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Everything posted by Willowsmom

  1. "I don’t remember Matt’s parents using their careers as reasons for leaving Matt in the hospital alone. I remember Matt saying they were only allowed to visit once a week - and that they would come to his outside window other days so he could at least see them. Back in the olden days parents were not allowed to stay all night at hospitals. Now it’s encouraged even expected. " I'm older than Matt and when I was 3 mom stayed with me in the hospital. I think the lack of visits (if it happened) may have been because the Roloffs had at least 2 other kids, one of whom is little, and the need to take care of them and work. Also Matt says he was there long term and visiting hours may not have been easy for Peggy and Ron to make.
  2. Sunnybebe How would you feel if your spouse started screwing the help, someone your kids saw every day? I'd hate them too. And wouldn't you blow up at the father of your children if they were so selfish they were more interested in creating a happy childhood fir themselves and playing with expensive "projects" than making sure the kids were fed? That's why Amy worked three jobs when the show started, to feed her kids. Matt is a selfish jackass and continues to prove it. Dating an employee is the ultimate act of selfishness. Trying to take the house Amy raised her kids in is horrible.
  3. NOOOOOOOOO we cannot do such a horrid thing to Munch.
  4. They said Burkitts (a form of non hodgkins). It caught my eye because we had a relative that died of it after it metastisized to her brain. She had, ironically, worked in Africa with Dr Burkitt in the 1950's.
  5. So Abby has Burkitt's lymphoma in the spine.
  6. I have a feeling Caren has a limited shelf life with Matt.
  7. Rosemary Kennedy's problem was the lobotomy her father had done on her for being willful.
  8. Rehab wasn't a thing the way we think of it until Betty Ford. Trixie could have gone to a hospital to dry out but may have been sent to a mental ward. One of my great aunts was.
  9. Tawdry is a born again virgin. And the "never say no" thing us very fundie Christian. And extremely damaging to women who are told to ignore their own needs. An educated woman like Tawdry should know better.
  10. New favorite saying....If your gonna snot up on me I'm gonna let you go. Words to live by.
  11. I also hope Amy and Chris don't marry and just live together. But with Amy's religious beliefs I doubt that could happen.
  12. Hardly. Tori taught until she had the baby (she's on a year maternity leave) and Zach works and teaches at an indoor soccer place. Jer and Tawdry basically tweet and instagram about stuff for profit, even there religious messages. Real classy.
  13. Nope. He plays on the farm with daddy and did wedding photography for a while. Oh and writes epic books.
  14. If Tori has ANY ulterior motives its more to do with needing to nuture not with fame or money. But I think she saw what was Zach was hiding and fell hard. Unlike his twin Zach holds a job in a field he loves, he'll never be rich from it but so what. And unlike Golden Jer he married a woman that wants him to blossom and doesn't need to be the center of the universe.
  15. Amber mocing to L A may be rhe best thing that could happen to Leah.
  16. Perhaps Chris has seen some of the old shows not knowing how gleefully Matt worked to set her off.
  17. Tyler needs to have a long conversation with Gary about raising his daughter alone. Whether Cate is there or not he's gonna be a single parent.
  18. I like that Amy isn't just throwing Chris at the kids. It was very cute that they went to Michigan to meet her parents. I hope she moves him in so Matt and Jer's heads can explode.
  19. I think they mean it will be closed today as a tribute, not that it wilk shut down forever.
  20. Matt was apparently screwing Caren long before the divorce. So yes that is different than either one of them dating after the divorce. Matt built rhe house for Matt, not the kids. Remembee the last remidel when he significantly reduced the size of Jacobs room so he could have the halk he wanted. When Amy complained dear Matt said " well he'll be gone soon".
  21. I doubt Matt will have much when the show ends.
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