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Everything posted by BogoGog24

  1. Just in case anyone is wondering, according to an interview with Caleb, he said they had 3 songs to pick from. That explains where some awful song choices like the Aerosmith song and Valerie came in.
  2. They asked the contestants who their celebrity crushes were and Sam said his was Ariana. They also brought in Zooey Deschanel because supposedly she is Alex's crush. I really think they just brought in a few people because they have something new to promote (Zooey is the star of FOX's New Girl, Ariana just put out a new single, and Austin Mahone has a new album coming out) It was a promo opportunity more than anything. Maybe they also thought younger stars like Ariana and Austin would draw in the tweens. Or they thought if Ariana was there it would make Sam show some emotion for once in his song? LOL
  3. I don't think it's ever been stated clearly if the bottom 2 is the real bottom 2 or not. Maybe some weeks yes and other weeks they decide to stick a random person in the bottom 2. As long as one of those people is the real lowest vote-getter they can put whoever they want in there, even if they had the highest votes of the night. For example, Jessica had an amazing night when she sang Jolene, yet she was in the bottom 2. Doubt it. Maybe it was Jena or someone else who was actually the second lowest vote getter but because TPTB have it out for Jessica, they threw her in there to save face for the other person to make America think Jessica is not well-liked and that the audience isn't supposed to like her or vote for her. If this week Jessica had been the second lowest vote getter, they would have announced it, so I'm led to believe the second lowest vote getter may have been Jena but they didn't want to announce that.
  4. I think Jena is pretty. I also think Caleb is cute but I guess there's probably mixed opinions about his looks. Jessica is pretty but she always has so much eye makeup on. I'd like to know what she really looks like without all the eyeliner. You'd be surprised at how much of a difference eye makeup makes. Sam was cute too, just had too many/too big teeth. Even though Alex is not conventionally attractive, clearly Jillian Jensen sees something in him. He looks decent with makeup on. I could personally care less what someone looks like as long as they sing well. What I don't get is that if Caleb hated the Aerosmith song so much then why didn't he choose something else? Unless the lists were really short and the other songs were even somehow worse than that.
  5. Apparently Jena also tweeted about the "twist" from last night calling it "unnecessary and stupid." Seems like none of the contestants were happy about the twist. Jessica even said it reminded her of The Hunger Games and thought it was mean. They all seem to think it was mean, unnecessary, stupid, and a shitty thing to do to each other. I think it's so funny how it backfired on TPTB. According to Lyndsey Parker's recap, she seems to think Sam was actually the reason TPTB did this little twist, and not Jena. As she stated, Sam was saved by the judges after already being in the bottom 3 times. Since they knew he'd be eliminated again this week, they tried one last shot to save him. Only it backfired and he went home anyway. That seems like a logical theory to me.
  6. I don't know if I would say the final 4 or 5 from last season are all better than Caleb is. None of them were rockers, for one thing. Janelle was probably the weakest of the Top 5 from last season and Amber really only sounded good when she sang older songs. Candice, Kree, and Angie were all equally good in their respective genres. I would say Caleb is on their level, just based on what we've seen he can do, from a technical standpoint. I don't know if you can really compare Candice to Caleb, for example, since they are both entirely different genres. I would say they're equally good in their respective genres. I also would not compare Caleb to Alex, for example, because they're polar opposite genres. I'd say they're both good in what they do. Jena and Jessica, on the other hand, are both rockers like Caleb (maybe Jessica is more country-rock) I personally just don't think they're as strong as Caleb is if we're talking about rock music. Even if you'd say it's unfair to compare them because one is male and the others female, then comparing Jena and Jessica I'd say they're both about the same. They each have their technical issues, Jessica often sings through her nose and sounds too nasal and doesn't have good control of her vibrato, and Jena screams too much on the high notes so it sounds like she's straining her voice and she swallows her words. Both execute really poor technique. Just on a purely technically basis, that's why I would say Caleb is better than either one of them. Some people may prefer Jessica or Jena's tone or style over Caleb's and that's fine- but there's no denying he's a technically more skilled singer than they are, for all the reasons I listed above. Anyway, at this point, I actually don't think Caleb will win. I think he may leave in 3rd place and it will be an Alex/Jena finale, with Alex winning. Which would be fine by me. TPTB get Jena in the finale like they want but she doesn't win, which is what America seems to want. I think many people are rooting for Alex to win, especially now that Sam is gone. Alex has done very well on both the iTunes Pop and overall charts and has done better than any other contestant on these charts. His original song Fairytales was very well received. If he can sell songs during the show, then that probably (and hopefully) means he'll sell after the show as well. He has demonstrated that he can be marketable and fit on today's current radio. I'd like to see him win because I think he could do very well post-Idol and there's never been a winner from the Northeast before. He'd also be the first online auditioner to win. It would also be better for Caleb if he didn't win since I don't know what Interscope would do with him after the show. I have the feeling he'd either put out a classic hard rock album that would probably flop on the charts (maybe it would do well on the rock charts though) or he would change his style and be more pop, which I'd hate to see happen and I honestly don't think Caleb would change his style just to sell more. If he doesn't win, then he has more options for record labels, perhaps a rock label would sign him and he'd have more creative freedom. I don't see him being some massive popstar but I think after Idol he will do well in the rock world. People accepted Daughtry and James Durbin, they'll accept Caleb too. I think if anyone has the full package from this season, it's Caleb. He is decent looking, sexy (as noted by Jennifer, so I think she would know), confident, consistent, and charismatic. Some of the other contestants seem awkward onstage or uncomfortable. Alex is not exactly a traditional beauty a la Sam (not that that's important to me or most people, but looks unfortunately do count in the entertainment biz). Jena is probably the only other one I'd say has the "full package" of image, looks, charisma, and artistry. The others, like Jessica and Sam, seem to have confidence issues or look uncomfortable onstage.
  7. According to MJs Big Blog, it was revealed that Jena and Alex were the 2 who voted no. And according to Twitter Alex and Jess both said they hated the twist, with Alex even saying he thought it was stupid and shitty.
  8. Basically what I think is that Caleb is on an entirely different level than everyone else, singing and performing wise. He's the only one I could see being good enough to compete on The Voice, the others are nowhere close. Maybe Sam but only based on vocal ability. For the record, I do take into account everything about a singer, such as pitch, tone, range, and technique, when deciding whether or not I like a singer. Personally I just don't feel like Jessica or any of the other singers left can match Caleb's vocal ability and most likely never will, no matter how much training they receive. At some point opinion DOES become fact. My dad cannot sing a note in tune to save his life, whereas I can sing pretty well. It's a fact I'm a better singer than my dad could ever be. Some people are just better singers, no question, than others, despite personal preference. For example, I like both Ariana Grande and Miley Cyrus and think both have great voices. They are both very very different voices, but I think both are great in their own ways. Now comparing Ariana to somebody like JLo who could probably barely sing a note… there's no question who's the better singer of the 2. Well whatever, it's clear we'll never agree, even though I think I make a perfectly valid point.
  9. Regarding Rebecca Black, does the song Friday mean anything to you? My point is that there are some singers who 99.9% of the world would agree are better than others. Rebecca Black, well she's better now than she was when she made Friday, but she was a below average singer. Even if you don't care for Mariah, you have to admit she can sing. She has a 5 octave range plus whistle register. There's no denying she'd outsing Rebecca any day of the week. Preferring one over the other is one thing- but it's undeniable that Mariah, is in fact, a better singer than Rebecca is or ever would be. She has a far bigger range and better technique. Speaking from a technical level, it's entirely possible for one singer to, in fact, be better than another. It has nothing to do with personal preference. I mean, for the record, I don't even generally care that much for the big "diva" singers like Whitney, Mariah, or Celine, but I do recognize that they are all world-renowned singers and are deemed some of the best voices of our generation. I may not personally care for them, but they all have far above average voices. You can acknowledge something is good without personally liking it.
  10. I honestly thought when Ryan said they were going to do something new that he was gonna make the contestants vote one of themselves out. Now THAT would have been interesting.
  11. According to comments from TVLine, people said they heard Caleb say "We should all vote yes" and then Alex said "I don't know." Also that when Ryan said the first "no" that Jessica shook her head, although there is confusion if she shook her head in a "I can't believe you guys" way or that she herself had also voted no. So it could have been Jena and Alex who voted no, maybe.
  12. I just don't care for his singing because it's put on. He's from Australia but puts on the fake Southern accent because he's a country singer. It just seems fake to me. He's competent though I guess, but guitar is definitely more his strong suit.
  13. What was with that blonde sorority girl saying everything like she was in a porno?
  14. I was quite surprised, actually. If it were me up there, if I had had a shitty night, I'd have voted Yes. I'm sure none of the contestants want to go home and the ones who had a shitty night would get a second chance. My guess is that Caleb and Jena were the ones who voted No, but it could have also been Alex. Anyone who had a solid night probably voted No, because as someone said, why risk being that person who goes home next week? I actually think Jessica was the other person in the bottom 2. But maybe it was Jena since many people don't seem to like her as much as we are being told to. But we'll never know I guess. I too think Sam is probably relieved to be away from the hordes of teen girls. He's going to Berklee in the fall. I think the professors there will help him out a lot. And then in a few years he'll come out with a CD or something. He's got such a great voice, all he needs is some life experience, which I'm sure college can give him. I'd have honestly preferred Jessica to go this week but Sam didn't have a great night last night and he's been due to leave for a long time now. I don't care much for Keith's singing, but he's such a fantastic guitar player.
  15. From what Caleb showed us last night, he seems to have an extremely wide range. He also showed it when he did Dazed and Confused. He's got to have at least 3 octaves, I'd say. I don't know if he's ever had vocal training, but he does seem to have the rock technique down- he never sounds like he's straining to hit the high notes. For those reasons alone, based on technical skill level, is why I say Caleb is far better than Jessica will ever be. You only have the range you are born with. Jessica probably has 2 octaves to her range and as I said, no control over her vibrato. Caleb probably has 3 octaves at least and seems to have better technique than she does. They're on totally different levels, in my opinion. You wouldn't say, for example, that Mariah Carey and Rebecca Black are on the same level of singing, would you? I definitely agree Caleb has a weakness with ballads. I'm a fan of his, but that doesn't mean I can't admit he has weaknesses. It's a completely fair and valid point to make- he struggled with pitch, I don't know if he was sick or maybe he ruined his voice from rehearsal, or it was just the song. He struggled with pitch a lot and doesn't seem to know how to dial his voice back. He really should try to work on it more because he can't make a whole album or do a whole concert of one kind of song. I love seeing his big rock performances every week, but if I watch them all in a row, I'd probably be like "Okay, what else you got?" I do think he's an extremely talented singer and performer and it'd be a shame for people to think of him as just a one-trick pony. With talent like his, he should try his best to become a more well-rounded singer than he is. But again, this is Idol, not The Voice, almost everyone who comes on this show is still a "work in progress" with some issue or other to work on. I'd say Caleb is far ahead of everyone else, even his "bad" performances are still better than some others'. At least he can do one type of song very well. Some of the others have much bigger issues they need to work on (like CJ who couldn't sing ANYTHING in tune, for example)
  16. Maybe so but when you compare him to the rest he's the only one that seems to have any charisma as a performer (maybe aside from Jena, who a lot of people say just seems fake and put on) If we had Chris's and Adams lumped in to this same season, maybe they'd give Caleb a run for his money. But this season there weren't all that many impressive singers, so in comparison, Caleb seems amazing. Clearly there are many people who like his style anyway, since he's never been in the bottom 2 or 3. I think he has a way larger fan base than people would be led to believe- his core audience just isn't very present on social media so people get the impression he is not that well liked. Yeah everything is subjective but I think it ends at a certain point- I mean, Kelly Clarkson, for example, is a far better singer than someone like Britney or Taylor could ever be. That's not subjective. That's about as much of a fact as it can possibly be because Britney and Taylor's vocal abilities, no matter how much training they go through, will never match Kelly's. There might be people who prefer Britney and Taylor over Kelly but that doesn't have anything to do with actual vocal ability. No matter how much training Jessica goes through, I still don't think her voice will ever be anywhere near Caleb's. Her vocal ability doesn't reach as far as his does, when you consider what Caleb has shown he can do with his voice. They're not even remotely on the same level, as far as I'm concerned.
  17. Yeah but if we take a look at all the judges of this show, the only ones who could REALLY sing were Mariah and Steven Tyler. Keith and Harry are okay singers. JLo and Paula are popstars who dance. The rest did not sing at all. Simon is just a record executive, Kara is mainly a songwriter, and the only thing Ellen does regarding music is that she owns a record label. Randy, while not being a singer, is a record producer and Mariah's former manager.
  18. Yes I caught that! I felt embarrassed FOR her.
  19. As much as I don't like Jena, I'd probably rather have her stay over Jessica to be honest. I had completely forgotten about that sing off moment until someone mentioned it. There is just something dead about Jessica to me. I have liked maybe 2 or 3 of her performances the whole season. Interestingly enough, I liked quite a few of Jena's though, even if her voice is annoying. I liked how she re-arranged songs like Creep, for example. And at least she moves onstage which is more than I can say for Jess. Jessica is just so awkward as a performer and has an AVERAGE voice at best. I don't know why people keep going on about how she has such a great voice. It's nothing special to me and she has zero control over her vibrato. She has no stage presence and she always looks incredibly awkward, like she's being forced into doing it. As annoying and pretentious as Jena is, I'd still take her any day over Jessica. She's only 17 and I don't think she can be entirely blamed for getting a big head when the judges give her a tongue bath every week. Unfortunately she's believing her own hype. TPTB only want Jena to win since Majesty is gone and Jena's the last female left who can appeal to the all-important teen/tween market. They view her as a marketable artist, whereas Caleb is too outdated, Alex doesn't have the "look", Sam is awkward, and Jessica doesn't appeal to the younger audience. The reason why she's still kept in is either because there actually are young people out there voting (doubt it though) or people are swayed by the judges' comments and are lead to believe she could be the winner. Despite their efforts, I see her bowing out at third. Hoping for a Caleb/Alex finale but as long as Caleb is there, I don't really care who the other person is. It'd sure be interesting though, having a hard, energetic rocker vs. the quiet coffee shop songwriter. If it was Caleb/Jena, they're both essentially rockers and it wouldn't be as interesting. It'd basically be a battle of who can sing louder.
  20. Caleb was off in the beginning on the Aerosmith song but once he hit the glory note he was fine. It is an issue that these seem to be the only kinds of songs he can perform though. A whole album or a whole concert of that would get old. The tone of his voice may be nothing different from any rock frontman, but to say his voice is not impressive? Listen to the glory notes he hit in the Whitesnake song. It's extremely difficult to be able to scream high notes like that without straining your voice (a la Gokey) He has incredible range and he knows how to use it. His voice is one of the best to ever appear on Idol. If Caleb's voice is deemed "unimpressive" then I don't honestly know how good someone has to be to be deemed worthy of "impressive." The person who I really find has an unimpressive voice is Jessica, actually. Everyone keeps saying how great of a voice she has. It's nothing special to me at all and she has no control over her vibrato. THAT is what I would call an "unimpressive" voice. Caleb is miles better than she could ever be.
  21. I've seen a lot of people suggest Whitesnake for Caleb actually. He seems to appeal to many '80s fans, it's just that not a lot of them are present on social media.
  22. A couple other things I forgot to mention: Jason Mraz was a great mentor this week. I loved how he pointed out even small things like mic and guitar placement. Everyone seemed to get good advice from him. The "banter" between the judges and Ryan has begun to feel sooooo forced. I mean, Ryan jumping into Harry's arms????? Ryan was on something or other tonight. In the beginning, when they had auditions, the banter felt natural and funny. Now for the past several weeks it's felt forced. The whole "bromance" thing between Keith and Harry just seems like a copy of Adam and Blake from The Voice. I've noticed, in fact, that Idol took many notes from the pages of The Voice this year, from the limited voting to showing the names of the songs onscreen like The Voice does. It's starting to look pathetic. Idol is the original, The Voice is essentially its cooler, younger sibling. It looks pathetic for them to keep copying stuff from The Voice.
  23. Yeah I forgot to mention I actually agreed with Keith when he said Caleb focuses so much on getting the vocals right that the emotion usually takes a backseat. I definitely agree. Caleb always nails it vocally, but I often miss the feeling and emotion from him.
  24. I thought Caleb slayed the Whitesnake song. He did okay with the Aerosmith song but the beginning was a little off. I saw many people anticipating the Whitesnake song would be trouble but it ended up being the best performance, basically next to Say Something, of the entire night.
  25. I also don't get why Jena doesn't just go by Jena Asciutto… I understand her point that her name is spelled differently so when you see it on iTunes or an album cover, there'd be no mistaking who it is (like Britney, Cher, Beyonce, Avril, Miley, etc. where there's only one) but I don't see what's wrong with her just going by her name. Unless she thinks people would have a hard time spelling or pronouncing her last name.
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