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Everything posted by BogoGog24

  1. I wouldn't berate Kristen too much for her tagline. RHOB Joyce said on the reunion that she wanted to use a different, more meaningful tagline but the show wouldn't let her and made her use that "You can never be too skinny" line instead. It's possible Kristen wanted to use something else and the show rejected it.
  2. The Amy's episode is only 1 hour. Then there's another episode on that takes place in a completely different restaurant. They are just 2 episodes aired back to back.
  3. Even if Ben got eliminated due to this "scandal", his performance of Bennie and the Jets was so bad, he deserved to go home that week anyway.
  4. Yeah unfortunately the preview makes it look like the owners are just being interviewed about what's happened, but Ramsay is nowhere to be found. Can't really say I blame him. The waitress who was fired in the episode, Katy, spoke out on Reddit shortly after the episode originally aired, revealing details we didn't see. She said that Amy had sent the food to the wrong table like 3 or 4 times so when she asked her to send a table she said "Are you sure?" because Amy had screwed up numerous times before that, but we didn't see it. Apparently Amy also called her poisonous venom or something to that effect. Now apparently Amy is also accusing Ramsay of sexually harassing her during filming. If you ask me, I think, as crazy as Sammy is, Amy is the real problem here. Her husband openly acknowledged she cannot take criticism and he simply avoids telling her anything she needs to hear because he knows the way she is. He also owned up to at least ONE thing, which was that they had gone through 100 employees in the last year. I think he is scared of his wife and that's why he never says anything to her but compliments and "You're doing great, people are stupid!" Amy is a psychopath, for real. The way she reacts to things is not normal at all and she should be evaluated for mental illness. Even what she said about her cats was just bizarre.
  5. They re-aired the Amy's Baking Company episode tonight. It reminded me of just how awful these people truly are. I remembered them being highly delusional but I forgot how bad it really was. I'm amazed they are still open. Can't wait to see the revisit episode.
  6. That's completely unfair to Ben. Like you say, it's not his fault he's related to someone so vile. It's not like he's the one doing all these things. Poor guy. And he missed out on the tour too.
  7. I also thought the guys were acting like babies during their punishment. That was a lot of pennies to pick up and roll but there's like 10 or so people on the team, isn't there? And there have been far worse punishments in HK, like having to eat animal innards. Suck it up.
  8. The dinner thing seemed contrived to me anyway. I think producers told her to say it. Maybe they were tipped off to the fact the GP has been saying they find her unlikeable so they told her to say it to make her seem more likable. I also prefer Malaya to Jena. I also prefer Malaya to Jessica. I like that Malaya is loose and fun and goofy. It's rare that you'll find a female contestant who likes to be goofy, most of them are just too serious. She has screech problems but the girl is 16. She will be amazing in like 5 years. And once the braces come off I think we will really see improvement from her. I could picture her on a Disney show or something if the singing didn't work out. She also seems to have had experience in musical theater so Broadway could be a possibility for her a la Fantasia.
  9. Thank God Mike is gone. It was about time. The women seem strong this year now that Nicole is gone. Maybe the men will be stronger now that they cut some dead weight. Joy still seems to be the leader of the pack. She will make black jackets for sure. I also was impressed with Melanie? I think that was the name of the girl who did the meat. For the guys I guess Anton may be the frontrunner. Next week's previews look interesting. Apparently someone makes something so nasty it causes Ralph to throw up? And someone gets MARRIED in HK? Really? Why on earth would any sane person want to do THAT for? Ha, I bet it is not even a real wedding, like the couple got married beforehand and then went to HK for a reenactment so they could get paid and use the money to pay for their real wedding. Hee. I also had to laugh when Mike was going on to Chef about how the women would appreciate him more if he was on their team and their reactions were like "Hell to the NO!!!!" Hilarious.
  10. Next week is '80s week so Caleb can do "Faithfully" Yay!
  11. I'm around the same age as all of the contestants so I guess I don't find it weird to like any of them.
  12. Honestly I don't actually believe that Sam even had the lowest votes tonight. He is not the most charismatic performer, but his vocals are always spot on. CJ is a nice guy but how in the world did he not get the lowest votes after last night? Dude cannot sing in key if his own damn life depended on it. If he were to sing for the save, the judges and producers would have looked like an absolute joke saving a guy they openly criticize for pitch issues. Using it on the cute boy all the girls love with the golden voice seems more reasonable. Sam's performance last night was not stellar but it wasn't the worst performance of the night (vocally speaking) Just like how they wanted us to believe Jessica Sanchez aka Miss Beyonce/Whitney Jr. somehow received the lowest votes, it's all created for the sake of drama and to get people to talk about the show. Clearly the save tonight was used for those reasons and to basically save face. There was no way it would have looked good to use it on CJ. No doubt Sam is not gonna win at this point and will be out by Top 5 or Top 6, if not before then. But as far as vocals go, he certainly deserves to stay over CJ, who should have gone home tonight. As far as I've heard, since the show has to stay on schedule and they pre-factor the save in, only 1 contestant will go home next week. Other thoughts about the show tonight: I liked Daughtry's first 2 albums but hate that Superman song. His vocals tonight were off too. But it was still nice of them to bring him back. What was up with the audience screaming for like 20 minutes at the start of the show? Oh if only Harry had told them to shut up again! Glad to see JLo wearing pants tonight. I do agree though that the confetti shower at the end was over the top. Sam was saved, he didn't win! Other tip offs to them using the save were that they had about 2 minutes left in the show to reach a decision and Jennifer was the one to deliver the news. She never delivers the news when they aren't using the save.
  13. Yeah I wonder why they haven't mentioned to Alex yet that he could stand to ditch the guitar for a week. What I don't get is that he says he plays like 11 or 12 instruments yet every week he only plays one. I wouldn't mind if he played an instrument each week as long as he played something besides guitar. This week, he gets a pass for it since he was playing his own song. But in the future I wish he would ditch the instruments all together for at least one performance. Just to show that he doesn't try to use it as a crutch. Everyone else has sung at least once without an instrument. It would also force him to move out from the mic stand instead of awkwardly marching in place or whatever it is that he does.
  14. I think what was a major problem for 2 of those duets is that Alex has a girlfriend and Jessica has a boyfriend, but both were singing love songs so they tried to illustrate the lyrics of the songs by interacting with their duet partners, but probably didn't want to go too far with it since they have significant others in real life. Jillian Jensen would have been mad. :D But even though I think Jessica and Caleb tried to illustrate the lyrics of the song it just came off awkward because Jessica would do something like touch Caleb or make a facial expression and then be like "Oh wait boyfriend will get mad, so stop doing that now," and then she lost her connection and the whole thing just came off very forced from her end. Did not find it believable at all, just awkward. I felt like they should have looked at each other for the whole song but instead they kept looking towards the camera or audience. The song lost its meaning because of that. It was just a karaoke duet at that point. Malaya tried her darndest with Sam but Sam of course is just so awkward and shy it came off completely awkward when one person is trying to play the role and the other stands there like a deer in headlights wishing he'd be run over. I too am awaiting one of those obnoxious comments from the judges (it will probably be Harry) when Caleb does a ballad and then they will say that they miss his energy or something stupid like that. I hope maybe Caleb will do "Faithfully", he has a YouTube cover of it so he should already know it pretty well.
  15. I've seen many comments from this season that this year's group of contestants severely lack in the looks department. I sort of disagree though. Which Idol guys or gals do you think are most attractive? (By the way, if anyone has a more clever title for this thread, please suggest! Mine is lame :-( ) For the guys I obviously think Sam is pretty handsome. The only thing is that I think his teeth are just too big for his mouth so his smile is a little awkward looking. He has nice green eyes though and nice hair. Sometimes the stylists go overboard with the hair gel and make him look like a bug though. I also think Dexter could be quite cute if he lost a little more weight. A lot of people don't seem to find him attractive but he has really nice blue eyes and a cute face that could look better if he lost some weight. CJ is pretty cute and seems like a sweetheart. Ben was also kind of cute too. The guy I like most is Caleb though. If you really take a good look at him, he's actually sort of cute and he has awesome hair! I also have to agree with JLo that he's kind of sexy, in that rocker sort of way. Mmm hmmm. :D I thought all the women were very pretty this year, even the tomboyish MK had a really pretty face.
  16. Jessica- Her original song is quite good. Her voice is still so shaky though. And I agreed with Keith that I thought she could have moved the bottom half of her around more. Good song though. It reminded me of Miranda Lambert and I could see Jessica's album being like that. CJ- He did way better tonight with pitch. I still feel like his time on the show is running out though. He could possibly be in the bottom tomorrow for the first time. Sam- I felt like he connected with the song much better this time. The lamps were weird though. Malaya- She had everything mostly in control until she reached a couple of those high notes. I don't understand why the judges, especially Harry, hasn't called her out for those. But I still like her the most of the girls left and overall she did really well. She will be amazing as she gets older, for sure. Dexter- Thank God he finally did a different type of song. He really does have a good voice. Unfortunately I think he could still end up in the bottom this week. Jena- Third best performance of the night in my book. I was really dreading having to hear this song for the gazillionth time but I was pleasantly surprised at the rearrangement. It was really well done. Caleb- Best performance of the night for me. He always kills it. Just loved everything about it. I do hope we get to see him do something softer next week though, just so people will stop complaining about it and he can shut them up. Didn't Skyfall sort of qualify as a "softer" song? Anyway… loved his performance as always. Alex- Second best tonight. His original song is really awesome and I can definitely see him making a record like that. It's honestly better than many songs on the charts today. Duets: Alex/Jena- Really good! Their voices blended really well together. I think it was the best duet vocally. They could have gotten up and moved around though. Caleb/Jessica- Predictable pairing and predictable song choice. Didn't Phillip and Elise do this same song in S11? Yawn. They were better in terms of interaction though. And before anyone starts shipping these 2, Jessica already has a boyfriend. Yeah I'm jealous and have a bit of a crush on Caleb. Sue me. Malaya/Sam- Oh I bet all the Sam fangirls were jealous. It was sweet and cute but it felt like they were auditioning for some corny high school musical. Props to Malaya for trying to play the part but wow Sam looked awkward, like he didn't know how to handle it. CJ/Dexter- Of course they put the 'Bama Boys together. It was cute how they high fived at the end though. Prediction for B3: CJ, Dexter, and Malaya or Sam Eliminated: CJ Judges will not use the save Other comments: When JLo walked out on stage my first thought was it looked like she was wearing a maternity top and forgot to put on pants. Yikes. The styling was otherwise a major improvement for everyone else.
  17. Ahaha that's a good point Kerrey. But we all know women and men are not the same at all when it comes to relationships. Men duke it out physically, and then they're over it, they shake hands and they go grab a beer. Women fight each other with words, which leave longer lasting and more painful scars than physical fighting. Women can also be much more petty and catty than men. It would just be impossible for the women to get along with each other the same way the men do. They just aren't wired that way. Plus it causes much more drama for the show.
  18. I would love a Caleb/Alex finale. And even though I like Caleb much more and am rooting for him to win, I wouldn't be mad if Alex won either. He is a really good artist, plays lots of instruments (wish he would drop the guitar for once and play another instrument that he supposedly plays), and really knows how to make songs his own and give them different twists (even if the judges don't always like the end result). He also seems like a pretty good songwriter, so I definitely think he could have a very successful career, as sort of like a more indie version of Phillip Phillips or something.
  19. I am indifferent towards Alex. Not a "fan" but don't hate him either. He does have the tendency to make unpleasant faces and do weird things like marching in place while singing though. He's good if you close your eyes when you listen to him, which is a great thing for a recording artist, but not a performer. His cover of Story of My Life was one of those most memorable performances of the season though.
  20. Even still… someone commenting your bathroom stinks is hardly something to get upset over.
  21. I actually think she handled Hollywood Week better than most people would have. First she had to deal with one of her group mates leaving early because he was sick. Then the other kid wasn't taking anything seriously and he couldn't learn his harmonies. I don't blame her a bit for being impatient with that eventually. She also did not deserve that girl's mom telling her what to do like a child or talking to her the way she did afterwards, blaming her for her daughter's elimination. I'm surprised Jessica didn't throw a punch at her. I simply don't care that much for Jessica's voice and musical style but I commend her a lot for the way she handled all that crap handed to her in Hollywood Week. She did not deserve any of it but she handled it pretty well. She has been working hard at being a musician for many years, she even released an album on her own, and she mentioned playing gigs by herself where she basically had to do everything by herself, with no help from anyone. I'm glad to see her taking this so seriously. Most "musicians" like that would scoff at something like Idol and act like they were too good for it. She knows what a big opportunity this is and unlike MANY of the contestants this year, she has worked long and hard enough on her own to know just how much of a blessing it really is and not to take it for granted. I don't see that being entitled or arrogant at all, just that she is extremely serious about winning and that she is grateful for the opportunity and appreciates what she's getting. She's paid her dues.
  22. I'm honestly not sure what to think about Carol. This is the first season of the show I have watched. All I have gathered about her is that she is a writer and was married to a prince who died. I can see where she's coming from with defending her career. If she's been a writer for 20 years, a newbie doesn't have any right to act like they're even on the same level. She shouldn't have called Aviva "nothing" or grabbed her face though. And watching her flirting with some guy young enough to be her own son was nauseating.
  23. I was really disgusted with her comment about the race being "the hardest thing I've ever done in my life." Really? Running some stupid race is the hardest thing you have ever done in your whole life? Please. Other than that, I find Kristen at least tolerable. Her airheadedness definitely showed though when she didn't seem to understand what a "ghostwriter" meant. Yup. Good thing she is strikingly gorgeous. I think my favorite Kristen moment so far though was from last night's episode when she was like "Are we still going to be talking about this book thing?" Couldn't agree more. Why can't these people ever let anything go?
  24. Oh yes that's right, thank you st.louielouie Sometimes dreams can be very telling to things that are going on in real life, almost like a psychic ability, but when she found out that Kyle hadn't been talking about her, why couldn't she just let it go? That is one of the most annoying things about these shows is that people never let anything go. It's bizarre, really. I'm like half these women's ages, but I wouldn't keep harping on some stupid petty thing that had happened months ago and keep bringing it up every chance I got. I wouldn't be a bit surprised if the producers tell them to always bring up old news just for the sake of drama. Otherwise, it's no wonder these women can never "move forward" like they always say they want to...
  25. I don't know if we're supposed to do The Voice vs. Idol comparisons here but this is what bugs me about The Voice: The Voice is definitely an enjoyable show, cool and current, better ratings, good talent, funny coaches, and an Emmy. But they lack the most important thing: a successful winner. I feel like these shows honestly cannot even really be compared because each has their own set of flaws. One thing you can say for Idol is that they have consistently produced successful talent, even outside of just winners. The only mildly successful winners The Voice has had are Cassadee Pope and Danielle Bradbery, whose success has mostly been limited to the country world. The Voice needs a real breakout pop star and they haven't had one yet. One of the winners did not even end up releasing an album. Tessanne Chin's single "Tumbling Down" did just that and totally failed on the charts. The Voice also has to be on twice a year so that they make sure people don't forget about it, but I feel like it could stand to be on once a year like Idol. They breeze through the competition so quickly by eliminating 2 people per week so that we don't even really get a chance to get to know any of these people before it's all over. And then they're expected to put out an album 6 months later? I feel like The Voice should be on in the fall/winter season and Idol in the spring/summer. It gets overbearing having too many of the same kind of show on all at once. People will most likely only tune in to one or the other and not both. Good for The Voice that they have better talent than Idol this year but so what? What's the point if we never hear from most of them ever again? The Voice doesn't even have a Jordin Sparks yet, let alone a Kelly or a Carrie. There are many things that I like about The Voice, such as their voting system, more current catalog of song choices, the coaches, etc. but what good is any of it when they can't produce a star? As much as Idol's ratings, album sales, and tour sales have tanked in the last few years, they have still managed to make stars out of Scotty McCreery and Phillip Phillips, as 2 more recent examples. Idol will always have Kelly, Carrie, JHud, Daughtry, David Cook, and Adam Lambert. What will The Voice have? Idol will still always be the "original" singing show and honestly The Voice is just its cooler younger sibling. I'm sure The Voice can last for 13 seasons but only because it's on twice a year. If they don't produce a really successful winner in the next couple of seasons, I think it could be axed just as quickly as Idol.
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