awful for the first two weeks and taking extended painkillers is not recommended if you can get by without them. They make you walk with the walker/crutches before you can leave the hospital (including steps). The first four days were awful as I had severe nausea, migraines, and just swollen from the surgery (I could not drink enough water just like Carrie), and I did need someone around not to help me to the bathroom, but for support in case something went wrong. Having been in Carrie's shoes though, I would've been peeved with Miranda, so that part rang very true. However, I know no one in my "happy hippy" circle who will ever be back in heels again, especially the kind Carrie wears, so that part rang very false. Anywho, I am hate watching this show -- my biggest issue is the entire Miranda arc as echoed by those above. For once Carrie isn't the most annoying character anymore. Well, gotta get on my Peloton and do my PT for the day :-).
S19.E24: Andrew Sullivan; Jackie Calmes: Max Rose
burghgal replied to PrincessPurrsALot's topic in Real Time With Bill Maher
Bill infuriates me with his Covid stuff too. He is mildly inconvenienced getting a booster or wearing a mask when asked. There have been several fit people I have known who got really sick and they were not regular pot smokers (which yes, can harm you its smoking bad for your lungs.). He is not in this all clear group. I was just annoyed at that segment, otherwise I enjoyed the panel and new rules. -
I liked this, but I live in Pittsburgh and my brother went to school in the location it was filmed, so I may be biased. I agree about the drunk professor, it quite frankly is boring and I just hope they have him turn around. It takes away from what I think is a really interesting premise of older/middle-age faculty dealing with students in this new generation, especially in a subject such as English. I am the exact age as Sandra Oh's character is meant to be and I totally see the inter-generational conflict she is dealing with as Dept head, and hope that will the focus of the show.
I liked tonight's show -- I enjoy when the guests bring a bit of levity. I liked Martin and Martin coming back at Bill with the valid point of "people said the same thing about us" -- its true that each generation blasts those below them and sometimes its not warranted. D. Brazille's best quote was when she was like "They don't like women there, if I can't smoke a cigarette or drink alcohol, the he$$ with you". She was a little over the top, but I kinda like that on this show, as its supposed to be a comedy show interjected with current events, not just Bill griping about woke culture (which he does ad nauseam every show)
Just watched Bill with the first guest. It makes me so mad. I like this show ONLY because of Bill's writers and for some of the guests he has on that interest me. He would NOT let his first guest, a sensible Olympic gold medalist who has thought through an issue from both sides, speak !! It is infuriating, and he really does do it so much more to women. Ugh, I really wish he would've let this guest speak more on what her organization promotes and says around a topic because it was at least a set of solutions (even if you disagree with them, it was trying to find a balance of promoting women and fairness in sports while accommodating transgendered athletes) -- all Bill could make it about was whining about wokeness,.
Oh that disappoints me greatly. I was counting down the days - I want to watch her last day in the evening (not on background during lunch like I usually do), so I can create a drinking game from it. 1 sip - Megan's dresser takes revenge (today it was a Little House on the Prairie dress on blast) 1 sip - Megan's hair stylist takes revenge 1 sip - Megan drones out GOP talking points that don't even come close to answering Whoopie's question. 1 sip - Megan mentions "my father" 1 sip - Joy has a happy smile on her face all show 1 sip - Megan mentions that she or the other women are "strong" "relevant" "friends" 1 sip - if one of the other hosts throw serious shade her way. I don't know there could be others. Please delete this post if not allowed - I am snarking but serious in my game.
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Whoopie was really talkative and laughing today considering what she is going through. The best part about today is after MeAgain's rant in the first segment, she was basically ignored for the remainder of the show. She didn't give any input about whether she would leave her husband behind in TSA Pre-Check. I do find it funny when she rails against free speech because she never learned to properly hold a conversation, make a valid argument and know when it is time to shut up .
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While I am always glad when a character like Fred (or Serena) get their comeuppance, the lack of logic of this show and the focus again on "Fierce/Revenge June" is grating me (and I know it may be me) First off, I get June has been through a LOT -- but we are talking about an entire group of people in Canada who have lost their country, friends, families and homes to these monsters. Jan. 6th of this year, was disturbing enough for me to start to think about this -- I can't imagine it being even worse. I want to see more of the "greater" story namely the fight to overthrow Gilead and have these monsters take cyanide in their basements out of fear. I guess, I feel we've had the seasons focus almost everything on June and their is only so much of a story there with just her "anger", so I've kinda checked out on her. I fast forward all her scenes. I feel it would be so much better to have her character integrate with the overall nation/world building and the legit questions of what do you do with POWs, info sources, etc. so you can legit WIN the war -- not just a battle and not just revenge. Also, how did others see what was going on in Gilead from the outside, how did things get here with the birth rate, etc.? OK - enough venting. I think I may wait on next season to see what they do with it and if it changes course like I was hoping they would do with this season again. This is just my opinion though so I can see if people disagree.
I could visibly see Bill's annoyance at Bitcofer in the show. I can see why -- Democrat talking points are getting stale/old/repetitive and Bill's show can't get past it (along with his wokeness issue). Honestly, to fight fire with fire they need to do some out of the box stuff -- like start a stealth campaign to get Democrats in red states to register as/run as Republicans and Trojan Horse the GOP so that they end up electing someone who is secretly a Democrat in Q-Anon clothing. It won't happen though because the Democrats go for talking points -- the GOP doesn't really talk they act. I think that is why Bill hates the circle talking now and why it ruins his show -- same stuff different week.
I teach in a town within Western PA and wow this whole scene hits deep especially during the winter months, not sure if its like Eastern PA or not. The importance on sports, the desire to leave the small town and everyone knowing everyone else.... Enjoy the series but I like mysteries, enjoy the setting, and have always liked Kate Winslet
So, have much to say on this episode. I feel so bad for Sunny's husband (well and the family at large). Covid sucks, we all need to be careful. As a teacher in PA where our case count is high and our school is fully back -- I want to be one of the first to get the vaccine.