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I liked this show. I expected the forum to be busy. I agree that fan picks was the wrong way to go. The girls seemed likable. I admittedly know nothing about K-pop. I watched with a skeptical eye after watching all these other documentaries on the abuse and mismanagement of young stars. Personally it's all to choreographed for me, not the dancing but the entire format. But I am not the target market so it will be interesting to see if this group gets any traction.
Ok Wow. I've been biting my tongue this whole season trying so desperately to give these women an opportunity to show how they are innocent victims but damn I was waiting for nothing. These ladies are bonkers! The men most likely were manipulative and have definitely lied but when I feel sorry for lying manipulators then you know that what they were up against was worse. Plugging your ears and stomping your feet and yelling liar liar pants on fire over and over again does not make it true. Emily is straight up looney toons. I kinds figured early on when her drunk friends were so combative and childish at the little party they had week 2 or 3. Birds of a Feather. And Claire! You should be ashamed. Is this lady a therapist? God help her patients. I think Cameron is pretty full of shit but Claire makes him look like a saint with all her scheming. Lauren you are way too smart for these idiots. Please do not succumb to their bullshit. Becca you are too nice for this nonsense. Please limit your time with these toxic pitiful spiteful women. Damn ladies, get it together. And Emily if you seek out therapy and your therapist should challenge your warped view of your self just feel free to fake cry and stomp off. Guys you need to do better too. Don't sign up for marriage if you don't want to be married.
I watched this documentary with the kind of fascination that I watched Leah Reminis show on Scientology and documentaries on LDS Fundamentalists. One things is clear, they all operate the same. White men are the leaders with a direct pipeline to the Higher Being, women are shit, kids are commodities meant to be used as work horses. The premise of all of this extremism is control through Fear, Guilt, Shame and Compliancy. Having said that I do recall watching a few episodes of the Duggards TV shows and at the time thinking I guess they seem nice enough, they can live how they want. I knew nothing whatsoever about Bill Gothard or IBLP until now. I literally felt gross and sick after watching Shiny Happy People. I have a couple questions though. So Jill and Jinger don't follow this BS anymore? Are they still Christian Fundamentalist's? Do they follow another cult now? What about Jessa, I thought she showed some sense occasionally. But she's still all in? What about the one older daughter who didn't get married. Is she the permanent nanny and maid for the rest of time or can she move out and get her own place and have a life?, even if its a cult life? Oh, and Anna! OH FUCKING ANNA! So when that fucking creep Josh gets out of jail (currently supposed to happen in 2032) if she'll have him, he'll go home to his house of small children and pitifully naïve Anna? That sickens me.
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Late to the party but OMG Morgan makes my blood boil. It is so uncomfortable watching her bulldoze over Bihn. I cannot take one more minute of her over the top accusations about how he betrays her over and over and how its all been about him and her dramatically dropping the flowers because she thinks she's such a badass and refusing to let him speak and just keeps up with her hysterics meanwhile she's sitting in the apartment talking trash about him to all the girls. There is either a ton of missing context here or she's a complete phony, majorly damaged and 100% full of shit. Still not one word about what he has actually said that betrays her so much. I guess if the punishment fits the crime he must be a mass murderer. And Bihn, please stop apologizing. You've screwed up and have owned it and apologized enough. Its time to tell her to go to hell. The fact of the matter is she confessed a lie to you, you repeated the lie to a "friend" Justin. So really she's the liar and yes you were wrong to repeat it but SHES THE LIAR! SAY THAT OUT LOUD TO HER and then go find yourself a nice emotionally mature woman to have a calm and normal life with. And Alexis you're full of shit too. You did this on purpose to drum up drama and then use your psychology class words to talk about it. Love the rest of the couples. They all have issues, no one is perfect but they're mature enough to acknowledge them and work on it.
The Great Food Truck Race - General Discussion
lauralu replied to a topic in The Great Food Truck Race
Lots of "personalities" this season. I also agree that food quality should be a factor in winning these competitions. Luring people in with megaphones and gimmicks then overcharging them for food they throw in the garbage shouldn't be a winning strategy. I do love the drag queens though. They seem like nice, fun people. One thing I cannot take, like it literally makes my skin crawl is Ms. Senoritas hair not being tied back. She's got a lot of hair and its beyond disgusting to me that its just hanging there while she's handling food. Just my own little OCD moment. 🤮- 1.5k replies
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100% yes to everything you said! She needs some serious therapy. I would be so put off by her reaction and being called a God Damn Mother Fucking liar, that would be it for me. I absolutely would not tolerate that for one minute. Especially this being one of the first days they're actually able to spend together. Who talks like that? What a maladjusted child she is.. She can stop with all this abandonment Daddy shit. We've all had trauma, bad relationships, loss. To act like a lunatic on morning one of your new marriage because hubby took the dog to daycare is just so over the top I cant even wrap my head around it. And has nothing to do with your Dad and everything to do with the Hurricane Mikayla schtick she's been allowed to get away with. I get the impression that she thinks its cute. No thanks. I would not have one second of tolerance for those games. He may have some fairytale ideas about marriage and yes he could've & should've left a note but just a week prior or heck even a day prior he didn't have anyone to leave a note to. Sometimes that takes minute to remember to include someone else in the most mundane of tasks. My husband still struggles with his 20 years in. LOL. But for adults it just shouldn't be be that hard to say hey I didn't know where you were, can you let me know next time? And not to mention she friggin abandon him in FL. He's sick and she high tales it outta there. I realize she couldn't have been with him but she could've been close by there to check on him, to chat through the door. Hell the other couples even did that. She's selfish unstable brat. She's consuming all my hate this year. Johnny is a man-boy with commitment issues and I don't predict a good outcome for them. The rest are all pretty decent in my opinion. I find Myrla to be kinda ridiculous but Gil seems amused by her and secure in himself so maybe they'll figure it out. I really like Brett & Ryan together and I like Jose & Rachel together. Not for me, but for each other.
YES!!! What she said! I hope they inspire others to jump in.
I love this show because I live not far from this neighborhood they're redoing and I think it's awesome that someone has taken an interest in some reasonable realistic Detroit Restoration, Not just tearing shit sown and building expensive lofts for hipsters. Detroit corruption and red tape will find a way to make anyone trying to do anything good want to scream and quit. People judging this with the same eye that they use for Flip or Flop or Property Brothers seem to be missing the fact that most of these homes (not all) are abandon, stripped, burnt out 90 year old bungalows owned by the city land bank and being bought for $1000!!! You can't buy a broke down car for $1000. These guys aren't taking a million dollar property in a great neighborhood with fabulous schools and amazing views and sinking $500,000 in for renovations. I'm guessing they more than likely live in the properties not only to save money but also to protect them from squatters moving in and from being stripped again. I believe the store, Nine, we saw in the most recent episode is their store. They may find things at salvation army or estate sales and re-sell it there along with some of Keith's art. Now...having said all that, YIKES! It is not my design aesthetic at all! The geometric shapes and animal print, No thank you! The all black exterior looked like it had been in a fire. But I still love them. And some people love their design style. I hope they keep going and going. Edit* I went and read some of the criticisms after I posted and WTF? I'm confused by people with zero investment in Detroit who are concerned that these two guys who live in this city and own a business in this city aren't personally invested enough. Just lets think about that one for a minute ok? I guess it would be better if no one did anything while we wait for someone to do something. Many of these house were abandon for years. There is a good chance that in a house that is $70,000 and 90 years old that someone along the way tiled over tile, or put flooring in over flooring or painted over lead paint. Don't worry about lead pipes because the pipes were stripped and stolen a long time ago.
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I'm wondering is Pastor Dwight is single. I think it would be great if he & Paige hooked up (if he is single). It's all TV hocus pocus but he did seem like he was genuinely concerned for her in that initial meet up they had.
S12.E14: I Expected a Little Better
lauralu replied to humbleopinion's topic in Married At First Sight
Jake has his quirks for sure and he’s not a great a conversationalist but Hailey is just awful. She’s trying too hard to justify her dislike of him. She thinks she’s way too good to be married to someone who wears cut-offs golfing. Lighten up girl, you’re really not that amazing. -
Well I hope she does an upfront questionnaire to every person she ever dates from this point on because there is a very very good chance that she will encounter another guy with either diagnosed or undiagnosed depression. Depression is real and it is scary and it can be genetic but so can lots of things that we don't have the knowledge of upfront. I'm willing to bet she interacts all day long with people currently that have depression that she has no idea of. Quite honestly I find her dull as a doorknob and insecure as well, maybe she has some of her own issues that she isn't being honest about. I mean which is better a guy who is upfront and honest about his issue and willing to work on them or a really "masculine, mentally stable" guy who knocks up other women while dating her. I think she's confused and likes shitty men. He can do better IMHO
They sure did. Seeing that really made it clear that this show is looking for drama and not successful marriages. Not a big shocker but I sort of feel they started out legitimately trying to match people, now its just another reality dumpster fire. Katie - Bye, may I never see your smug face again. Taylor may very well be an opportunistic fame ho but that in no way makes any of Brandon's behavior more acceptable. 2 wrongs make 2 wrongs. He is a nut case ready to blow. Someone (Maybe on here) described Meka as a woodpecker to the side of the head and seriously she is, But what she is saying is right on. Michael is full on pathological liar, but he shouldn't have been expected to speak for Brandon. Zach = garbage. He and Katie would make an amazingly self absorbed, ego maniacal couple. Mindy you can do way better. Austen and Jessica are sweet. I'm glad they worked out.
Getting caught up. Wow Katie is an awful person, truly awful. And Brandon is very unstable. Always ready to fight, and always looking for someone to blame for his insecurities and anger. He’s loves to be the victim. The “experts” couldn’t have done a worse job this season.
Yes! The real reason she doesn't want to be with him IMO is because she's afraid he isn't going to fall in love with her so she's trying to head that off by being the one who ends things. Also she's a spoiled whiny brat who thinks that by not having dreams or any fun that makes her very smart and mature.
YES! to this entire post. So much UGH to go around. Barb is.....just Wow. She's alot. But I don't blame her for her feelings about Madison but she surely could've handled herself better than she did. Madison, I just cant put my finger on it but she just seems so unpleasant. I saw no great personality, none of the things they wanted us to see in her. She's pretty but that's about it. I applaud her for sticking to her convictions but she must've forgot she went on a trashy TV show called The Bachelor and somehow she forgot to mention her convictions until the night before the fantasy suite. Hannah Ann, I was impressed she told Peter off, but again she also must've forgot she went on a trashy TV show. The very premise is that this person is in multiple relationships at the same time until the very end so I didn't get her big "gotcha" moment when she accused him of being in 3 relationships. Also I get she was pissed but she's started feeling herself a little too much during the screw you speech and I thought she went a little too far considering she knew very well she was his second choice. She looked great on the aftershow though. Peter Peter Peter, I like him, I cant help it. He's a wishy-washy man baby, probably can thank Barb for that, but he did OK standing up to her on TV. He's not a monster, he's just bland and not cut out for this. So in my opinion they're all insufferable.