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Everything posted by bounnatalie

  1. One other non-Amber/Matt thought. Given what is supposedly going on with Ryan (? drugs ?TBI) why would McKenzie want to marry him? Their segments are chemistry-free and somewhat like a transaction. I wish MTV would show some footage of their love so we could better understand.
  2. Wow. Why Amber? Why? I'm just waking up so hopefully this makes sense. Was this the first time Amber saw that footage with Matt saying he would never marry her, using the F and F word about bubby and lying about Leah wanting them to get married? The tweets mentioning the truth coming out, etc. now seem ironic. Was she referencing Matt's fake apologies or his behind the scenes behavior? I cannot believe Amber is still with him. The fact that he lied to her about Leah wanting her to get married is disgusting. Why isn't someone intervening for Amber's safety. Clearly she is being emotionally abused. The fact that he used the F and F word was hateful, don't try to explain it away, it's hate speech. What he said to the producer was indeed sexual harassment. I'm glad they didn't edit it out. Her brother Shawn seemed like a voice of reason and his response to Amber's question about the wedding was spot on. He didn't say anything that would escalate Matt, but enough so Amber would get the drift. It's sad because if he said no, I wonder if Amber would have gone into full on defensive mode and defend Matt. The fact that he had to be so careful about what he said to his sister gave me pause for thought. Get Matt off the show.
  3. Amber needs to listen to everything she is saying that is warning her against marrying Matt. Creepy Doctor needs to 'get Farrah onboard' to make sure the cameras are around. Why was Ryan so fixated on that phone during the conversation. What was he doing with it?
  4. I was literally stressing out with Amber's fashion show. No planning or thought whatsoever. Venue, Oh yeah. Over 21- um okay (wait, did I think about my audience and who would buy these cheap clothes), a theme, we can decide that later, Let's get the models first. Oh, I could go on and on but the project planner in me would melt down. Lord knows we know how hard they work now that they told us (while sitting in the house, I might add) Also, I was dying when Farrah told Debra she couldn't stay there. I can't figure out whether she had told her before and Debra ignored it, hoping her hurt puppy look and baby talk would convince Farrah otherwise, or if Farrah had that conversation in her head. On the plus side, Sophia was so cute at her party with her friends! I noticed April looks so much healthier now. I did fast forward through Butch and Kinko's Kathleen (who seems to be Hotel Kathleen now). I started but couldn't deal with the "therapy" session.
  5. I noticed that too! I was so disgusted with Matt's remark and tone. It wasn't even a teasing tone, it was almost hateful. I felt like in that moment, he showed his true self. Also, the more I see Ryan, the more I wonder what happened. In past episodes he was quicker with his responses, and less even tempered (maybe it was because he was with Maci?). I can't put my finger on it, or describe it, but he has some different movements when he moves his head and arms, almost like they aren't controlled.
  6. Yes, that was a boring episode. I particularly disliked the Dawson/Brett as "Rizzo/Sandy" routine.
  7. Liv seemed like such a lovely person. I think she was touched that music was in their blood. I liked that Steven Tyler knew the battles and said, "he survived both?" I thought they were going further back, since they started to go back so quickly, but it seemed like they stopped and dug their heels into George's story, which was fascinating. The fact that they had so many photos was amazing.
  8. Did anyone else wonder what Matt was doing in Gary's house for what seemed like an eternity when he was bringing the bags in? and on that note, Yay less Matt screen time.
  9. Why does Matt speak for Amber? Why does she let him? Do we really need a voice over translation of Amber's feelings from Matt? I laughed out loud at this, Mainly because they did look quite confused. That couch must have super couch suction since the woman, I think Annette, could only get up once. Also, I love that Tyler showed compassion to his wife by bringing up and blaming her mental illness (?) for his issues. How cute was Nova (not throwing apples but before) seems like Cate is really starting to blossom as a mom. Speaking of mental illness, then there's Debra..... Also, Kudos to Christina and Gary for having an adult conversation and Christina trying to get to the real reason for Gary's decision. Wonder if she can rent space in the xerox room! And who could forget, 'I'm not going to just hand boo boo over money' Like you do Matt??
  10. @brooklynista, I agree, much less a chick magnet, definitely a dated concept, but still great midlife crisis-mobile. Again, I'm reminded back to the book photos where he was giving us the finger. Which was "cool" counterculture back in the 80's when Corvettes ruled. Now it's just trying too hard.
  11. I finally made it through this mess of a special. There was one point where I thought Amber totally "got" Matt and wasn't BS'd by him. When they were discussing whose car the Corvette was. I hope there's more of THAT Amber to come. Also, the fact that Matt is so completely impressed with himself couldn't have come through any more clearly. B and A seemed like nice kids though. I did like how B was so sweet to Leah as her big sister and got a huge kick out of A saying he was starving and then no longer hungry after the drive through comment. Matt needs to be off the show. He looks more and more like a creepy old dude, and the fact that Amber bonded more closely with his children (it seemed) was telling.
  12. @rhys, we must be a bit older than you. Brady Bunch! Jan was played by Eve Plumb.
  13. How did they initially think the baby rolled into the storm drain when they had to use something to pull the cover off? Good thing Gabby was there to solve the case, Lord knows the detective couldn't have done his job without her. Ugh. Why writers? Why?
  14. They are doing a poor job of trying to recreate the relationship tension (previously between Meredith and McDreamy) now between Meredith and Riggs. It's like a watered down script from 12 years ago. I also thought the poor man was going to either kill himself or drop dead. Did I too, miss something with Stephanie and DeLuca? Honestly fast forwarded through Owen and Amelia. I just don't care about either of them personally.
  15. I liked this episode because it was different that what we've been seeing lately, though I could have done without Dawson removing a bullet and saving that day. The actors who played the gang members were great, unpredictable. I was trying to fall asleep but the suspense was palpable! The fact that Kelly couldn't save the day and was trapped lurking around was much more believable to me. Poor Stella. The actress did such a great job. It would be nice if that SWAT guy is single and meets Sylvia at Molly's.
  16. I was thinking the same thing. Reminded me of the Geiko commercial with the museum robbers taking an Uber. With all the drama I wouldn't have taken them. Was it really an Uber driver or a driver from the studio? Also, I thought Barb did want to press charges against David but not Janelle, but she couldn't single David out.
  17. Wow. I don't believe Barb keeps Jace for the money. I can't believe how jealous Janelle is of Barb. It is so odd and the Yahtzee story let us know there was something really dark percolating in Janelle's mind. There is more to this crazy, that's for sure. My favorite part was when Kail and Vee sat down and you heard the producer say, "Do we have a camera in there?" which revealed their truth. Frankly, I couldn't understand the whole Janelle/Barb/police scene. Why didn't someone say "Do you have permission to take Jace?" to Janelle. It was chaos and nobody seemed to be in their right mind. I didn't understand why the Police said, "She is his mother" even though Barb is the legal guardian. What if she was his abusive mother? What if it wasn't safe. Just because she is the mother doesn't mean she can just take him from his legal guardian, correct?
  18. I would love to understand how Catherine ended up with all the money. Though I'm just guessing (and I personally have horrible facial recognition skills) wouldn't you have a flicker of recognition when you see your child? I guess that might depend on when you left, not if he was an infant but maybe if he was a toddler?
  19. Agree! It wasn't about needling Janelle on, it was about how she (Janelle) only wants Jace back, she doesn't want to CARE for Jace. I think Barb was trying to make a point. You can't just blow off things you don't want to deal with when you have a kid. (or, at least that's my parenting style!)
  20. Did anyone else think that Chelsea and her friend had such a weird way of speaking? It wasn't vocal fry, but they sounded exactly alike. Any speech therapists out there with insight? I do like that they are very good people and good parents. Love seeing Pete the pig! I thought Janelle was horrible to Barb and would much rather see Barb on camera. What broke my heart was Jace's face when Janelle was trashing Barb at her house. He looked stunned, sad and not sure what to do. The producers need to give Janelle less screen time! How dare she try to cut Barb's screen time. And why are the producers commenting or trying to provide insight when they clearly aren't therapists or psychiatrists. I felt like the producer was just trying to make excuses and subconsciously coerce Barb to reconsider giving Jace to Janelle. Lastly, it's pretty clear that Javi is just so so angry. The cheating, losing his house and family, all that he thought he was coming back home to. I wonder if Kail was stringing him along and he came back thinking they could have patched things up, but the reality of the situation was completely different. She was cheating. I think they need to go to therapy together. Do they have parenting therapy? Vee is the best.
  21. I know. I was watching it and almost fell over. My 13 year old heard her and said, "Really, does she think that's okay?"
  22. Yes, her acting seemed off. Nobody could play a mean girl like Heather Locklear! It was great to see back on screen though!
  23. Was it plausible that they would put a patient under anesthesia and then stop the surgery? I would think it would be more dangerous to put the patient under anesthesia twice. Also, they must have more than a couple of OR's.
  24. I got the feeling that Janelle was telling Dave first, in case he found out partial details and came to any conclusions himself without knowing first. Almost like she wanted to tell ahead of time so he didn't get mad about it.
  25. right! I was cracking up because it was so obvious and I thought I had seen the same truck in other episodes!
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