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Thanks, @tv echo, for keeping me abreast of everything going on in most of my fandoms. I appreciate it!
I'd like to thank The Rookie for giving me the final push to stop watching this train wreck. What a terrible episode! Nothing made any sense and it was physically painful to watch with the incredulous grimace I had on my face the whole time. But I'm free now and no longer feel the tiniest bit sorry to have deleted this show from my watch list.
I didn't like the all-female team up either, only because it was such a token gesture, IMO. After not bothering to showcase any female heroes apart from Captain Marvel, gesturing to all the female cast members and saying "Look at all these women!" was too little, too late for me. I wanted to feel represented; instead I felt condescended to. The "she's not alone" scene in Infinity War came off way better to me,
That was great, Dani, thanks!
I liked the show because it was entertaining garbage. Too bad it's not entertaining any more. I don't understand the decisions these people are making because they make no sense. My sneaking suspicion is that the writers have a number of moments from the comics that they want to re-create in "real" life but they don't want to have to write the appropriate context for why those moments are meaningful. It's a real shame that with such rich source material, they are reduced to writing scenes such a team leader who incapacitates the strongest member of the team for "reasons". 2 episodes to go! I can't wait to find out why we are supposed to let Jason off the hook for murdering people.
I really enjoyed the first 5 seasons and I'm sorry they didn't end it with the finale of Season 5. I actively disliked most of the plots of Season 6: Dan as a ghost, Rory and her petulance, Amendiel becoming a beat copy (why?!), Chloe gives up her job and becomes addicted to power, Ella figures everything out off screen and is upset at being left out? Not blown away by the reveal that leads to a true crisis of faith but just having her feelings hurt? There were so many things I wanted to see that we didn't get, mostly domestic things: Lucifer and Chloe actually living together, Trixie having to deal with the death of her father at the same time as essentially getting a stepfather, an episode similar to Lee's where you see Dan look back at all the poor choices he made in an effort to overcome them which would lead him up to Heaven, Ella finding out and freaking out (which IMO would have made a great bottle episode of her flashbacks to earlier season shenanigans now armed with this new knowledge), Lucifer being finally welcomed back into his Celestial family after millennia of resentment on both sides, etc. etc.. There are 2 things I liked about this season: Maze and her self destructive nature finally being able to accept being loved (sniff :*) and Lucifer determining that he didn't want to be God and realizing what he wanted to do. My favourite scene was Lucifer and Maze's goodbye; they've changed and their relationship has changed but they still mean so much to each other. The final nail in the coffin for me was that the show ended with Chloe dying after 40-60 years of celibacy and single-motherhood after leaving Lucifer alone in Hell for how ever long that is. Yes, it's great that Chloe and Lucifer can now spend eternity together but Lucifer has missed out on her entire natural life as well as the only chance he was ever going to have of raising a child and being an actual father. That was far more bitter than sweet to me. YMMV
Thanks, @tv echo, for the yeoman's work you're doing!
I'm bitter that my predominant feeling when thinking about the finale is relief to be finally done with this show and it's siblings. I loved this show for the first 3 or so seasons but hated aspects of it for the next few years. I was pleasantly surprised how much I enjoyed most of this season, but really hated the crossover. Thankfully, I will be put out of my misery this week. Yay?
The 11 superheroes who defined the decade onscreen, from Iron Man to one of the Watchmen https://www.washingtonpost.com/arts-entertainment/2019/11/26/iron-man-one-watchmen-here-are-superheroes-who-defined-decade-onscreen/?utm_campaign=post_most&utm_medium=Email&utm_source=Newsletter&wpisrc=nl_most&wpmm=1
I vote for @tv echo for the most dedicated in bringing us all the Arrow related links. Thanks as always for keeping us up to speed, TV Echo.
I wish I could go back and time and tell Joss Whedon of the terrible mistake he's going to make in Age of Ultron, in the wording of this piece of dialogue. I don't believe it was ever his intention to conflate sterility and monsterhood; Natasha was listing the qualities that would make her a terrible partner in her eyes (having killed a lot of people (monster), not able to have children (sterile)). I find it disingenuous of people to claim that he meant it to be cause and effect - I can't have children which makes me a monster, so that whole discussion is a complete waste of time, IMO. I'm sad that they killed her off because I like the character and sap that I am, I want her to be happy. She didn't get to experience a lot of happiness and in contrast to Tony, her death did not feel organic to me. I'd like to believe that she comes back in some way because the idea of watching a Black Widow movie, knowing how it ultimately turns out, does not excite me.
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I saw it for the second time in Imax 3D today and while I loved it before, it was even better this time. Knowing the plot made me much more emotionally engaged and I had a lump in my throat just seeing Black Window in the Marvel Studio animation. I also caught a lot more of the lines and the cinematography since my brain wasn't engaged in just reacting to the plot points and wondering where we were going. The worst part to me is that we won't see RDJ or Chris Evans in these roles again; luckily I'm a huge fan of fanfiction so they will live on forever. My biggest concern is Natasha; being the fangirl I am, I am certain I will be seeing the Black Window movie. I just hope that it's not just a prequel but is a mechanism for her to come back somehow. I feel that Scarlett Johannson has been getting better and better (as her role has grown) and, while she died a noble and heroic death, it would truly be a shame if Natasha didn't get some measure of happiness.
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I'm sorry that after the roller coaster of emotions I've been on with the show for the past 7 seasons (curiosity, glee, rage, frustration, delight, etc.) when I look back on this time it will be with apathy. I agree with Primal Slayer that squandered potential is the real take away.
My impression from the admittedly confused explanation in the movie, was that every time you travel to the past, you are creating an alternate branch off the main timeline. Steve returns the stones so those branches are re-absorbed in the main timeline and then elects to create an alternate where he gets to have a life with Peggy. Given Steve's nature, I would expect him to have rescued Bucky, destroyed the remnants of Hydra, de-segregated the States as much as he could have, and started Howard on the path of good fatherhood by providing a stellar example. I assume that would have taken him a year or two. 😉 After Peggy's death, he returned to his own timeline to pass over the shield and the alternate branch was again re-absorbed. I can't explain how this would work but I think that is what we are supposed to believe happened and I am willing to hand wave a lot in order to see Chris Evans' Steve Rogers finally get some happiness. I also believe (with no evidence, of course) that he had discussed it with Bucky beforehand.
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