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  1. This was like watching a mix of Lost and Dark with a bit of Twin Peaks sprinkled on, except it came out half baked.
  2. If we didn´t know any better, I would have thought this was a series finale... we do know better, right? I'm thinking about all those fanfics calling him Din on a first-name basis, gonna have to change that to Djarin I guess. Which reminds me, someone in last week's episode asked whether Din Djarin was his birth name or if he took it from his master. I do wonder now if he was also adopted and took that name. Or maybe this is because they don´t know Grogu's last name or if his parents are even alive. I was so sure someone major was gonna kick the bucket, I did fear for Bo Katan for a moment there (specially about that whole "your song isn´t finished yet" last week; we see anvils everywhere)and was surprised about the way he just crushed that sabre. Angst-free finale and face hidden, yeah Pascal could walk out of this show if he wanted I guess. But I don´t think the show could do it without Grogu. And please let Moff Gideon be dead.
  3. I do have some feelings about this as well, and I guess it's different for everyone, but I'm starting to dissociate the character from Pascal, despite it being his voice. I know that further down the thread the James Earl Jones issue was mentioned, but to me that's different. I don´t know that Jones did any kind of promotion for the movies back in the 80's, I was a toddler. But Pascal has been at the head of this since day one, in interviews, shows, red carpets, in ads for the baby yoda funko doll... I didn´t necesarily started watching because of him, but despite his face being hidden he gave the character a personality or at least I thought he did. I'm aware of the existence of extras for some scenes etc, but now I'm watching Din interact with Grogu and suddenly I think, is that even him underneath that? iIt's just, I don´t know, weird.
  5. "I don’t know. Seems to me like your rules start to change when you get desperate." This was so good, and ultimately, if mandalorians can be redeemed, is their bow really important? Din showed his face in public first to salvage a mission, and then to say goodbye to Grogu, but we didn´t see him go to the Armorer to tell her what he had done. It wasnt until his duel with Paz when the truth came out and then he went looking for a way back. But he knew he had broken a bow (for which he had been willing to die rather than breaking it before). And I think it's reasonable to assume a lot of other mandos have probably lied as well, even to the armorer after being asked if they had removed their helmets, specially since they all believed that The Living Waters were no more. Is there also a limit as to how many times they can be redeemed? Which brings me to the Armorer's question: Have you ever removed your helmet? Has it ever been removed by others? They all say no, but we know the way the questions are formulated means they all lie. They take it off to eat, shave, clean up or whatever which sounds natural. And what about medical attention? Mando was prepared to die at the end of the first season rather than take his helmet off to treat his head injury, until there was suddenly an addedum: no living thing had seen his face since swearing The Creed, so then doing it in front of a droid is ok? Are they all expected to find loopholes like this when the a situation is dire but keep up the act when they are together? If the only doctor around was human would they let themselves die then? The covert works a lot for its survival and continuity, with an emphasis in the care and preparation of armor for foundlings. What if one of the kids had a head injury? would they not remove the little one's helmet in that case? Although, seeing how passive they were about a dragon eating a mando kid every two weeks because the beast was nesting far away and they couldn´t be bothered to walk all the way, maybe dying of untreated head wounds is also the way of the Mandalore. Or maybe I just have to much time on my hands and am overthinking this.
  6. This show was bad, with gusto. There was only one character who didn´t grate on you and who was somewhat professional and they killed him. That's how much this show wants you to hate it.
  7. Can you imagine if the leader of the war party was a slow eater and had to chew every bite of food like 50 times, while all the other mandos are hanging around waiting in the dark bushes? I don´t feel like Grogu was afraid before the challenge with the other kid. I think of something mentioned in past seasons, about how he had received some training but had to hide his abilities so to speak after leaving the temple. Even Luke said he was more like remembering things rather than learning. It looked to me like he was waiting for Din to ok the use of his powers. I didn´t care for Jar Jar either but jeez, some fans are crazy
  8. I liked this episode. Yess to all things mandalorian. Except that location, they need to change adress fast or go on in an extermination expedition. Grogu continues to be cute, that´s not wearing off anytime soon I guess, for the good of the show. I don´t mind him being left behind, hanging out with the armorer is a nice excuse for some exposition. Now Im wondering what other species there are as mandalorians, Grogu wouldn´t be the first, right? Of course the helmet is convenient to keep the mistery. Bo being cute with Grogu only makes me like her more. What started as Din's redemption arch turned into her redemption arch, kinda. I wonder how she really feels about the creed. I felt it was a bit sad that they all had to go eat in solitude. It seems to be a tight brotherhood, perhaps that helps deal with the distance they keep from each other. There's something "jedi like" about dealing with things by way of "this is the way", period. Like how Paz wasn´t at all thrill with Din and Bo at first, but they bathed in the waters so there you go, this is the way, move on.
  9. The thing is, the circumstances around Ellie's immunity don´t seem like they should be so "unique", as in, after 20 years of this, has there really been no other case of a pregnant woman being bitten? Wouldn´t the doctor try to repeat the experiment with what humanity has been using forever: rats? I imagine the show expects us to suspend our disbelief and be must accept it all had to be rushed like this, i mean in a couple of hours using 20 years old technology in a run down hospital they couldn´t do a proper blood test to make sure she isn´t even carrying other diseases or viruses. So Joel has to go berserk right away because there's no time to waste after he's been told he can´t see the girl ever again cause she´s being prepped for surgery+death so please vacate the premises like now. But as a spectator, i find that whole "cure" plan to be totally quack, yes, even if it is a show about zombie fungus.
  10. screw that doctor primum non nocere eta: oh about Joel, what can i say, I don´t want to judge him cause I would have done the same thing. What is right or wrong? I daren´t say, Was it just for love? was it also 20 years of living on the edge of lawlessness? This is what's (to me) attractive about apocalyptic scenarios, they push characters to the extreme and make you ask yourself uncomfortable questions. And I think Ellie knows. She feels resposible for a bunch of deaths but I think she also feels responsible for Joel's life, whom she clearly loves. What a burden for such a young person. I'm not spoiled for the game or anything, and I can´t really speculate what this will cost him. Marlene was stupid on many accounts. If Ellie wouldn´t stop asking about Joel, she should have wisened up to their bond. I believe she knew Joel's history and what he's capable of. If I had been her, about to sacrifice a girl without telling her and without allowing her very dangerous protector to see her or say goodbye, I would have been sneaky enough to put him in a vehicle while unconscious and dump him outside the city. Either she felt she owed him that truth or she really underestimated the depth of feelings and capabilities of a man who survived a trip across the country with a teenager in tow. Because I alwayas got this vibe from everyone (inlcuding Mariah who didn´t even know him personally) that Joel was meant to be though of as a dangerous person, rather than a hard noble hero.
  11. It never occurred to me they would go and consider Bo Katan redeemed as well. I wonder how long she will last. But I think she might warm up to the thing eventually. Oh yeah totally skipped the whole doctor part.
  12. I do wonder if Bo doens´t hesitate to save Din's ass either because he's a fellow mandalorian ,or because down the line she needs to beat that ass to rightfully posses the dark saber. I mean she seems to be on the level but who knows. I hope she is though because her interactions with Grogu were cute (although grogu makes everything cute). Does this mean the armorer can move back there to work? is there more beskar to be gotten from the mines? I'm completely ignorant about Mandalore's... lore.
  13. My mind went to "A History of Violence" with Viggo Mortensen. She did seem trained, none of which shows during her time in the Army of Change. I guess she had grit though.
  14. I was never really as disctracted by Geralt´s pecs in S1 as I was by his smile during his reveries with Eskel. Never really been a Henry Cavill fan so I'd kinda forgotten he's ya know, pretty. A happy Geralt is kinda disarming. Personally I LOVED Yennefer's big meltdown. I love the character precisely for her chaotic nature, it´s never a dull day at the office with her lol. But also because fuck the Brotherhood. As much as I like Tissaia and the other sorceresses, as long as the likes of Stregobor have a position there, it´s rotten. And Yennefer was right, that if she had killed Cahir he still would have found way to use it against her. He's never liked her, starting with her elven blood going by that lovely comment of "I'd bever demean myself with the likes of you, quarter blood", but also because he´s a mysoginist who FEARS women with power and he´d rather destroy them. Remember the baby girls he killed and cut open because supposedly they could bring about the end of the world or whatever? Even Tissaia knew that was bullshit, but he's a member of the counsil and thus untouchable. He went on his own to mentally rape Yennefer because he did not believe her (whereas Isstred version was instantly believed) and still the rest of the counsil went along with him. Yennefer dried herself on Sodden Hill the save their asses and win the battle and still had to prove herself to them? Fuck that. And I'm sorry about TIssaia, because I do like her and I do believe she cares for Yen, but ultimately she couldn´t or wouldn´t fight for her protege´s corner. Why wouldn´t Yen want to send it all to hell and try her luck with the elves gathering at Cintra? Her elven blood has been used against her in the past, and it is still being held against her at present.
  15. I rewatched this episode and noticed in the begining when they are watching Big Shot they show a leaderboard for criminals and also bounty hunters. Some of the names are Earl Terpsichore, clearly an homage to his wife V.T. from Heavy Metal Queen, and Cowboy Andy from Cowboy Funk. I like this little details.
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